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MM296 Building Competitive Advantage: Business Strategy and Operations


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MM296 Building Competitive Advantage: Business Strategy and Operations

1. What is the purpose of this assessment?

Module Learning Outcomes Being Assessed

LO1 Apply key concepts, theories and tools to significant, relevant, and authentic problems facing organisations.

LO2 Demonstrate an understanding of core theory and academic literature relating to the areas of business strategy and operations management.

LO3 Explain and debate the perspectives of business strategy in organisations and the role of operations and processes in supporting organisations in the delivery of their strategy.

LO4 Analyse and evaluate a range of data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies, and to use that research for evidence-based decision-making.

LO5 Effectively communicate the results of analysis, synthesis and application of concepts and theories.

2. What is required of this assessment?

The assignment takes the form of a 2,000-word individual written essay, critically addressing strategic and operations management challenges/problems/opportunities facing contemporary organisations today.

The essay will require you to conduct analysis and provide written recommendations for an organisation chosen from a list provided to you – the brief will be provided to you at the start of Spring term, while the list of companies will be released in teaching week 10 of Spring term via Blackboard.

3. What is required of me in this assessment?

Guidelines/details of how to prepare your submission

Revise the entire module. The brief set could be related to any of the topics taught during the module.

Read the brief thoroughly to get a feel for what is being asked of you and the key topics that the brief relates to. Re-read the brief, identifying the instructional words (what you have to do), topic words (the general topic of the essay/analysis) and the constraints (the boundaries of the essay/analysis).

It is strongly recommended that you develop a plan for your essay. Think about:

• Theories/models/frameworks from the module that are relevant to the question

• Key points/arguments to be made

• The sequence and structure of your essay

Use theories/models/frameworks, etc. selectively to analyse the organisation in response to the brief set, concentrating on their critical application rather than simply describing them. Draw on appropriate references, correctly cited using Harvard referencing system, to support your argument.

Ensure you support your answers with relevant supporting literature and real-world examples relevant to the case organisation chose. Do not just provide a descriptive account of the topic in the brief or of the case organisation and what they do. You need to provide a critical analysis of the case organisation against the brief posed. Include both quantitative and qualitative data and analysis as appropriate.

Annotated, labelled, and captioned tabular and graphical presentation may be used as appropriate, but must be supported by critical discussion in the main text and correct referencing. No appendix is to be used in this essay.

The assessment criteria to be used for marking this piece of work

Refer to the marking criteria rubric at the end of this document.

Self-regulation: make sure that you…

To support a successful outcome for this assignment, consider the following:

Analyse the task set and make sure that you understand the brief.

Develop a clear time plan, allocating enough time for reading, analysis, writing and editing. Take into account other demands on your time (such as other assignments) when planning your work. Monitor your progress against your time plan. Allow sufficient time for final editing prior to submission. Raise any questions or concerns with the Module Convenor as early as possible.

Three key pieces of advice based on the feedback given to the previous cohort who completed this assignment

Scope your essay based on the time available – do not feel you need to include all of the tools/frameworks/theories available within your chosen topic. Showing an understanding of a select few, appropriate to the brief set, is enough to conduct a detailed analysis and address the question. Including an endless amount of tools, theories or frameworks will likely result in a more descriptive, as opposed to analytical answer to the question, with the latter the one going to achieve the higher grades.

Read beyond the essential/compulsory reading to have a chance of reaching the higher grades as wider reading will support you in answering the question. Proofread your essay at least once before submission.

Formatting Guidelines

Font, size and line spacing

The assignment should use font size 12. No specified font style as long as it is consistent and sensible. Line spacing should be 1.5 spaced.

Word Limit/Guidance and Penalty Applied

The word limit for your essay 2,000 words. Assignments must not exceed this word count – there is no +10%.

Word count will comprise all text (including text in tables), with the exception of figures and the reference list. No appendix is to be used in this assignment.

You should append to the end of your assignment a note of the number of words used (excluding the reference list). Assignments that exceed the specified word count will be marked to where the specified word count ends and no further. Therefore, any words above 2,000 will not be marked.

Referencing Style


Guidance on Academic Misconduct (including using Turnitin practice area)

The work you produce must be your own.

You should ensure that the work you produce adheres to the University’s statement on academic integrity and to the regulations regarding academic misconduct (such as plagiarism and cheating). You can find information about this at:


You are encouraged to put a draft of your work through the Turnitin practice area to satisfy yourself that the work is your own original work. You can find this in your module area on Blackboard. You can seek advice from the Module Convenor or your Programme Administrator.

4. What resources might I use to prepare my work?

• Module lecture slides, workshops and seminars

• Lecture recordings

• Module reading list – essential and optional

• Practice orientated literature/documents e.g., websites, company reports, magazines, podcasts

• News articles

5. Submissions/Late Submissions

Point of submission

Essays must be submitted in soft copy ONLY via Turnitin. The Turnitin submission point is found on Blackboard/Canvas.

Late submission penalty

University standard penalty applies (see programme handbook).


The University standard policy on academic misconduct applies

6. Feedback arrangements

Type of feedback


Location of Feedback

Turnitin – on report

Date of Feedback

15 working days after submission