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Tutorial 2_Desriptive Statistic


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Tutorial 2_Desriptive Statistic

Question 1

Give the differences in the meanings of the following terms:

a) Descriptive statistic and inferential

b) Qualitative data and quantitative data

c) Population and sample

Question 2

The table below shows the number of storybooks read by some students within a month:

Num of Books







Num of Students







If the mean value is 3, find y.

Question 3

Below is the test score of 20 students in Lecturer A statistic class.

84   100   92   84   63   78   75   30   81   77   97   82   73   69   69   98   46   88   58   75

• Count the mean, mode, median, quartile 1, quartile 2, quartile 3 and interquartile.

• Based on the interquartile (IQR), calculate the outliers score on the left side and the right side

• Calculate the varians and standard deviation

• If the variance for 20 students in Lecturer B statistic class is 300, determine which class has more consistent value? Lecturer A or Lecturer B

Question 4

What is the meaning of skewness of a distribution? Explain your answer by showing the position of the three measures of the central tendency of the distribution.

Question 5

The following is a printout of the output from the SPSS analysis related to a study of the writing achievement of Form 3 students in a district based on gender. Based on the information on the printout, answer the following questions.

• Identify the dependent variable and the independent variable.

• What is the scale of measurement for these variables?

• What methods of statistical analysis have been carried out?

• Is this analysis consistent with the data collected?

• Write a complete report to describe the data in the APA style.