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MBAS903: Business Analytics for Economic and Market Environments


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MBAS903: Business Analytics for Economic and Market Environments

Assessment 2 has 2 parts (A and B). Both are to be completed as individual

assessments and submitted to Turnitin as one file.

PART A (75% of total mark)

Hedonic House Price Model

You have been contracted to develop a hedonic house price model for a

leading real estate group. Use the dataset AMESHOUSING3” to estimate your preferred model with sale price in dollars” as your response variable. Nearly all variables are potentially available as explanatory variables so it will need a careful process of model specification and testing. The goal is to identify variables that assist the prediction of house prices.

Format: Business report for client

Executive summary one paragraph overview of full project including summary of results - 5 marks

Introduction set the scene and background of issue/problem (broad to specific issues) – 5 marks

Literature  review critical summary of  research  literature  relating to  models addressing similar types of  problems  (models  used to  predict  house  prices). Start with a very short summary of each paper, then structure your paragraphs around themes you identify (eg. variables used, methods) and discuss similarities or differences you identify in your research. Do not simply describe each article one by one aim for at least 4 journal articles) - 15 marks Methodology – discuss the process you will follow (eg. checking for multicollinearity between x  variables,  variable  and  model  options  to  be  utilised,  process  of  explanatory  variable selection and what you are looking for in a preferred model no results to appear in this section) – 15 marks

Body and analysis correlation analysis, quick summary of the process and steps ultimately taken in your regression analysis then focus most of this section on presentation, discussion and interpret of the chosen model – 30 marks

Conclusions wrap up the exercise with recommendations for client – 5 marks

PART B (25% of total mark)

Profit Forecasts

Use the dataset “PRODUCTANALYSIS” to produce forecasts of profits. Select Order date” for your  time  variable  and  Profit”  as  your  dependent  variable.  You  will  need  to  select appropriate BY and Explanatory variables. You must compare at least three different types of models, at least one of which must be a hierarchical model (eg. naïve, auto, hierarchical, combined hierarchical).

Format: Brief Report

Executive summary - one paragraph overview of full project including summary of results - 5 marks

Methodology discuss the process you will follow in variable and model selection, including how you will select the preferred model – 10 marks

Results – discuss the process followed in model selection. Present and interpret the results of the chosen model and conduct at least one forecast override – 10 marks