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UFPE2 - Physics Engineering and Physical Sciences


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Academic Year 2022-23

Undergraduate Foundation Programme: Engineering and Physical Sciences

UFPE2 - Physics

Physics Practical – Lab Report

Important details

Unless instructed otherwise by your tutor, please follow the below instructions:

Word count

2,000 words

File type

Word processed with inserted excel or hand drawn tables and graph


12 pitch font – Arial or Times New Roman


Double spaced and justified


Harvard system


Your assignment must include page numbers and word count.

You will receive a 10% penalty for this assessment if you go over the word count by more than 10%. If your assignment is significantly under the word count, you may not have answered the question in full. This will be reflected in your overall mark and feedback given by your tutor.

The word count does not include contents, end of text references or appendices.

Module learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this assessment, you will have met the following module learning outcomes:

Knowledge based outcomes:

LO3. Demonstrate an understanding of safe working practice through experimental work, including the significance and limitations of experimental data and observations

LO4. Record, interpret and analyse scientific data and procedures to inform recommendations for future work

Skills based outcomes:

· Analytical and problem solving

· Carrying out experimental work in a safe, reliable and efficient manner

· Expanding range of mathematical skills and techniques

· Time management, planning and organisational skills

· Ability to work competently and independently

· Aware of own strengths and weaknesses and to understand when support is needed

Assessment criteria:

In order to successfully complete this assessment and meet the above learning outcomes, you must satisfy the following criteria:

AC3.1 Demonstrate understanding of a wide range of experimental and practical instruments, equipment and techniques

AC3.2 Use appropriate apparatus/methods to record a range of measurements

AC4.1 Present data clearly and accurately with the use of appropriate tables and graphs

AC4.2 Interpret scientific results, recognising correlations and causal relationships

AC4.3 Critique experimental design and processes within a given experiment

AC4.4 Offer suitable recommendations and improvements that can be implemented in future experimental work

Assignment instructions:

To carry out the experiment, please refer to the instructions for your specific practical assignment which can be found in a separate document. Your tutor will advise which experiment you will be carrying out in order to complete this assignment.

Completing the lab report

1. Introduction and aim

The introduction should include a clear and detailed aim of the experiment with supporting background research to explain the theory and idea behind the experiment. It should also explain how the results you collect and analyse will enable the aim to be achieved and how the equations relate to the experiment and graph.

2. Apparatus and diagram

You must include a full list of all apparatus and equipment used during the experiment, including quantities, which is supported by a clear and fully annotated scientific diagram. You should also explain the choice of suitable materials and measurement strategies that enable you to produce accurate and precise results.

3. Variables

You must identify and explain the dependent and independent variables within the experiment, including units, values and range. You should also note at least two controlled variables within the experiment, explain how they are controlled and the consequences that will occur if they are not controlled.

4. Method

The procedure must be a detailed and clearly explained step by step method of the experiment with methodical and sequential instructions including range and repeats. You should discuss the suitability of the procedure in relation to the aim of the investigation.

5. Safety

You must identify all hazards related to the experiment and assess the risks associated with these hazards. You should describe and justify the appropriate safety precautions that must be carried out to ensure the experiment is conducted safely in a laboratory environment, including the consequences should this safety issue occur.

6. Results table

Your results must be recorded accurately in a suitable table, with correct headings, units and rounding. The results should be presented clearly and must be fully reliable, including required calculations.

7. Results graph

Your graph must be hand drawn with an appropriate linear scale, units, title and labelled axes. The graph must also be a suitable scale based on the size of your paper. Your results must be accurately plotted on the graph, including a line/curve of best fit and intercept identified (if appropriate).

8. Gradient calculation

You must accurately calculate the gradient of your line of best fit, including correct units. You should explain the relationship between the gradient and the quantity to be determined from your original aim. This may also include reference to the intercept if appropriate.

9. Critical analysis of results - conclusion

This section must include a conclusion based on the stated aim of the experiment and contain a detailed analysis of the results, identifying and describing clear trends and patterns with reference to your results data and graph. You should ensure scientific terminology is used to critically analyse the results, which includes suggestions of any further calculations or experimentation that may be required.

10. Evaluation of scientific investigation

You must provide a scientific critique of the experimental design and procedure of your experiment, identifying at least two areas of improvement. Anomalies should be identified, and explanations given into possible sources of errors and uncertainties. This should also include the consequences of potential/identified anomalies and how this affects the processing of data, looking at future experiments of this nature.

11. Referencing

Throughout the laboratory report, you should have carried out a range of research to support your understanding of the aim of the experiment. In this section, you must provide a complete list of research sources correctly cited in Harvard Referencing style, including the date you accessed the source.


We expect all submitted work to be your own words (apart from in-text quotations), written in a style that reflects your English language level. If you copy other peoples work and present it as your own, this is called plagiarism and is a serious academic offence.

The full details of our policy on academic misconduct can be found at the back of the Programme Handbook.

You must complete a coursework submission sheet and attach this to the front of your assignment.

Submissions without this sheet may be rejected and may result in a mark of 0 being awarded for this assignment.