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ELEC6234 – Embedded Processors NISC implementation


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ELEC6234   Embedded Processors

Coursework Report NISC implementation

1. Introduction

State what you achieved in this assignment. Summarise briefly your preparation work,  your experimental work, and results. Specifically, state which parts of the assignment were delivered according to the requirements and summarise any extensions to the basic specification you have carried out with references to the sections.  ( approx. 0.5 page).

Design Details Form

Total Cost:


Memory bits:



Control Word Format

(list and briefly describe the instructions you the bit fields

in the Control Word of your design )

Your affine transformation program

(here provide your program the Control Words  of your program memory)

Design Block Diagram showing your modules, data signals and control signals (do not use Quartus generated RTL diagrams)

2.  Overall architecture of the design and simulations

Describe your processor architecture , showing the Control Path and Data Path. You can show snippets of your SystemVerilog source code. There is no need to show the full source code for all your modules in the report as the full source code must be submitted separately.  Do not copy any code or diagrams from the lectures. Give your Modelsim testbenches and Modelsim results.  DO NOT make statements such as: Figure 2 shows the simulation results of the module functioning correctly.  Instead, explain the results shown in the figures to demonstrate that you understand how the tested modules work. (max 2 pages).

3. FPGA implementation 

Explain how you tested your design after programming the FPGA. In case you had to edit your original code and resynthesize explain what you did.  ( approx. 1-2 pages)

4. Conclusion

Give your general  conclusion, comment on what you learnt.  Comment on ways to improve the design or extend it further.  ( approx.0.25 0.5 of a page)

1. 7. References

Quote the sources of your information. Especially make reference to any sources you used in the development of your code.