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ACCT 361 Accounting Analytics – Spring 2023


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ACCT-361: Accounting Information System Development Project

Application of Business Processes and Embedded Controls


This is an individual project that requires the development of an event-driven IT application prototype for a business process in your assigned industry. The project will conclude in a demonstration of your working database.

The objective of the project is to:

Apply the cumulative instruction provided in this course to a final project that integrates your understanding of the course material and the database management skills presented throughout the semester.

Increase understanding of how technology affects organizations, and the varying information needs of different industries; and

Increase understanding of how the use of technology and the knowledge of business processes can help accounting professionals produce and deliver more valuable information.

Organization of the Project:

Students will be assigned the responsibility of creating an event-driven information system for a business they have been assigned. You should make sure that your business process incorporates some of the unique information aspects of the industry you have studied. Industry assignments are as follows based on students last name:

Last names starting with letters A – D:   Computer/Electronic Store

Last names starting with letters E – H :  Health Food Store

Last names starting with letters  I – L:    Sporting Goods

Last names starting with letters M – P:   Home Hardware Store

Last names starting with letters Q – T:   Clothing

Last names starting with letters U – Z :  Fast Food Restaurant/Food Truck

REA Model:

Steps of the Project:

Using the information from course module material and the Access techniques learned in the Controls lab, Forms lab, Tables labs, Query labs, and Report lab, create the AIS database for your company’s partial sales/collection cycle. Use the following steps to work through completing your database:

1.   (MS Word) Create the Logical model for your company from the REA model given for this project. This is Assignment 2.  Make sure the names of your table and the attributes of the tables are customized to your assigned industry. Do not use Item# or Sales Clerk” primary key names be creative and have the names fit your industry. Also collect data on your customers which fit the needs of your industry.

2.   (Access) From the Logical model:

•    Start with a new (blank) access database (DO NOT  USE AN EXISTING COMPLETED OR PARTIALLY COMPLETED ACCESS DATABASE AND MAKE ALTERATIONS) and create all tables, complete with required attributes; primary keys, foreign keys, and non-key attributes for each  of the  business  events  (including  resources,  agents)  using  a  new  Microsoft  Access database.

3.   (Access) Invoke real-time information risk controls. Your new tables should have the following internal controls implemented (see Controls Lab)

•    the Now Date for the Date field in your operating event tables

Auto number as the data type for the primary key for each of your two Operating event tables (see video about Auto number in Course Resources for system project folder)

•    Use input masks for the Zip Code, SS#, State abbreviation, and phone number in the tables containing these non-key attributes

4.   (Access) Establish Referential integrity (Tables Lab)

5.   (Access) Complete your database.

•    Create one form for each operating event to record a new instance of that event (see Forms Lab)

•    Create one form for each resource and agent table. This is to allow adding a new resource or agents to the table via a form (not direct input like Step 4). Use this form to populate at least 10 records for each resource or agent table.

•    Create a main menu to be shown when your database opens (Controls Lab)

•    Create a submenu form for each operating event. These menu and submenu forms will help organize your system and allow access restrictions by making them password protected. A user of your system must be able to access all forms and reports using menus and not the database objects window. (Controls Lab)

•    Test the accuracy of your prototype. This will require you to use your operating event forms to add new records to each operating event table. There should be a minimum of 10 operating events for each operating event table created.

•    Password protect your database using the password: klam

•    Require a password before allowing access to your database (Controls Lab)

•    Hide the navigation pane from users (Controls Lab)

•    Create a minimum of two reports. Required Reports are:

o Sales by Customer Report (Query Lab)

o EQOH Report listing EQOH by total number of items and total dollar amount of items (EQOH = Ending Inventory in US Dollars) (Query Lab)

•   Add custom logos, color, graphics, design to your database as desired.

Submission Required at Time of Completion:

1.   For the submission link provided in the AIS Project tab on Blackboard:

a.  The Logical Model of your company in PDF with the file name: “YourLastName_FirstName_Spring23_LM.pdf”

b.  Your completed and populated project Access database with the file name: “YourLastName_FirstName_Spring23_DB.accdb”

2.   For submission to the Kaltura Video Gallery tab in Blackboard:

a.  A three- to five-minute video presentation of your system using the Kaltura Capture Space tool on Blackboard. The video link to upload will be to the Media Gallery tab in our Blackboard course.

All databases should ONLY use klam as the password throughout this system project.

Grading Rubric (Based on 100%):

Starting Grade


Extra Points Awarded

Industry relevance (extra attention)


Extra creativity/effort/complexity (in general)

+1 to 4%

Extra effort on controls (depending on scope)

+1 to 3%

Extra report(s) (depending on complexity)

+1 to 2% (each)

Extra search feature


Extra set value function


Extra password protection
