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BIA B453F Assignment 3


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BIA B453F Assignment 3

Due date: April 14, 2023

Weighting: 40% of the final course score

In this individual assignment, you are to extract (or select) a dataset from a social media of your choice and employs exploratory data analysis techniques to study a real-world social media mining / analytics topic. This assignment contains two stages. In the first stage, you need to decide a topic to study and pick a dataset from either data.world or kaggle.com. The selected dataset should contain at least 5 attributes (including user text comments) for analysis. You are strongly encouraged to discuss with your instructor about the chosen dataset beforehand. In the second stage, you need to conduct data analysis on the selected dataset and write a report on your findings with an explanation of your source code. Your report, source code, and the video URL should be submitted to the OLE by Apr 14 (Fri) 5pm. The length of your video should be within 10 minutes including a verbal explanation of the first 3 items in Part C followed by the code execution demonstration (no time limit). Please hand in your work early as the OLE is often busy around the deadline. Note that 10% of

the marks awarded to the assignment will be deducted for every calendar day overdue.

Grading Criteria: This individual assignment will be graded based on the following components:

Part A: Choosing Topic (10 marks)

     Discussion with the instructor about the proposed topic: 5 marks

    The appropriateness of the chosen dataset: 5 marks

Part B: Source code for data analysis (40 marks)

     Correctness: 10 marks

     Exploratory data analysis: 20 marks

For example,

o Basic statistics: average, median, frequency count, etc.

o Correlation / Regression

o Clustering

o Sentiment Analysis

o Word Cloud

     Data visualization: 10 marks

Part C: Data analysis report and video demonstration (50 marks)

    Social media source and dataset attributes: 10 marks

     Purpose of the analysis: 10 marks

     Findings and insight: 20 marks

     References, style and video presentation and demonstration: 10 marks