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CISC-235 Data Structures W23 Assignment 3


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CISC-235 Data Structures W23

Assignment 3

March 25, 2023

General Instructions

Write your own program(s) using Python. Once you complete your assignment, place all Python files in a zip file and name it according to the same method, i.e.,“235-1234-Assn3.zip”. Unzip this file should get all your Python file(s).

Then upload 235-1234-Assn3.zip into Assignment 3’s entry on onQ. You may upload several times if you wish.  However, onQ keeps only the last uploaded file. The newly uploaded file will overwrite the old file. Please check your files after uploading.  We will check the latest submission you made following the required naming.

You must ensure your code is executable and document your code to help TA mark your solution.  We suggest you follow PEP81 style to improve the readability of your code.

All data structures involved must be implemented by yourself, except for the built-in data types, i.e., List in Python.

An I uploaded the wrong file” excuse will result in a mark of zero.

1 Word-Frequency Hash Table (40 points)

In Assignment 2, we created a modified version of AVL tree for saving word frequency (word is the key, frequency is the value associated with key) infor- mation in a given document.  In this assignment, we will redesign the solution leveraging two types of hash table, i.e., closed hash table (with linear probing) and open hash table (with lists). You can not use any built-in hash-based data structure offered by Python.  You should consider the  “deletion” flag for the closed hash table.

Specifically, Your tasks are:

1. Implement two classes named ClosedHashTable and OpenHashTable. Both classes should have a load from file(self,  file path)  function.   This function aims to read content from a file and save word-frequency infor-mation for all words appearing in the file in the hash table.  Note that you cannot calculate the word frequency outside your hash table. In other words, when you scan the word sequence, you should insert the key to the hash table and update its frequency when you see another occurrence of the word. You can reuse your A2’s code to parse a document and generate word/token sequences.

2. Test the performance of your ClosedHashTable and OpenHashTable by searching a list S containing K words, where half of the K words are in the hash table. You need first to call your load from file(self, file path) function to initialize your hash table using a given sample test file (named A3test.txt).  Varying K by setting it to be 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.  Print out the number of steps required for each search. For instance, K=10, means you should create a word list containing 10 words, 5 of them exist in the A3test.txt, and 5 of them do not exist. Then you perform 10 searches on the hash table for the 10 target words. Your search function should return a value indicating whether the search target exists in the hash table and, if it exists, how many steps have been taken to find the key.  Hint:  you can return -1, indicating the key does not exist in the hash table.

To implement the above two functionalities, you need to implement at least an insert and search function for your hash table.   You also need to design your hash function and determine the size of your hash table following the tips introduced in class. You are encouraged to explain your design in comments so TAs can quickly get your idea. If you decide to follow an existing hash function, explain that in comments as well.

2 Graph (60 points)

2.1 Random Graph Generation: 10 points

Create a Graph class (and a vertex class if needed). Your graph class should have

an initialization function to create a random connected graph with a specified

number of vertices, and random weights on all the edges, such that the edge-

weights all come from a specified range of integers.

The construction of random graphs is a huge topic and many approaches have

been developed. For the purposes of this assignment, I suggest the following very

simple method:

Let  the   set   of   vertices   be   { 1 ,   2 ,   . . . ,   n}

for   i   =  2  . .  n :

x  =  randint (1, i −1) # x  i s   a  random  integer   in  the  range   [ 1   . .   i −1]

le t   S  be  a  randomly   selected   sample  of  x  values  from  the   set   { 1 ,   . . . ,   i−1} for   each  s   in  S :

w =  random (10,100)

add  an  edge  between  vertex   i   and  vertex   s ,  with  weight  w

2.2 Compare BFS with Prims algorithm: 50 points

Implement two functions within the graph class you created in 2.1.  One for Breadth-First Search(BFS) (10 points) and the other for Prim’s Minimum Span- ning Tree algorithm (20 points).

Compare the efficiency of them by performing the below experiments (20 points):

for  n  =  20,  40,  60:

repeat  k  times :  #k  i s   an  input  parameter

generate  a  random  graph  with  n  vertices

use  BFS  to   find  a  spanning   tree   ( let   i t s   total   weight  be  B)           use  Prim  to   find  a  spanning   tree   ( let   i t s   total   weight  be  P)         compute  Diff #Diff   i s   the   percentage  by  which  B  i s   larger   than  P

compute  the   average   of  the   values   of   Diff   for   this   value   of  n Report  the   average   value   of   Diff   for   each  value   of  n .

For example, if B=20, P=10, Diff = (20 − 10)/10 = 100%