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ECON 482. Natural Resource Economics FINAL EXAM


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ECON 482. Natural Resource Economics


Due: Saturday, 12 Noon, April 8, 2023


1. (40 marks) Use GAMS or the solver in R to solve this question. Consider a dynamic model where extraction of fossil fuel at time t is equal to 20% of the reserves level at time t, i.e. qt =  0.2Rt. Profits from extraction are captured by

πt   = 5qt   10 qt2/Rt .

Extraction is permitted between time t = 0 and t = 20. The discount rate is r = 0.05, the initial level of reserves is R0  = 200, and reserves evolve according to Rt+1  = Rt   qt .

a)  What is the present value of the sum of profits?

b)  What is the percentage of the reserves that are left unexplored?

Now assume the operations above contribute to the evolution ofa stock pollutant:

Zt+1  = Zt  + 0.01qt   0. 1Zt

The initial stock of pollution is Z0  = 1. Damages from pollution are captured by D(Zt) = βZt2, where β = 5.

c)  What is the present value of the sum of damages?

d)  What is the present value of the sum of welfare?

e)  What is the present value of welfare of time t = 20?

2. (40 marks) Suppose that a small power plant of about 120 MW capacity burns subbituminous coal to produce 1 TWh (= 1 million MWh) of electricity annually. [It is important to distinguish between power,’ which is the electricity that can be supplied at any moment and is measured in MW, and energy,’ which is power multiplied by time and measured in MWh.] The coal plant is to be replaced by a biomass facility producing the same amount of electricity. Assume that coal was transported by road over an average distance of 20 km, but that biomass is transported over an average distance of 40 km (because the wood needs to be gathered over a large area). The transportation of both coal and biomass is taken to release 62 g of CO2  per tonne-km. Assume further that 0.40 tonnes of coal releases 0.94 tCO2 to produce a MWh of energy, while 0.65 t of biomass releases 1.24 tCO2 per MWh of energy.

(a) How much more CO2 is released during the year when biomass is burned instead of coal as a fuel source?

(b) Now assume that wood biomass contains 200 kg of carbon per cubic meter (0.733 tCO2/m3). Suppose that a hectare of forest is harvested when the stand’s volume of biomass reaches 250 m3 . How much area is required to support the biomass power plant? What is the area of forest required if harvest occurs at 400 m3?

(c) Suppose the mean annual increment (MAI or average annual growth) of the forest is 50 m3/ha (which is attainable in some plantations in the U.S. South). How long does it take before the biomass conversion project is carbon neutral for physical carbon discount rates of 0%, 5% and 20%? How do the results change if the MAI is 5 m3/ha, which is more representative of a Canadian forest?

3. (40 marks) Consider a village on the edge of a lake that extracts rents from fishing. There are 200 fishermen in this village. Each fisherman has one boat. Boats go onto the lake when the       harvest season starts and return weeks later when it ends. The cost of sending out a boat onto the lake is $600. The village's catch in a fishing season is determined by Y(E) = 1000E – 4E2, where Y is measured in kilograms and E is the number of boats the village sends out onto the lake. Because all boats have the same productivity, each boat will catch Y(E)/E kilograms of fish. The price of a kilogram of fish is $2.

(a) What is the unemployment rate under an open access regime?

(b) What is the economically optimal unemployment rate?

(c) What is the rent of an employed fisherman when the village is optimizing fishing effort?

(d) What is the village's optimal rent?

(e) When the lake is optimally harvested, does the village have enough resources to support an unemployment insurance program that guarantees a minimum wage of $200 for an unemployed fisherman? Show your work.

(f) Would the village be able to sponsor a $500 unemployment insurance? Would you consider this unemployment program to be fair? Show your work. (HINT: compare the rents of an employed fisherman sponsoring the program with that of a beneficiary.)