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ECON 5248 Problem Set 2


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Problem Set 2

ECON 5248

April 5, 2023

Please hand in this problem by 6 pm on 19th of April.  Although you can discuss issues with fellow students, the work you hand in should be your own.

Q1. Choose a series from us employment, the total employment in different

industries in the United States.

Please fit the following ETS models to the data and select the best fitting model, explaining the criterion or criteria you used to define ”best”.


yt  = ℓt 1 + bt 1 + st m + εt

ℓt  = ℓt 1 + bt 1 + αεt

bt  = bt 1 + βεt

st  = st m + γεt


yt  = ℓt  1 + φvt 1 + st m + εt

ℓt  = ℓt 1 + ϕbt 1 + αεt

bt  = ϕbt 1 + βεt

st  = st m + γεt


yt  = (ℓt 1 + bt 1 + st m )(1 + εt )

ℓt  = ℓt 1 + bt 1 + α (ℓt 1 + bt 1 + st m ) εt bt  = bt 1 + β (ℓt 1 + bt 1 + st m ) εt

st  = st m + γ (ℓt 1 + bt 1 + st m ) εt

(d) Consider also the model in (a), but with a log transformation.

Q2. Obtain the STL decomposition for the data set in Q1, either for the

original data or for the log transformed data, whichever is most appro- priate from Q1.

(a) Are the residuals from the STL model white noise?

(b) Compare the STL estimates of trend and seasonal from STL with those of your best model from Q1.