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HW6: myNode Indexing


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HW6: myNode Indexing

Due: April 2, 11:59 PM (on Canvas)

NOTE: Please submit your work by April 2 on Canvas. This assignment is to be done individually; you can discuss the problem with your classmates, but you should code your own solutions independently. This programming assignment would be 25% of the total assignment grade across all homeworks.

The goal of this assignment is to simulate the myNode file indexing in C/C++. We will save the contents of a file on the disk using this simulated myNode. (myNode is a simplified version of  the Unix inode for file indexing.)


Irrespective of any design decisions you make,

1.    Your program should take two input files from the command line: input_file, file_access_trace.  (Tutorial on command line parameters: http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/DEN36Up4/)

2.   Refer to the provided “access_trace1.txt” and “input_file1.txt” files for expected format of the files and initial testing.

3.   For final evaluation of your code, we will be using a different input files, which will be in exactly the same format as the provided files but will have different parameters, values. For full credit, your code should work on different input files.

4.   Your programs will primarily be evaluated for functionality. The greater the number of test cases they pass, the greater will be the score.

5.   Partial credit can be given. However, a program failing several test cases will receive a very low grade.

6. No changes to the submitted programs (however minor) will be accepted after the submission. Please test your programs thoroughly before submission and ensure that you are submitting the best version.

7. Your programs will be evaluated for the stated functionality. Please ensure they compile and run as expected. Programs that fail to compile or run will receive a zero.

8.   Testing and debugging are integral part of programming. Before submission, you are responsible for creating test cases and testing your programs.

9.   Sharing of code in any form is strictly prohibited. You can share the test cases, though.

Assume that an operating system is using the following myNode indexing scheme for accessing file blocks on the disk: For this assignment we will assume that the myNode has14 pointers of the index block. The first 12 pointers point to direct blocks, i.e., they contain addresses of blocks that contain data of the file. The last two pointers point to the indirect blocks. The 13th pointer points to a single indirect block, which is an index block containing not data but the addresses of blocks that do contain data. The 14th pointer points to a double indirect block, which contains the address of a block that contains the addresses of blocks that contain pointers to the actual data blocks. The following picture illustrates myNode structure.

Simplifying assumption: In this assignment we will simulate each block in the input file as a separate file on our disk. The block pointers, in that case, will be the file names storing the     corresponding block data.

Your program should take two input files from the command line: input_file, file_access_trace. “Input_file” will contain information about the file that needs to be stored in the simulated myNode. This file has two columns: “block number,” and data in block” . As the names imply, “block number” indicates the number of this block in the original file to be stored (block numbering starts from 0). “Data in block” contains the data stored in the corresponding block number. A sample input_file file input_file1.txt” is released with the assignment. Use this file for initial testing of your code.                                                                                                        “File_access_trace” is a sequence of block requests from the input_file. It has requests for reading or writing data into the file. E.g. entries may look like:                                                    R, 100 //read block number 100 from the file                                                                                 W, 21, Hello //Write/overwrite the contents of block number 21 with the string Hello”            Let us consider the contents of test_file.txt for example:                                                               #block number, data in block                                                                                                          0, hi

1, hello

2, test

3, msg

A read request to block 2 should return the string test,” similarly a write request W, 2, test123” should replace the contents of block 2 with “test123.” A subsequent call “R, 2” should now          return test123.”

A sample file_access_trace (“access_trace1.txt”) accompanies this assignment. Use this file  along with input_file1.txt” for initial testing. (Create more files for further testing.) For final evaluation, we will use a different set of test files.

In this assignment we will simulate each block in the file as a separate file on our disk, e.g., a   new file in a subdirectory inside the current working directory. For example, you can create a   subdirectory called input_file1_dir” to store all the blocks” corresponding to the                     “input_file1.txt.” Let us again consider the contents of test_file.txt (mentioned above). This file has four blocks. The myNode of this file will contain: file name, i.e., “test_file.txt,” and four    pointer values. In our simulation these pointers are the names of the files which store these       blocks. For instance, if we store block 0 (containing hi”) in zero.txt,” block 1 (containing       “hello”) in one.txt,” block 2 (containing test”) in two.txt,” block 3 (containing msg”) in      “three.txt,” then the contents of myNode would be: “test_file.txt,” “zero.txt,” “one.txt,”

“two.txt,” “three.txt.” You should save the myNode in a special file named super_block.txt” in the same directory as other files. You can choose any format for saving the myNode contents.     For simplicity, in this assignment we will assume that, in case of indirect block access, each        block can store 100 file pointers (or names in this case). Therefore, the 13th pointer value in our myNode will point to a file which can contain, at max, 100 file block pointers (remember in our case these pointers are the file names). Similarly, the 14th pointer value will point to a file which contains (at max) 100 file names, each of these files in turn will contain (at max) 100 file names each of which will contain actual data blocks.

While serving a read or write request for the file your program should print all the intermediate files it reads. For example, on servicing the R, 12” request, it should print something like:        “Accessed pointer 12 of myNode; next, read the 0th entry of the file level1_indirection.txt’ .”  (Here we are assuming the counting starts from 0). Similarly, when servicing double indirection blocks, you should print all the intermediate files read and the positions/pointers that were         accessed.

Your submission will be graded for the following (numbers in parentheses are points):

1. Correct functioning of Read operations:

A.  Read operation in direct blocks. (7)

B.  Read operation in single indirect block. (12)

C.  Read operation in double indirect block. (16)

2. Correct functioning of Write operations:

A.  Write operation in direct blocks. (7)

B.  Write operation in single indirect block. (12)

C.  Write operation in double indirect block. (16)

Please note that part of the correctness of your Read and Write operations will be determined by the intermediate print messages, as mentioned above. So please make sure these messages are accurate and readable.

3. If the input_file” specifies a file greater than the maximum file size, your program should throw an error message: “input file greater than max supported file size!” (5)

4. If the trace file tries to access an invalid block number, your program should throw an error message: “Invalid block number!” (5)

Answer the following in your readme file:

5. What is the maximum number of blocks (in a file) that the above myNode can support? Why? Show your work. (3+5)

6. What naming convention do you use for naming the files containing the input file blocks? (You should explain how do you name the files pointed by the direct block pointers in the myNode? Similarly, how do you name the files pointed by the single indirect block and double indirect block?) A sample file naming convention is outlined in the Sample expected output”  section below. (Feel free to use it if you like.) (7)

7. Prepare a README.txt” file for your submission. The file should contain the following: (5)

a)   Instructions for compiling and executing your program(s). Include an example command line.

b)  If your implementation does not work, you should also document the problems in the README file, preferably with your explanation of why it does not work and how you would solve it if you had more time.

c)   If you did not implement certain features, you should list them as well.

d)  Answers to questions 5 and 6.

8. You should also comment your code well. The best way to go about it is to write comments while coding.

What should you submit?

Upload your submission as a zip file on Canvas. The zip file should contain:

1. All your code files and any other files that might be needed for executing your code.

2. README.txt

Sample expected output

The sample output below for the program is assuming the following file naming convention for  saving the file blocks: Indices in the myNode (inside the “super_block.txt” file) will be called     zero.txt, one.txt, ... , thirteen.txt. (Note that the file names are numbered from zero to thirteen for the fourteen pointers in myNode.) From there, levels of indirection are denoted with an underscore, followed by an index number. For example, the indirect block pointed to by the

myNode ptr at index twelve will be called twelve_0.txt. Block number 112, the first       data block from Node Thirteen (which uses level-2 allocation) is called thirteen_0_0.txt.

Assuming you write your program in file named myNode.cpp, the following commands can be used for compiling and running your program on on a Linux VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure) at khoury.northeastern.edu:

g++ -std=c++11 myNode.cpp -o myNode.out

./myNode.out input_file1.txt access_trace1.txt

Running the program using the input_file1.txt and access_trace1.txt files supplied with the assignment, would produce the following sample output.

Read request for block number 0.

Accessed pointer 0 of myNode: zero.txt

Reading from zero.txt.



Read request for block number 12.

Accessed pointer 12 of myNode: twelve.txt

Accessed pointer 0 of twelve.txt: twelve_0.txt

Reading from twelve_0.txt.


hi_ 12

Read request for block number 100.

Accessed pointer 12 of myNode: twelve.txt

Accessed pointer 88 of twelve.txt: twelve_88.txt

Reading from twelve_88.txt.


hi_ 100

Write request for block number 100.

Accessed pointer 12 of myNode: twelve.txt

Accessed pointer 88 of twelve.txt: twelve_88.txt

Read request for block number 100.

Accessed pointer 12 of myNode: twelve.txt

Accessed pointer 88 of twelve.txt: twelve_88.txt

Reading from twelve_88.txt.


Hello_ 100

Write request for block number 12.

Accessed pointer 12 of myNode: twelve.txt

Accessed pointer 0 of twelve.txt: twelve_0.txt

Read request for block number 12.

Accessed pointer 12 of myNode: twelve.txt

Accessed pointer 0 of twelve.txt: twelve_0.txt

Reading from twelve_0.txt.


Hello_ 12

Read request for block number 1000.

Accessed pointer 13 of myNode: thirteen.txt

Invalid block number!

Read request for block number 212.

Accessed pointer 13 of myNode: thirteen.txt

Accessed pointer 1 of thirteen.txt: thirteen_ 1.txt.

Accessed pointer 0 of thirteen_ 1.txt: : thirteen_ 1_0.txt.

Reading from thirteen_ 1_0.txt.



NOTE: The picture below would help you visualize how the data blocks are organized, save and the text file naming convention used in the output above.