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ECON6002 Tutorial 2


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Tutorial 2 (Ramsey Model)

NOTE: The tutorial problems are covered by the online tutor. If you have any ques- tions about the tutorial questions that are covered by the tutor, please post the ques- tions (after you have tried working on the problems) on Ed and the tutor will respond. Please use this as a learning mechanism and not just a channel to get the solutions.

1.  Describe how each of the following affects the c˙ = 0 and k˙ = 0 curves in Figure 2.5 (phase diagram) of Romer’s textbook, and thus how they affect the balanced-growth-path values of c and k:

(a) A rise in θ .

(b) A downward shift of the production function.

(c) A change in the rate of depreciation from the value of zero assumed in the text to some positive level.

2. The productivity slowdown and saving. Consider a Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans economy that is on its balanced growth path, and suppose there is a permanent fall in g .

(a) How, if at all, does this aect the k˙ = 0 curve?

(b) How, if at all, does this affect the c˙ = 0 curve?

(c) What happens to c at the time of the change?

(d) Find an expression for the impact of a marginal change in g on the fraction of output that is saved on the balanced growth path.   Can one tell whether this expression is positive or negative?

(e) Assuming the production function is Cobb-Douglas, f (k) = ka, rewrite your answer to part (d) in terms of ρ , n, g , θ, and α .  (Hint: Use the fact that f\ (k* ) = ρ + θg .)