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Maths in Action B: Fluid Dynamics Assignment 5


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Maths in Action B: Fluid Dynamics

Assignment 5

Upload your report in Gradescope on Learn by 5 April at 12 noon. The report should be a single pdf file written in LTX using the template on Learn. The page limit is 3 pages in the format of the template, including figures, tables, and references. In addition to the 3 pages, please include all computer codes you used in an appendix (this appendix is not marked). See Learn for details of the marking criteria.

This assignment is devoted to the boundary layer developing when a uniform flow impinges on a half plane. In Workshop 5, we approximated the Navier-Stokes equation and divergence- free conditions by

udxu + wdzu = dzzu, dxu + dzw = 0, (1)

where we use scaled (non-dimensional) variables. We showed that the solution for x > 0 and z > 0 can be found in the form

u =尸(n),

w = 2X1/2

(nf!(n) - f(n)), with n = z/x1/2.

The function f (n) satisfies the boundary-value problem

ffff + 2ffn = 0, with f (0) = f (0) = 0 and lim f (n) = 1.

2 nT

For this assignment, you will write a code that solves (2) numerically and use it to:

1. Illustrate the behaviour of the solutions u(x, z) and w(x, z) as functions of x and z.

2. Obtain an explicit formula for the (non-dimensional) boundary layer thickness, defined


8(x) = (1 — u(x,z)) dz.


3. Obtain an explicit a formula for the (non-dimensional) viscous stress at the wall

= dzu(x, z)|z=0.

(Each formula involves a constant that you can estimate from the numerical solution for f (n).)


• The Python function scipy.integrate.solv^bvp solves boundary-value problems such as (3). You can use this or any other similar function.

• You will need to rewrite (3) as a system of first-order ODEs.

• For the numerical solution, the boundary condition lim7T8 f (n) = 1 needs to be imposed at a large, finite  I found that imposing f (10) = 1 works well.

• Boundary-value problems solvers are iterative and need an initial guess for the solution. I found that f (n) = f (n) = f (n) = en is a suitable initial guess.

• Your solution for u = f!(n) should look like the figure below.