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BEMM389 Business Analytics and Research Methods Assignment 1


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BEMM389  Business Analytics and Research Methods

Assignment 1:  Individual Report (70%, up to 2000 words)

Summary Report

Deadline: 1 March 2023 at 12:00

Submission: eBART, submission of slides as PDF


Over the past decade, Airbnb and other peer-to-peer platforms have radically disrupted both the residential property and temporary (visitor) accommodation markets in many cities around the world. You have recently joined the mayor's team in [a city of your choosing] and the mayor has requested a briefing on the current nature of Airbnb development in the municipality.

Using the latest data provided on Inside Airbnb (http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data.html), you have been tasked with producing a summary report.  This should:

.    Comprise no more than 10 slides.

.    Be produced in PowerPoint (or equivalent) initially and submitted as a PDF via eBART.

.    Contain an appropriate blend of text, graphical and/or visual material.

.    Have a professional appearance (n.b. the slides may appear later in the Mayor's presentations!)

.    Briefly explain, contextualise and comment on the scale, scope and quality of the source data.

.    Offer, where appropriate, recommendations for future policy and/or interventions.

You have been given full discretion to investigate the data set (e.g. to decide which tables, files to work from) and determine the final content and messaging of the report, although the narrative must be evidence-based.   The  Data  Dictionary on the  Inside Airbnb site will  help you decode what  is contained in each column of each data table.

As a minimum, you have been asked to start with the relevant listings.csv file for the municipality and to use it to investigate:

.    The average cost per night, including a 95% confidence interval, for each different type of room offered on Airbnb for [… .] in 2022.

.    Is there a statistically-significant difference in the cost of different types of accommodation listed, and is residential (i.e. home-based) accommodation cheaper than other types?

.    Which districts of the city have the most listed properties, which districts are the most expensive to stay in, and which districts have the most residential (i.e. home-based) listings?

.    Is there a difference in cost between staying in the city centre districts and further afield?

.    To what extent do reviews drive price charged per night?

From a perspective of sustainable urban development, the mayor is interested in social justice for local residents as well as the potential economic benefits which Airbnb may bring to the city.  More ambitious analysis will explore, but is not restricted to, the critical issues of:

.    What differentiates super-hosts from ordinary hosts, and should they be supported?

.    Some hosts offer multiple properties.  Who are these owners?  What are the characteristics of multiple ownership?  Are particular areas of the city more or less affected by multiple properties being offered?  What are the potential effects on local residential property markets?

Stronger analysis will also seek to relate the findings from the empirical work with published academic and grey (i.e. practitioner, policy) literature on the topic.

Some do's and don'ts

Do use appendices on additional slides, to demonstrate and evidence your main findings (i.e. to contain your basic workings).  Explain the workings briefly.

Do NOT provide appendices for the sake of it, and do NOT use appendices excessively.  Excessive appendices may not be read.

Do NOT write an essay on the slides.  You will probably not need 2000 words for this assignment, this is a nominal limit, and it has to be included as a guide.

Do provide a heading/brief explanatory label explaining the content or message of each slide. Do NOT forget to label the columns and rows of your tables and label the graphics properly.   Do reference/source which files you have consulted on each slide in the main presentation.

Do reference any secondary academic sources you may draw on (e.g. for context or comparison). Please provide a reference list in the appendices.

Do structure and formulate your report to provide a sense of narrative for your reader.