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CS 300: Programming II – Spring 2023


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CS 300: Programming II – Spring 2023

P06 Changemaker

Due: 11:59 PM CDT on WED 03/29


In this assignment you will use recursion to solve a variation of the change-making problem. In this problem we pretend that we are a cash register dispensing change to a customer, where the goal is to find a combination of coins of different denominations that add up to a given amount, using the minimal total amount of coins, and where we have a limited supply of each denomination.

Learning Objectives

After completing this assignment, you should be able to:

Formulate a recursive solution to a problem by describing the base cases, recursive cases, and how to decompose it into smaller subproblems

Implement a recursive solution to a problem by making recursive calls to solve the subproblems, and combining the results

Compare the recursive formulations of similar problems

Explain why recursion can be a useful problem-solving tool

Develop unit tests to verify the correctness of your algorithms

Grading Rubric

5 points

Pre-assignment Quiz: accessible through Canvas until 11:59PM on 03/27.

18 points

Immediate Automated Tests: accessible by submission to Gradescope. You will receive feedback from these tests before the submission deadline and may make changes to your code in order to pass these tests.

Passing all immediate automated tests does not guarantee full credit for the assignment.

15 points

Additional Automated Tests: these will also run on submission to Gradescope, but you will not receive feedback from these tests until after the submission deadline.

12 points

Manual Grading Feedback: TAs or graders will manually review your code, focusing on the recursive nature of your methods (4 points per recursive method).

Additional Assignment Requirements and Notes

●    Pair programming is ALLOWED for this assignment. If you choose to work with a partner, you must review the partnership guidelines and declare your partnership before 11:59 PM on Sunday 03/26 using this form .

●   The ONLY external libraries you may use in any of your classes are: java.util.Arrays

Use of any other packages (outside of java.lang) is NOT permitted.

●   You are allowed to define any local variables you may need to implement the methods in this specification (inside methods). You are NOT allowed to define any additional instance or static variables or constants beyond those specified in the write-up, except for public static helper    methods.

Only the ChangemakerTester class may contain a main method.

●   All classes and methods must have their own Javadoc-style method header comments in accordance with the CS 300 Course Style Guide .

●   Any source code provided in this specification may be included verbatim in your program without attribution.

Run your program locally before you submit to Gradescope. If it doesn’t work on your computer, it will not work on Gradescope.

Need More Help?

Check out the resources available to CS 300 students here:


CS 300 Assignment Requirements

You are responsible for following the requirements listed on both of these pages on all CS 300 assignments, whether you’ve read them recently or not. Take a moment to review them if it’s been a while:

Academic Conduct Expectations and Advice, which addresses such questions as:

How much can you talk to your classmates?

How much can you look up on the internet?

What do I do about hardware problems?

and more!

Course Style Guide, which addresses such questions as:

What should my source code look like?

How much should I comment?

and more!

Getting Started

1. Create a new project in Eclipse, called something like P06 Changemaker.

a.    Ensure this project uses Java 17. Select “JavaSE-17” under Use an execution environment JRE” in the New Java Project dialog box.

b.    Do not create a project-specific package; use the default package.

2.    Create two (2) Java source files within that project’s src folder:

a. Changemaker.java (does NOT include a main method)

b. ChangemakerTester.java (includes a main method)

Note: all methods in this project will be static.

Implementation Requirements Overview

In this program you will be implementing a class Changemaker with three static methods, as well as a  tester class ChangemakerTester. These three static methods must be implemented using recursion, either by directly calling itself (possibly more than once), or by utilizing a private static helper method    which is recursive. You may use a looping construct such as a while-loop or for-loop in these methods,  however you must still utilize recursion by setting up base cases, and recursive cases which make progress towards a base case via recursive call(s). We will be manually grading these methods to ensure you have done so properly.

Each of the three methods in the Changemaker class will solve a variant of the change-making problem. In this problem, we imagine that you have a cash register containing a certain amount of coins of various values, and that the goal is to return exact change for a specified value to a customer using these coins.


The Changemaker class is a static utility class. That is, it only contains three public static methods, along with any other private static helper methods that you choose to implement. You will not need to do any  object-oriented programming in this assignment! These three methods will be focused on solving three   different aspects of the change-making problem. Add these three methods to your Changemaker class  and return the default values of 0 or null as appropriate for now.

public static int count(int[] denominations, int[] coinsRemaining, int value)

public static int minCoins(int[] denominations, int[] coinsRemaining, int value)

public static int[] makeChange(int[] denominations, int[] coinsRemaining,

int value)

Method Parameters/Problem Representation

Note that all three methods in the Changemaker class have the same parameters. These parameters are used as follows to describe the specific change-making scenario to be solved.

The denominations array describes the value of each type of coin in your register

The coinsRemaining array describes the quantity of each type of coin in your register

The value parameter describes the total amount of change to be dispensed to the customer


The int[] denominations parameter represents a list of various denominations or values of coins.  We can assume that each denomination will have a strictly positive integer value (≥ 1), that no two denominations are identical, and that the list is not necessarily sorted in any order. For instance, in a scenario where we have coins of values 1¢ (1 cent), 5¢ (5 cents), 10¢ (10 cents), and 25¢ (25 cents), the denominations array could be {1, 5, 10, 25}. The array could also be in any other order such as {10, 1, 25, 5}, but for simplicity we will order the array from smallest to largest in all of our examples.


The int[] coinsRemaining parameter represents how many coins of each corresponding denomination in the denominations array are remaining in our cash register. We can assume that there is a non-negative integer quantity of each denomination of coin (≥ 0), and that coinsRemaining is the same length as denominations. For instance, in a scenario where we have five 1¢ coins, no 5¢    coins, two 10¢ coins, and three 25¢ coins (with the same denominations array as above), the corresponding coinsRemaining array would be {5, 0, 2, 3}. If the denominations array were   rearranged, the coinsRemaining array would be rearranged in the same manner.


Finally, the int value parameter represents the total value that we wish to make change for. We do not have any assumptions for this parameter besides that it is an integer value, but note that if it is negative then there is no possible way to make change for such a value, and that if it is zero then there is precisely one way to make change by returning no coins. For instance, if we wish to make change for 27¢, we would set value = 27.


You must also implement a tester class ChangemakerTester with the following six tester methods. The requirements for these tester methods will be described in more detail after describing the problems to  be solved in the Changemaker class. Add these methods to your ChangemakerTester class and return a default false value for now.

public static boolean testCountBase()

public static boolean testCountRecursive()

public static boolean testMinCoinsBase()

public static boolean testMinCoinsRecursive()

public static boolean testMakeChangeBase()

public static boolean testMakeChangeRecursive()

Counting Ways to Make Change

In the count() method, you will determine the number of possible ways to make change for a given    value with a limited number of coins of varying denominations as described by the parameters above. In this method we do not care about the optimal way to make change with the least number of coins, just the total number of possible ways. If there is no way to make change using the given coins (for instance if value is negative or there are not enough coins), your method should return 0. Also note that if value = 0, there is precisely one way to make change by dispensing no coins.

In this method we care about the order that the coins are dispensed in. For instance, if we dispensed a 1¢ coin followed by a 5¢ coin, this counts as a distinct possibility from dispensing a 5¢ coin followed by a 1¢ coin. For more intuition, think of a real-world cash register where the coins are dispensed one at a     time and may be given to you in different orders.

The method should be implemented recursively by either directly calling itself (possibly more than once), or by calling a private static helper method which is recursive. You may use a looping construct such as a for-loop or while-loop in your implementation, however you must still implement your method recursively by calling the method within the body and making progress towards a base-case.


Consider a scenario where denominations = {1, 5, 10, 25}, coinsRemaining = {3, 0, 0, 3}, and value = 27. In this case the count method should return 3. This corresponds to the three different possibilities for dispensing two 1¢ coins and one 25¢ coin in one of three different orders: [1¢, 1¢, 25¢], [1¢, 25¢, 1¢], or [25¢, 1¢, 1¢].

To help you design your algorithm, below we provide an example of how the tree of recursive calls and return values for the count method in this scenario may look. Each rectangular node represents a call to the count method, and contains the value parameter of the method call on the left, and the return value of that call in parentheses on the right. The arrows indicate which recursive calls are made, and are labeled with the next coin that we have chosen to dispense.


Consider the following before starting to code your method:

What are the base cases for this problem? Recursive cases?

Which denominations can you choose for the first coin to dispense?

What subproblems should you reduce the problem to by making a recursive call?

Will the denominations array ever need to be modified?

●    How should you update coinsRemaining when making a recursive call depending on which   coin is dispensed? Be careful: arrays are mutable, so modifying coinsRemaining before          making one recursive call will leave those changes in place for the next recursive call unless you revert them

●   You may consider using a helper method private static int[] useCoin(int[] coinsRemaining, int coinToUse) which returns a new deeply copied (either manually or using Arrays.copyOf()) array with the index of the selected denomination coinToUse    decremented from coinsRemaining. This helper method is not required and the method can be implemented without it.

Minimum Coins Needed

Now we can move on to the more interesting part, where we determine the optimal way to make change with the minCoins() method. This method should return the minimum total number of coins needed to make change for the given value using a limited number of coins of various denominations as  described before. This time, if there is no way to make change using the given coins your method should instead return -1, as a return value of 0 now indicates that it is possible to make change using no coins.   As with the first method, this one must also be implemented recursively.


Consider the same scenario from the first example where denominations = {1, 5, 10, 25}, coinsRemaining = {3, 0, 0, 3}, and value = 27. As we saw, there were different ways to make   change by dispensing two 1¢ coins and one 25¢ coin in the three different orders of [1¢, 1¢, 25¢], [1¢,    25¢, 1¢], or [25¢, 1¢, 1¢]. As all of these solutions use exactly three coins in total, and there is no way to make change using only two coins, your minCoins() method should return 3.

As another example, when denominations = {1, 5, 10, 25}, coinsRemaining = {5, 1, 3, 1}, and value = 59, your minCoins() method should return 8, as the way to make change using the minimum total number of coins is with one 25¢ coin, three 10¢ coins, and four 1¢ coins. If instead we had coinsRemaining = {59, 12, 6, 3} and value = 59 (so that we can use as many coins of     each denomination that we want), then your minCoins method should return 7, as now the way to make change using the minimum total number of coins is with two 25¢ coins, one 5¢ coin, and four 1¢    coins.

Finally, if denominations = {1, 5, 10, 25}, coinsRemaining = {3, 6, 3, 2}, and

value = 29, your minCoins() method should return -1, as there is no way to make change using the given coins because no combination will add to exactly 29.


Beware, you cannot always just choose the largest denomination available! If you do, you might either falsely conclude that you cannot make exact change, or might not make change optimally. For example,  consider the case when denominations = {1, 5, 6, 9}, coinsRemaining = {11, 3, 2, 2}, and value = 11. If you greedily choose to use the larger 9¢ coin first, you would then be required to use two 1¢ coins, requiring a total of three coins. However, if you choose one 6¢ coin and one 5¢ coin, then you would only use two coins in total, so minCoins() should actually return 2 in this case1 .

This method can be implemented similarly to how you implemented count(), except that we now care about finding the minimum number of coins, rather than the total number of possibilities. Be careful  about handling the case when a recursive call returns -1, as this indicates that there is no way to make   change for that specific subproblem, and hence cannot be considered when finding the minimum  number of coins. It may help to review how you would find the smallest non-negative value in an array.

Making Change

The minCoins() method computed the optimal number of coins needed to make change, but it’s not    very practically useful as it doesn’t tell us the actual number of coins of each denomination that were       used! In the final method makeChange(), you will fix this problem by computing an array representing the exact number of each type of coin needed to make change optimally so that you can dispense them to your customer. If there is no way to make change using the given coins you should return a null    array (not an array of length 0 or an array containing only 0). If value = 0, you should return an array    filled with 0 to indicate that change can be made using no coins. This method must also be implemented recursively.

Specifically, this method should return an array of the same length as the denominations and             coinsRemaining arrays, where the value at index i represents how many coins of the corresponding value denominations[i] were selected. For instance, if the makeChange method is called with          denominations = {1, 5, 10, 25} and returns the array {2, 0, 3, 1}, this means that two 1¢ coins, no 5¢ coins, three 10¢ coins, and one 25¢ coin were selected.

If there are multiple different ways to make change using the same optimal total number of coins, you can return an arbitrary solution among them. For instance, consider the case when denominations = {1, 5, 7, 11}, coinsRemaining = {12, 3, 2, 2}, and value = 12. There are two optimal    ways of making change using either a 1¢ coin and an 11¢ coin, or a 5¢ coin and a 7¢ coin. In this case,      your makeChange method should return either of {1, 0, 0, 1} or {0, 1, 1, 0} corresponding to one of these two solutions. You may choose to return whichever solution is more convenient based on    your implementation.


Consider the scenario where denominations = {1, 5, 10, 25}, coinsRemaining = {3, 0, 0, 3}, and value = 27. To use the minimum number of coins we should dispense two 1¢ coins and one 25¢ coin, so in this case makeChange() should return the array {2, 0, 0, 1}.

When denominations = {1, 5, 10, 25}, coinsRemaining = {5, 1, 3, 1}, and value = 59, your makeChange() method should return {4, 0, 3, 1}, as the way to make change using the minimum total number of coins is with four 1¢ coins, three 10¢ coins, and one 25¢ coin.

When denominations = {1, 5, 10, 25}, coinsRemaining = {59, 12, 6, 3} and value = 59 (so that we can use however many coins of each denomination that we want), then your                        makeChange() method should return {4, 1, 0, 2}, as now the way to make change using the           minimum total number of coins is with four 1¢ coins, one 5¢ coin, and two 25¢ coins.

Finally, if denominations = {1, 5, 10, 25}, coinsRemaining = {3, 1, 3, 1}, and        value = 29, your makeChange() method should return null, as there is no way to make change using the given coins because no combination will add to exactly 29.


This method can be implemented similarly to how you implemented minCoins(), except that we          additionally care about the array of coins used to make change optimally, rather than just the number of coins.

As this method only returns the array representing the number of coins of each denomination rather    than the total number of coins in a solution, you may consider using a helper method private static int sum(int[] coins) which returns the sum of all values in an array to determine the total number of coins used in a solution.


In the tester class ChangemakerTester, you will be required to implement six tester methods, with     two test methods dedicated to each of the three methods you implemented in the Changemaker class.

Testers for count

The test methods testCountBase() and testCountRecursive() are dedicated to testing the      count() method. testCountBase() should implement at least the following three scenarios for     determining whether the count() method behaves correctly on a base case of the problem. Similarly testCountRecursive() should implement at least the following three scenarios for determining     whether the count() method behaves correctly on a recursive case of the problem.

These scenarios do not need to be extremely complex, but you should carefully consider which scenarios you use and verify by hand that your expected answers are correct, as you may re-use the same scenarios in the other tester methods. However, for integrity purposes do not use any of the exact scenarios described earlier in this writeup (you can instead modify them). Below we also provide             general examples which you may choose to use by filling in your own chosen values.


1.    count() returns 0 when value is negative

2.    count() returns 0 when value is positive but there is no way to make change. You can create such a scenario by choosing the sum total of all the coins in the register to be smaller than         value.

3.    count() returns 1 when value = 0


1.    count() returns the correct result in a scenario in which at least three different coins can be      used to make change. For instance, when denominations = {1, 5, 10, 25},                         coinsRemaining = {1, 1, 1, 1}, and value = 36 we can use a 25¢ coin, a 10¢ coin,       and a 1¢ coin. The expected answer in this case should be 6, as there are six different ways to       order the choice of three coins: [1¢, 10¢, 25], [1¢, 25¢, 10¢], [10¢, 1¢, 25], [10¢, 25¢, 1], [25¢, 1¢, 10¢], and [25¢, 10¢, 1¢].

2.    count() returns the correct result in a scenario in which there are at least two different optimal ways to make change using the same number of coins. You can use any such scenario you can think of, but one simple scenario you can use that will always work is to choose four     values denominations = {x, y, z, w} where x + w = y + z, and let                              coinsRemaining = {1, 1, 1, 1} and value = x + w. In this case the two optimal       solutions are to choose either x and w, or y and z, where each solution requires two coins. For instance, when denominations = {2, 5, 7, 10} and value = 12, the two possible      optimal solutions are to choose a 2¢ and 10¢ coin, or a 5¢ and 7¢ coin. The expected answer in this case should be 4, as there are two different ways to order the choice of the 2¢ and 10¢       coins, and two different ways to order the choice of the 5¢ and 7¢ coins.

3.    count() returns the correct result in a scenario in which always greedily choosing the largest coin first does not produce a result with the minimum number of coins used. Similar to the       example for the last scenario, we can create such a scenario by choosing four values                      denominations = {1, y, z, w} where w + 2 = y + z, and let coinsRemaining = {2, 1, 1, 1} and value = w + 2. In this case the optimal solution is to choose y and z for a total of two coins, and the greedy solution is to choose w and two 1¢ coins for a total of three  coins. For instance, when denominations = {1, 5, 6, 9} and value = 11, the optimal  solution is to choose the 5¢ and 6¢ coin, but the greedy solution is to choose the 9¢ coin and      two 1¢ coins. The expected answer in this case should be 5, as there are two different ways to    order the choice of the 5¢ and 6¢ coins, and three different ways to order the choice of the one 9¢ two 1¢ coins.

Testers for minCoins

The test methods testMinCoinsBase() and testMinCoinsRecursive() are dedicated to testing the minCoins() method, and are identical to the earlier required tester method scenarios except for which method they test. You may re-use the exact scenarios you used in the previous tester method,

with the expected results now being the minimum total number of coins needed rather than the total number of ways of making change.


1.    minCoins() returns -1 when value is negative

2.    minCoins() returns -1 when value is positive but there is no way to make change

3.    minCoins() return 0 when value = 0


1.    minCoins() returns the correct result in a scenario in which at least three different coins must be used to make change. In the example given in scenario 1 from testCountRecursive() the expected answer is 3.

2.    minCoins() returns the correct result in a scenario in which there are at least two different       ways to make change using the same optimal number of coins. If you used the provided scenario

2 from testCountRecursive(), the expected answer is 2.

3.    minCoins() returns the correct result in a scenario in which always choosing the largest coin     first does not produce a result with the minimum number of coins used. If you used the provided scenario 3 from testCountRecursive(), the expected answer is 2.

Testers for makeChange

Finally, the test methods testMakeChangeBase() and testMakeChangeRecursive() are dedicated to testing the makeChange method, and are identical to the earlier tester methods except for which method they test. You may re-use the exact scenarios you used in the previous tester methods, with the expected results now being an array representing the number of coins of each denomination   needed to make change with the fewest total number of coins.

Important: Remember that there may be multiple different results for makeChange() which are all   correct, and your tester methods should accommodate this. That is, your tester method should return true if any correct array is returned, not just if a specific array or the array that your implementation  returns is the actual result. Consider using the Arrays.equals() method to determine if two integer arrays are equivalent.


1.    makeChange() returns null when value is negative

2.    makeChange() returns null when value is positive but there is no way to make change

3.    makeChange() returns an array of all 0 when value = 0


1.    makeChange() returns an optimal array in a scenario in which at least three different coins must be used to make change

2.    makeChange() returns an optimal array in a scenario in which there are at least two different    ways to make change using the same optimal number of coins. If you used the provided scenario

2 from testCountRecursive(), the expected answer is either of {1, 0, 0, 1} or {0, 1, 1, 0}.

3.    makeChange() returns an optimal array in a scenario in which always choosing the largest coin  first does not produce a result with the minimum number of coins used. If you used the provided scenario 3 from testCountRecursive(), the expected answer is {0, 1, 1, 0}.

Assignment Submission

Once you’re satisfied with your work, both in terms of adherence to this specification and the academic conduct and style guide requirements, submit your source code through Gradescope. For full credit,      please submit ONLY the following files (source code, not .class files):



Your score for this assignment will be based on the submission marked active” prior to the deadline.     You may select which submission to mark active at any time, but by default this will be your most recent submission.

Copyright Notice

This assignment specification is the intellectual property of Mouna Ayari Ben Hadj Kacem, Hobbes LeGault, Ashley Samuelson, and the University of Wisconsin– Madison. This document may not be shared without express, written permission outside of CS300 instructors, teaching assistants, peer mentors, and fellow students. Additionally, students are not permitted to share source code for their CS 300 projects    on any public site.