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BENV0116 Assignment Brief


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BENV0116 Assignment Brief

Please refer this brief for your assignment. 

Module: BENV0116 Heritage Data Management (15 credits) 


As you saw in Term 1, data is complex, not ideally organized and poorly described. Using the case of Skelmorlie Aisle and the data provided by Historic Environment Scotland, you are asked to prepare a data management plan for this data. You need to describe the data types, and propose methods to store, archive and share it.  

Access the data using this link

The Data Management Plan (DMP) is based on a template, which you can find on Moodle. You need to provide thoughtful and detailed answers to every question. You can reference documents and websites, for example, to indicate services where you could store your data, or guidelines on how to structure the metadata.  

Some tips: 

· Take notes during the lectures. Pay attention to any connections between the data of your research project and the data produced by the institutions.  

· Whenever possible, justify your choices in reference to the relevant literature: policies, guidelines, research or online resources.  

· Make a realistic, applicable plan, that you would be able to follow.  

Word length and document structure 

The word length of the DMP should be no more than 2500. 

The document should be produced using the Data Management Plan template found on Moodle.  

Submission date:  

Submission Details: The assignment must be submitted through Moodle.