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156235 Social Media & Digital Marketing Assessment 1


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156235 Social Media & Digital Marketing

Assessment 1

How-To Guide Content Marketing

Assessment Overview

Due Date: Sunday, 26th March @ 11:55 pm

Weighting: 25% of the course grade (see separate marking guide for breakdown)

Word Count: 500 words

Individual or Group:  This is an Individual” assessment

Format: Your choice of the following:

•   Infographic

•   PowerPoint with audio recording

•   A4 Tri-Fold brochure

Assessment Details

Task and scenario:

Imagine  you  are  working  as  a  digital  marketing  consultant.    Your  task  in  this assignment is to create a How-To Guide” for content marketing your services as a digital marketing consultant. The aim of content marketing (the piece you are creating) is to generate demand for the digital marketing consultancy’s services.  The digital marketing consultancy wants to attract more clients, and the decision has been made to focus on making either:

•   an infographic to be eventually displayed on your Pinterest channel, or,

•   a PowerPoint with embedded audio/video to be eventually displayed on your YouTube, Vimeo or iQiyi channel, or,

•   a digital tri-fold brochure as a giveaway, attached to an email or one that can be printed out.

The purpose of content marketing is to draw attention to not only the business but also the  expertise  of the  business  by  demonstrating  knowledge  and  experience  in  a particular area or topic that is useful to whomever views or reads the content.   It is impossible to teach them everything about the topic .  However, you need to give them enough of an understanding that they feel motivated to contact the consultancy to fill in the gaps in their understanding that way, the content” you create is effectively “marketing” the consultancy’s expertise.

With the textbook for the course, you are provided access to a set of expert videos. Your How-To Guide must focus on the topic of only one of the three following expert videos:

•   Choice 1: How To Generate Thousands of Leads Using Social Media, or

•   Choice 2: How To Create Short Videos & Promote Themor

•   Choice 3: Writing for the Customer's Journey

Key Requirements of How-To Guide Content:

The aim is to create content to teach a small business owner what you know about your chosen topic. The content is not a simple summary or regurgitation of information from the expert video and course resources.  The content needs to demonstrate that you understand what this business needs to know about how to’ make use of this digital marketing topic in their business while at the same time building their trust that you are a credible source of this information and advice.  This is no easy task, but this is the objective of content marketing.

You will need to organise the information in your How-To Guide so that it explains the  topic in a way that helps small business owners easily understand how it will help them  in the marketing of their business and make them want to apply it.  If the expert video  does not state facts, figures, statistics etc ., you will need to look elsewhere on the  internet to find the stats to justify your recommendations.

When creating your content, you should follow the A.I.D.A. (Attention, Intention, Desire, Action) model.

Attention:    Ensure  the  content  includes  a  headline  that  persuades  the reader/viewer that they are missing a huge opportunity to attract new business by not using this digital marketing technique . Clearly articulate WHAT the digital technique is and WHICH expert video you have taken the basis of the how-to content from.

Interest:  The content must describe or illustrate WHY they should use this technique in their business to get more customers.   HOW easy it will be to implement, and WHERE a business could use the technique.  Provide EXAMPLES and ideas directly applicable to the business you are trying to attract to the consultancy.

Desire: The content must also describe the key aspects of the technique.  Use graphics, images, stats, screenshots, or the like to explain the technique and to justify and support a set of RECOMMENDATIONS.  Together these will help create the desire for the viewer/reader to use the technique and to seek out the consultancy’s services.

Action:   The content must have a call to action’ (CTA) that directs them to contact the consultancy to help them implement the technique and  provide additional advice.  So, you’ll also need to include the fictitious digital marketing consultancy contact details in the content.

Provide an estimate of how much it would COST the business to implement this digital marketing technique.  It would not be uncommon for a Digital Marketing Consultancy to outsource this work to another business. So, you can search the internet for some indicative pricing for this kind of work using online services such as Fiverr.com. Provide a reference for the source you used for the cost.

Word Limit:

Aim for 500words.  This assessment is not about quantity (size does not matter) … you will be assessed on the quality of your work.  The word limit is 500 words . However, there is flexibility due to the different possible formats.

Indications of size for each format are:

•   Infographic: ~1-2 pages depending on the graphics used

•   Tri-fold brochure: as per the template provided

•   Video: 8- 10 minutes with 10 slides (depending on graphics used)

•   If in doubt, ask us for advice.

While 500 words might seem really easy at this point, the challenge and the amount of work in this task should not be underestimated.

Also, you must remember who is going to reading or viewing this How-To Guide.  The audience is a business owner who will not necessarily have an understanding of even basic marketing, let alone digital marketing .  Also, they will not want to know about theory in this context, they will just want to know that you know what works (hence the need to provide facts and figures to persuade them) and why you need to clearly and simply explain to them what to do.  It is challenging to take digital marketing techniques and explain them in simple terms, so 500 or so words is not an easy task!

Format Details:

You have the choice of the following three formats for this assessment:

1.  Infographic

2.  Simple condensed PowerPoint slides with an audio voice-over explaining each slide and uploaded to a YouTube channel or as an MP4 file directly to Stream assessment dropbox for us to watch.  NOTE:  You must NOT use the slides from the expert video in any way.  You need to develop your own content or repurpose content from elsewhere off the internet.

3.  A4 brochure (tri-fold style)

Templates are provided for an infographic, a tri-fold brochure, and a guide on how to do a Zoom recording.

Ensure your name, student ID, course number and the year are embedded into it and easily found!

Have a separate reference list.  (Because space is going to be a premium).

You must use a universal file type so we can open it, such as a WORD doc or PDF (for a brochure, infographic, information sheet, or PowerPoint) or an MP4 (for a video).

However, this is NOT a creative writing or a graphic design course. By all means, if you have these skills, then go for it!  However, please read the following marking criteria and note carefully that there are NO marks for graphic design skills and NO marks for creative writing skills – this is to make it fair for students that do not have creative skills. It also makes it fair for students who have a marketing bent but have not necessarily learnt the grammar/communication skills to be a polished copywriter.

Required Research and Resources for this Assessment:


•   Chosen Expert Video from the 3 listed above

•   Week 4 Course videos

•   Chapter  13  Digital  Strategy from the textbook for the  section  on  Demand Generation and Harvesting

•   Resources and video of the presentation from our business for this semester

Other Useful Resources:

How to write a How-To Guide

Learn Copywriting in a Few Minutes

Powerful Headlines

How to Write the Perfect Call to Action

Fiverr.comfor cost estimates

Marking Criteria:





Clearly articulated WHAT thedigital strategy is, and WHICH ‘Expert Video’ (provide link) you have based this ‘How-To’ document on.  [1 mark]

Clearlyarticulated WHYthebusinesswoulduse this digital strategy. (i.e. purpose / benefit to THEM) [2 marks]

SHOWN clear and easy-to-follow step-by-step    instructions, recommendations of HOW the business could implement/use this technique, and WHERE a business can use thistechnique .  [10 marks]

Used EXAMPLES and ideas directly applicable to the business you are working with this semester (in Assessments #2 & #3) within your assignment content. [2 marks]

Provided good and comprehensive RECOMMENDATIONS; supported with evidence/figures, so the reader is convinced that recommendations are sound and appropriate [3 marks]

Provided an indicative COST to implement this digital marketing technique for the business. [1 mark]



Clarity ofcommunication, conciseness, flow

Sustain audience interest (e.g. use of screenshots,  graphics, break-out boxes, colour, etc., An attempt at the use of AIDA, creativity)

Use of own words (minimal quoting)

• Professional layout and presentation

APA referencing used (Recommend uploading a separate documentforreferencesifusingtri-fold formatorvideo)

Spelling and grammar (use of a spell-checker!)


Total Mark