关键词 > CS530

CS530 Midterm


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CS530 Midterm

Total Marks = 50 Points (20% of the semester grade)

Exam time – 5:30 PM to 6:45 PM (15 mins more to upload the document, the window for upload closes at 7 PM)

Only PDF or Doc file formats are accepted

Use Code4.pdf on week 2 in class module for SIC/XE Opcode

If you email me then there will be a late submission penalty rule (20%) that applies to the entire test (within next 2 hours),  after that it is not accepted.

Q1. True/False questions (10 Points)

1. T/F - if (B)=006000 (PC)=003600 (X)=000090, for the machine instruction 0x003600, the target address is  003000.

2. T/F F register stores the address of the next instruction.

3. T/F The operating system visits memory once in the immediate addressing mode

4. T/F – GAMMA RESW 200 – This means the Operating system should reserve 200 bytes in memory

5. T/F - Programs block numbers are used in relative memory addresses.

Q2. (10 Points)

Indirect Addressing Mode


002A J@     RETADR  3E2003


Instruction Starts with 002A

Opcode of J is 3C

Object code is 3E2003

Show the detail work to get the above object code from the instruction.

Q3. (10 Points)

Find the value of Register A for the instruction – 03C300

Show the detail work

Q 4. Assign the location in the memory for the below codes – 6 points

find the object code for the instructions – 7 points

create the object program – 7 Points