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BN1190 – IT in Business Individual Assignment Instructions 2022-23


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BN1190 – IT in Business

Individual Assignment Instructions 2022-23

1. What is the Task?

A report produced in MS-Word which incorporates graphs from excel and other images and files demonstrating the student has the required excel and word skills and has completed the practical exercises from the workshops.

You should choose two companies from the FTSE100 website (http://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/prices-and-markets/stocks/indices/summary/summary-indices-constituents.html?index=UKX)

You are to produce a report composed of the following elements:

1. Title Page

2. Table of Content

3. Executive Summary

4. Introduction and Justification

5. Analysis of Companies’ Income Statement using Tables and Graphs

6. Analysis of Companies’ Share Price over the last year using Relevant News Articles

7. Conclusion

8. References

9. Appendix: Power-point Summary of Report

2. Format for the Word File

You are to submit a customised Word Document. The file you submit should be properly formatted, have a good layout, use appropriate titles and subtitles, include relevant headers and footers, should be easy to navigate, and present a professional image. The headers and footers must include the module code, page number, and your candidate number (you should not include the same information in the header and footer). You should also have a properly formatted title page and automatically generated contents page.

3. Further Instructions for Each Section

3.1. Title Page

The title page should give an appropriate title for your report and identify the companies you have chosen. You should include your student number and any other information that you consider appropriate for the title page of the report.

3.2. Table of Content

This should be an automatically generated contents page using the appropriate outline headings and including the correct page numbers.

3.3. Executive Summary

You should write this section after you have completed other sections of the report. This section should provide a concise summary of the most important facts and/or findings in the report.

3.4. Introduction and Justification

This section should introduce the report. Within this section, you should tell us which two companies you selected and why you selected them (ensure that you include a business-related rationale for choosing both companies). You should also tell us the aim of the report (e.g. the key question you intend to answer or an issue you want to explore) and a brief overview of the content.

3.5. Analysis of Companies’ Income Statement using Tables and Graphs

In this section, you are to import from Excel, a suitably formatted table, which summarises the Income Statement for your chosen companies. The Income Statement provided should at least cover a 2-year period for both companies. The table(s) should also show the amount of change and the percentage change for both companies across both years. Ensure that the figures provided are properly formatted and correctly displayed.

You are also expected to present important parts of the Table on a properly formatted Bar chart. For instance, you may choose to present the Operating Profits for both companies over your chosen 2-year period.

You should then provide an analysis of trends observed in the Table(s) and Bar Chart(s) using appropriate references. Ensure that the analysis aligns with the aim set out in the introduction. You should also discuss possible reasons or insight into observed trends in the two companies’ performance, not just describing information displayed.

3.6. Analysis of Companies’ Share Price over the last year using Relevant News Articles

In this section of the report, you are to import from the FTSE100 website, clipped graphs of the two companies’ share price over the last 1 year. You should also provide an analysis of observed trends by providing possible explanation or insight into the observed trends for both companies. Ensure you include relevant news articles to support your write up. You should remember to link your analysis to your aim.

3.7. Conclusion

In your concluding section, you are to comment on which of the companies has performed better and why, drawing on the evidence in your previous sections. You should also tell us how you have been able to achieve the aim of the report. If you asked a question in the introduction, you should provide a clear, concise answer to this question, based on findings from the previous sections.

3.8. References

List all your references and sources of data here in a correctly formatted Harvard style. Ensure that sources included in the reference list match the sources included in the in-text references used to support main points.

3.9. Appendix: Power-point Summary of Report

Using a suitable power-point template, create a power-point presentation containing 4 slides (excluding title slide) which compares the two companies. Include screenshots of the power-point presentation as an Appendix in the Word document to be submitted. Ensure that the power-point slides are not merely reproducing the tables and figures or copying chunks of text from the report. The power-point presentation should be prepared like a management briefing of your findings.

4. Marking Scheme







Executive Summary and Introduction


Companies not chosen from the FTSE100 website.

Companies are chosen from the FTSE100 website but does not include an executive summary or introduction.

Companies are chosen from the FTSE100 website, but introduction does not provide strong justification for choices. Also, executive summary provides an introduction, rather than a summary of key findings.

Companies are chosen from the FTSE100 website and provides strong justification and business-related reasons for company choices. Executive summary provides a concise summary of key findings.

Word Formatting


Word document has not been customised in any way and document looks unprofessional with lots of easily correctable errors.

Word document is partially customised and has a title page, but the document is not formatted to a professional standard. There is no clear pattern or rationale for the format. Content page is manually generated.

Word document is customised - has an automatically generated content page, makes effective use of headings, headers and footers but still falls short of a professional appearance.

There is a clear structure and rationale for the formatting. The document has a well-designed title page with appropriate header and footer, correctly working contents page, clear and meaningful headings and subheadings. Document has a good, logical structure and professional appearance.

Excel Tables and Graphs


Tables and graphs have been imported but little or no formatting has been done e.g. numbers and text are not aligned properly, graphs are missing appropriate labels, etc.

Tables and graphs have been imported with some formatting e.g. limited use of colours, including labels, etc. However, some errors exist in the calculation, formatting and design e.g. information not presented effectively.

You have clearly attempted to format tables and graphs required by removing obvious errors in the calculation, design and labelling. Information on the tables and graphs are appropriately presented with effective use of labels.

Tables and graphs have been imported with appropriate format. Care and thought has been put into the design to ensure a professional appearance e.g. effective use of colours, appropriate formatting of figures and text for clarity, effective use of emphasis where appropriate, information is presented properly to give an overall professional appearance, etc.

Share Price Graph and Relevant News Articles


No clipped image of the share price graph from the FTSE100 website.

Clipped images of the share price graph have been included but news articles have not been included in the write up.

Clipped images of the share price graph have been included. Relevant news articles have also been included.

Clipped images of share price have been properly cropped, appropriately titled, correctly referenced and some illustrations have been drawn on the graphs. Relevant news articles have been included.

Write-up and Analysis


No write up provided for tables and graphs presented. write up has been brief and very descriptive.

Write up is mostly descriptive and is not clearly aligned to aim. Conclusion does not follow on from the analysis or clearly address the aim.

Write up has provided some insight into observed patterns, trends or findings, and is clearly aligned to aim. Conclusion follow on from the analysis in the document and clearly addresses the aim.

Write up is well written, supported with reasonable evidence and has a good logical progression. There’s critical analysis in the write up and consistently aligns to the aim. Conclusion follow on from the analysis in the document and clearly addresses the aim.



No in-text references, or reference list only contains web links.

Little in-text referencing, reference list only includes web links, and references do not consistently follow Harvard Style.

All sources have been appropriately referenced in-text. Reference list has a mix of sources, but references do not consistently follow Harvard Style.

Good range of academic and other credible sources have been included to support major points. You have appropriately referenced the source data for your graphs, tables, news articles, and other material used. You have consistently provided in-text referencing and a reference list using the Harvard style.



No power-point slides or power-point slides only reproduce graphs and tables in the report.

Some power-point slides are included which do not just reproduce graphs and tables but are text heavy and do not have a professional appearance.

Power-point slides do not just reproduce graphs and tables, slides are not text heavy and has a professional appearance.

Power-point slides provide concise summary of the report with properly formatted graphs and table that have been repurposed or have illustrations for emphasis of points, not text heavy, effective use of colours, has a professional appearance, etc.