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158.326 Software Construction Tutorial 2


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158.326 Software Construction

Tutorial 2

Create an ASP.NET Core Empty project in C# using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 based on a   modification of the Tutorial 1 Parking scenario, make sure MVC architectural pattern is applied in your implementation.

1. Define 3 classes GeneralParkingKiosk, StaffParkingKiosk and StudenParkingKiosk as follows

GeneralParkingKiosk -

Properties:  GeneralHoursParked : Decimal

Method  : FindGeneralParkingAmount( ): Decimal

Rule - $ 2 per hour

StaffParkingKiosk -

Properties: StaffHoursParked: Decimal

Method  : FindStaffParkingAmount( ): Decimal

Rule –$ 2 for the first ten hours. For hours in excess of the ten, staff will be charged $ 2 per hour.

StudentParkingKiosk -

Properties: StudentHoursParked: Decimal

Method  : FindStudentParkingAmount( ): Decimal

Rule - $ 1 per hour.

2. Add an interface IKiosk as follows:

IParking -

Properties: HoursParked: Decimal ReadOnly

Method  : FindParkingAmount( ): Decimal

3. Define three new classes GenKioskWrap, StaffKioskWrap and StudKioskWrap as follows

The three classes should

a.  Implement IKiosk

b.    Encapsulate the classes defined in 1(i.e., The GenKioskWrap class encapsulates the class GeneralParkingKiosk, the StaffKioskWrap class encapsulates StaffParkingKiosk, and so    on)



4. Web User Interface Design (screenshots were taken when ‘Calculate’ button clicked)

NOTE: Use Math.Ceiling function to convert decimals to the next highest integer in your calculation

HINT: Solution Explorer should show program MVC structure of C# classes and other files as the figure below: