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CO5124 Data Analysis and Business Modelling


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Data Analysis and Business Modelling

1 Subject details

1.1   Student participation requirements

The JCULearning, Teaching and Assessment Procedures(2.1.2d) indicates a typical student workload for a three (3) credit point subject requires a 130 hour work load of study related activities, including           attendance, assessment and self-directed study over the duration of the subject with equivalency across all modes of delivery. Note that attendance at specified classes will be a mandatory requirement for        satisfactory completion of some subjects (Learning, Teaching and Assessment Procedures, 3.1.8e) and    that additional hours may be required per week for those students in need of English language, numeracy or other learning support.

Key subject activities

Lecture (2 hours per week), Wednesdays from 9 am to 10:50 am

Refer to class timing via the Timetable service from

StudentFirst - https://secure.jcu.edu.sg/StudentFirst/

Tutorial (2 hours per week):

Tutorial A, Wednesday from 11 am to 12:50 pm

Tutorial B, Wednesday from 4 pm to 5:50 pm

Learning and teaching activities may be recorded for this subject.  Personal Information in the form of   images and audio may be collected by JCU during the recording.  This Personal Information may appear as part of the recording which is accessible to students and staff in this subject on LearnJCU .

1.2   Teaching Staff contact details



Staff member




Consultation times*



Assoc. Professor

Huiping Zhang




Lecturer &


Dr. Daphne Yiu



By email




JCU Singpore Learning Centre



[email protected]

By email


JCUS Library


[email protected]

By email

*Other consultation times by appointment only.

1.3   Subject description

Businesses typically collect large volumes of data with relative ease. However, data is often meaningless  until it is analysed for trends, patterns and relationships so that it then becomes useful information. Acting on information to develop solutions and support decision-making is a key business skill. This subject        provides integrated knowledge for understanding and managing information resources, building basic       business analytics systems, interpreting business statistics, and developing practical decision models. It    will equip students with decision-making tools and illustrate their applications.

CO5124 is a core subject for students completing Master of Professional Accounting

1.4   Subject learning outcomes and course learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, you will be able to:

Subject Learning Outcomes

SLO1: Explain the importance of information as an organisational resource and to develop an appreciation for issues in managing data/information/knowledge

SLO2: Apply graphical and numerical tools for organising, analysing, interpreting, and presenting data

SLO3: Design, build and test computer based models for planning, decision making and control of business problems, Interpret model results, and make recommendations to stakeholders

SLO4: Integrate the knowledge of Microsoft Excel and other application softwares with the knowledge of accounting and finance

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO 2: Retrieve, analyse, synthesise and evaluate complex information, concepts and theories from a range of sources.

CLO 3: Apply a range of methods, techniques and tools to plan and conduct business.

CLO 4: Organize, analyse and interpret complex business data using analytical, statistical and digital skills to make informed decisions.

COURSE Learning Outcomes CPA

CLO 4 : Integrate advanced theoretical and technical accounting knowledge which includes a selection of auditing and assurance, finance, economics, quantitative methods, information systems, commercial law, corporation law and taxation law

CLO 7 Present complex business analyses and information appropriately to both accountants and non-accountants using:

(a) effective oral presentation skills

(b) clear and fluent written communication

These outcomes will contribute to your overall achievement of course learning outcomes. Your course learning outcomes can be located in the entry for your course in the electronicJCU Course and Subject Handbook 2022 (click on ‘Course Information’ bar/ select ‘Undergraduate Courses’ or ‘Postgraduate

Courses’/ select relevant course/ scroll down to ‘Academic Requirements for Course Completion’, ‘Course learning outcomes’).

These outcomes will contribute to your overall achievement ofcourse learning outcomes.

1.5   Student feedback on subject and teaching

Students are at the heart of JCU and as part of our commitment to improving the quality of our subjects and teaching, we regularly seek feedback on the JCU student experience.

YourJCU Surveys are available to all students throughLearnJCU. You will receive an email invitation when the survey opens.

1.6   Subject resources and special requirements

All subject readings and resources, including journal articles, book chapters, websites, videos, print and eTextbooks, are available to view online from your Readings list via your LearnJCU subject site.

Textbooks are listed in your Readings list in LearnJCU, including links to library holdings. The JCU Library has limited print copies of prescribed textbooks for two-day loan, and options for viewing available        eTextbooks online.

Prescribed texts

Evans, James R. (2020). Business Analytics Global Edition (2nd  Ed.). Pearson Education.

Evans, James R. (2017). Business Analytics: Methods, models and decisions (2nd Ed.). Pearson Education.

Additionally, you can find the most appropriate library subject resources, including dedicated discipline- specific Library Guides, relevant databases and access to library services and staff through the Your Library tool, in your LearnJCU subject site.

2 Assessment details

2.1   Key dates

Key dates


Census date and Last date to withdraw without financial penalty

See2023 JCUS Study Period and Census Dates

Last date to withdraw without academic penalty

See2023 JCUS Study Period and Census Dates

Assessment item 1: 20%

Case Study Analysis (Business Analytics)

This assessment analyses and discusses the application of business analytics and issues situated in your business environment or own professional practice

Due 3 Apr 2023 Monday 23:55pm Week 4

Key dates


Assessment item 2: 40%

Case Study Analysis (Statistical)

This assessment applies business analytics and statistical  theory to analysis business situation. Particularly focus on the application of Excel Analysis Tools and PHStat as          analytical tools for decision making.

Due 5 May 2023 Friday 23:55pm Week 7

Assessment <