关键词 > LB5113

LB5113 Corporate Strategy


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Corporate Strategy

1 Subject details

1.1   Student participation requirements

The JCULearning, Teaching and Assessment Procedures(2.1.2d) indicates a typical student workload for a three (3) credit point subject requires a 130 hour work load of study related activities, including            attendance, assessment and self-directed study over the duration of the subject with equivalency across all attendance modes.

Note that attendance at specified classes will be a mandatory requirement for satisfactory completion of some subjects (Learning, Teaching and Assessment Procedures, 3.1.8e) and that additional hours may be required per week for those students in need of English language, numeracy or other learning support.

Key subject activities

Lecture (2 hour per week, total 10 weeks)

LB5113-SA: Synthesis Session

Every Monday, 9am – 9.30am

Refer to class timing via the Timetable service from StudentFirst -


Tutorial (2 hour per week, total 10 weeks)

LB5113- TA

11am - 12 .50pm (Mon) @B3-02

LB5113- TB

2pm – 3.50pm (Mon) @B3-02

LB5113- TC

4pm-  5.50pm (Mon) @B3-02

Part time MBA Evening Class

Lectorial (3 hour per week, total 10 weeks)

LB5113-L_EV 7pm – 9.50pm (Tues) @A2-03

Refer to class timing via the Timetable service from StudentFirst -


For information regarding class registration, visit theClass Registration Schedule.

1.2   Teaching Staff contact details



Staff member








Assoc Prof Adrian Kuah



Lecturer &


Assoc Prof Adrian Kuah





JCU     Singpore     Learning Centre




[email protected]

By email


JCUS Library




[email protected]

By email

*Other consultation times by appointment only.

1.3   Subject description

This subject covers the fundamentals of corporate-level strategy as opposed to business-level strategy. Business-level strategy deals with achieving and sustaining a competitive advantage in a discrete and identifiable business. Corporate-level strategy deals with the way a company creates value through the selection of a portfolio of businesses and the configuration and coordination of these businesses. The primary way in which corporate strategy ultimately creates value is through increasing the ability of businesses  in  the  portfolio  to  create  and  sustain  a  competitive  advantage.  For  example,  sharing manufacturing   activities   may   reduce   costs.  Alternatively,   sharing   a   strong   brand   may   increase differentiation while reducing overall marketing costs. Hence there is a very close relationship between business and corporate strategy.

Other  than  the  foundational  topics  in  understanding  the  environment,  the  industry  and  the  firm’s strategic capability, the major topics we will cover are diversification (related and unrelated), vertical integration, restructuring, synergy, alliance strategy, and global strategy. We will be introducing a variety of tools to help us analyse these topics. The primary objective of the subject is to introduce you to the primary decisions, tools, and concepts of corporate strategy.

By the end of the course you should be able to understand how multi-business firms can create and destroy value; be able to engage in a thoughtful discussion of corporate strategy with senior executives; be able to identify opportunities to improve corporate strategy; understand and be able to analyse the major benefits and risks of various diversification strategies; understand the economic and organizational realities behind the term "synergy" and be able to identify and analyse synergy opportunities; understand the role alliances play in corporate strategy and be able to analyse the major trade-offs between alliances and acquisitions; understand the role a particular business plays in a corporate strategy; and understand the nature and strategic implications of both regional/global rationalization and local responsiveness in global strategy.

As this is a Corporate Strategy course, you will be expected to work effectively as individual analyst and in a team in achieving common goals, demonstrating both collaboration and leadership (like members of the board of directors), on a week by week basis with members coming with different ideas, backgrounds and expertise in a company-like setting. You will be given challenging task to address on a week by week basis (i.e. tutorials) where your team will need to engage with the audience and present your analysis (during the tutorials). You will also be given challenging situation to assess both as group and individual for your assessments.

1.4   Subject learning outcomes and course learning outcomes

Students who successfully complete this subject will be able to:

SLO1:  analyse and evaluate decision-making strategies by applying the tools and using the concepts of corporate strategy;

SLO2:  critically analyse strategic approaches and sustainable practices as a means of creating resilient, inclusive and innovative businesses and communities;

SLO3:  employ a range of methods, techniques and tools to plan and conduct business to generate solutions to complex problems in global context.

These outcomes will contribute to your overall achievement ofcourse learning outcomes (CLO) in the MBA.

CLO2 Evaluate contexts within which differing sustainable business performance methods should be integrated and applied;

CLO3 Evaluate sustainable economic, social and environmental practices and value systems from different disciplinary perspectives;

CLO5 Critically analyse complex contemporary business issues using appropriate models and make reasoned recommendations based on multidisciplinary synthesis of theory and evidence;

CLO7 Communicate complex business analyses and information appropriately to diverse audiences CLO8 Demonstrate the ability to work effectively in achieving common goals, demonstrating both collaboration and leadership

1.5   Student feedback on subject and teaching

Students are at the heart of JCU and as part of our commitment to improving the quality of our subjects and teaching, we regularly seek feedback on the JCU student experience.

YourJCU Surveys are available to all students throughLearnJCU. You will receive an email invitation when the survey opens.

In response to previous student feedback and other data, the following enhancements to this subject have been made:

•  Readings updated to reflect current research from peer reviewed journals

•  Assessment refreshed and updated

•  Content updated to reflect contemporary literature

•  Increased student centred learning activities aimed at deepening the learning experience

1.6   Subject resources and special requirements

All subject readings and resources, including journal articles, book chapters, websites, videos, print and eTextbooks, are available to view online from your Readings list via your LearnJCU subject site.

Core Textbook:

Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin. D., and Regnér, P. (2017) Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases. 11th edition: Pearson Education.

NB: This book is also available as an e-book from Amazon.com and other retailers at a discount from the bookshop price. Textbooks are available to purchase online through the Co-op Bookshop. The JCU           Library has limited copies of all prescribed textbooks available for 2-day loans.


JCU Singapore Library has purchased 3 user license for the above ebook and it becomes free to the students. Order has been placed for physical copies in the Library. Please remember to log out after use for the considerations of your classmate.

Additional Reading:

Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B., & Lampel, J. (2005). Strategy Safari: a guided tour through the wilds of strategic management.

2 Assessment details

2.1 Key dates

Key dates


Census date and Last date to withdraw without financial penalty

See2023 JCUS Study Period and Census Dates

Last date to withdraw without academic penalty

See2023 JCUS Study Period and Census Dates

Assessment item 1: Competitor and Industry Analysis (15%) - Grp

7th April, Friday, 11:59pm Singapore time

Assessment item 2: Strategic Capability Analysis (35%) – Ind

Class Participation and Presentation (15%) - Ind

5th May, Friday, 11:59pm Singapore time

Assessment item 3: Strategic Analysis (35%) – Grp

26th May, Friday, 11:59pm Singapore time

2.2   Requirements for successful completion of this subject

In order to pass this subject, you must:

•  Achieve an overall percentage of 50% or more

•  Demonstrate a reasonable attempt on all assessment items. Students who have completed less than 100% of the assessment will be subject to review by the College Assessment Committee which may result in an X’ grade (Fail).

•  Attend classes. Expecting to be successful without attending is likely to lead to poor results or failure.

•  Study the material before attending the class. This means viewing pre-recorded lectures, reading text and other material such as journals, and any other prescribed material contained in either this outline or the LearnJCU site.

•  Treat this as a workplace. You are expected to turn up, on-time, participate and contribute.

•  Think  and  act  professionally  as you  are training to  be  a  professional. This  means,  doing the preparation, attending and participating in learning sessions, and submitting assessments on time.

Final results for this subject will be graded as described in theStudent Results Policy. Graded = HD, D, C, P, F etc

Supplementary examinations/assessments are not available for this subject.

2.2.1  How do I track my progress in this subject?

Feedback will be available in class for activities and work covered in each session as well as individual feedback for individual and/or group assessment items.

2.3   AccessAbility Services and Support

Reasonable adjustments may be made to assist you to manage additional circumstances impacting on  your studies provided these do not change the academic integrity of a degree. Reasonable adjustments do not alter the need to be able to demonstrate the inherent requirements of the course.

If you believe you will experience challenges completing your degree or course because of a disability,    health condition or other reason, you should fill up the