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INFS8210 – Business Analytics for Managers


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INFS8210 – Business Analytics for Managers

Fortnightly Assessment #2 (FA2) – Due 8pm Thursday Week 5

1. Week 3 focused on visualisation and exposed you to a wide range of forms and functions. The objective of this question will be to have you understand how to take (hopefully) structured data and present in way that is intuitively understandable by humans (which is important for your Visualisation Assignment due in Week 6). The workshop focused on interpretation, now we do data viz creation.

What I want you to do is visit the Wattle site for the course and find the "Visualisation Software” section. You have a choice of:

· Professional data visualisation tool

Tableau (public or desktop)


MS Power BI

QlikView / Qlik Sense

IBM Cognos Analytics

SAS Visual Analytics


· End user spreadsheet tool

MS Excel

Google Docs

Apple Pages

· Infographic focused tool



· or whatever tool you are comfortable with to do data viz (but read Q2 first before deciding)

The objective for this task is to provide evidence that you are developing skills in using (for now – one of) these tools. Some of you will find this easier than others, so I trust you to challenge yourself and I suggest your responses to questions show how the 2-3 hours of self-study was worthwhile.

So choose ONE of those software tools and submit the following:

a) Explanation for the reason for your choice of software tool.

b) The link to the training materials you found (video, dataset, tutorial, etc.), so tell me where you got them from and explain why you chose them. You can use your FA1 (Fortnightly Assessment #1) dataset, but I suggest you visualise a larger already prepared dataset that comes with training materials (Q2 will take you back to FA1 from Weeks 2&3)

c) Provide outputs/screenshots of AT LEAST TWO not-simple examples (i.e. make some effort – not a pie-chart with two colours) of different visualisations (even better – dashboards) you created while doing the training.

d) For each example in c), explain what the visualisation is showing and how it can be used to inform a decision-making process.

e) Describe the overall experience of self-study (what was easy, what was hard, what was unexpected).

2. Week 4 starts you looking at data mining, but we won’t go heavy on the statistical analysis side. Instead, take what you learnt in Q1 and continue the work you did previously in FA1.

What I want you to do is continue working on your FA1 decision - or choose a different one and start again if you think this will be more productive and help Visualisation Assignment preparation. If you visit the Wattle site for the course, you will find the "Data Mining Software” section.

I prefer you make a choice i) RapidMiner or ii) Tableau, as both of these have great tutorials built in and quickly get you working with data. If all else fails and you have no other choice, then option iii) is one of the other pro data viz tools listed in Q1 or a spreadsheet package like MS Excel / Google Docs / Apple Pages.

The objective for this question is (as before) to provide evidence that you are developing skills in using these tools.

Your task is to:

· hand collect some data

your choice – something personal to you, so living expenses, online menus from local food places, characteristics of random strangers doing something, etc.

collect enough rows to allow you to tell a meaningful story – so keep the scope tight

· structure the data in an Excel spreadsheet (or equivalent)

with the first row being a header that names the columns

.csv format is easier but most tools can import .xls/.xlsx

· use one of the above tools to import and visually explore the data in a meaningful way

show comparison across time periods,

identify change in purchase (or whatever) behaviour,


What you will submit will be:

a) A brief explanation of what data you collected, where from and why.

b) A simple data dictionary for your data (i.e. a brief description for each field/attribute)

c) A “dump”/list of the first 10 rows of data (copy and paste as a table or raw text from a .csv).

d) Provide outputs/screenshots of AT LEAST TWO not-simple examples of meaningful visualisations.

e) A short story that tells me what you discovered from exploring the data and how this information can be used to do/change something (focus on the data, leave reflection to the weekly journal entry).

NOTE: You can only submit one document, so unless you also learn how to export, you will instead need to learn how to take screenshots. Good news is that this is easy and a web search will give you lots of guides.

e.g. Windows whatever - https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Insert-a-screenshot-or-screen-clipping-56ADE2AC-7285-4E7B-A0B1-40646B275703

Mac OSX - https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201361