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ITEC-200 – Exam 2 Guide


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ITEC-200 – Exam 2 Guide

Exam 2 Summary

Exam 2 is worth 13% of your final grade and will become available at 11:59 PM US Eastern Time on Tuesday, March 21 and you will have a single, 75-minute session to complete it before it's due at 11:59  PM US Eastern Time on Wednesday, March 22 (a 24-hour window). Note if you have an extra time exception on file with the ASAC, Canvas will be setup for this. It is open-notes and no lockdown browser or similar technologies are needed but you may not collaborate with anyone.

When you start the exam you will be presented with two files: a PDF instructions file and an Excel data file containing 6 problems similar to the ones below. All problems are based on In-Class Exercises, Labs, or Homeworks. This means the best way to prepare for this exam is practice the problems referenced   below. However, unlike Lab assignments, the exam instructions will not tell you how to solve the problems in any way just what you need to do. Finally, ifit's not in this guide, it's not on the exam.

Problems and assignment references

1. VLOOKUP and Pivot Table like the Lab 2 - Excel Lookups and Conditional Statements problem on  the 'Final Exam' worksheet (i.e., using VLOOKUP to retrieve grades) but with a Pivot Table from Lab

3 - Excel Lookups and Conditional Statements. That is, you need sum points, calculate a % grade, use VLOOKUP to get letter grades, then count the number of values so you know how many students earned an A, B, etc. Be sure you know how to adjust the Pivot Table Σ Values option from SUM to COUNT.

2.    IF Statement and VLOOKUP like the Lab 2 - Excel Lookups and Conditional Statements problem on the 'Commissions' worksheet (i.e., use an IF Statement to determine which array VLOOKUP should  use).

3.    Column or Line Chart like the ones in Lab 1 - Budget Report and Homework 1 - Budget Report. This includes formatting data, sorting, and adding an appropriate Chart Title.

4.    Pivot Chart and Analysis – like the SalesData problem in Lab 3 - Excel Pivot Tables & Charts (i.e., Revenue by Region, Product, Salesperson, and Quarter). You will also be required to analyze the data.

5.   A problem made up of skills from:

a.    Lab 1 - Budget Report – calculate new salaries based on parameters.

b.   The AVERAGE function formula: =(AVERAGE(range of values).

c.    Lab 2  - Excel Lookups and Conditional Statements – use an IF Statement to check if a value is   above or below the average. However, you will not need to do a Nested IF (i.e., IF inside an IF).

6.    SUMIF like the Revenue and Cost of Goods Sold calculations in Lab 1 - Budget Report and Homework 1 - Budget Report), which required SUMIF to sum values based on a category.