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DA 219 Data Structures for Data Analytics Assignment 4


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Assignment 4

Overall Assignment

In this assignment youll create a simple calculator that can read expressions from a String and produce a result. The calculator will use a syntax referred to as "Reverse Polish Notation" (RPN) or "Postx", which has historically been common amongst scientic calculators like those created by HP.

Download the assignment zip and extract it. You should see the le:


Getting Started

The calculator is based on a stack. It works as follows:

(1) when a number is entered, push it onto a stack.  (2) when an operator is entered, pop the appropriate number of arguments othe stack, perform the operation, and push the result back onto the stack (3) when no more numbers or operators are left to process, pop the top value othe stack. This is the answer.

We will use String expressions to interact with the calculator. A valid String consists of 1 or more numbers and 0 or more operators that are separated by whitespace (spaces, tabs). Collectively, well refer to numbers or operators as tokens” . For example, the String “4 2 +” contains two numbers: 4, and 2; and one operator "+". Thus, there are three tokens. Evaluating the String should begin a process that reads in each token and takes an action based on the tokens type (either number or operator). For the String above, this process should unfold as follows:  (1) push the value 4 onto the stack; (2) push the value 2 onto the stack; (3) pop two values othe stack, compute 4 + 2 and push the result, 6, onto the stack. Then (4) since the expression is fully processed (i.e., there are no more tokens are left to process), we should pop the top element othe stack, here it is 6, and return that value as the answer.

Implementing the Calculator

The Calculator.py le contains a partially implemented class. Your job is to complete it.

To get you started, the skeleton code contains method signatures for all of the methods that you must implement. Look through the code, and consider:

1) What instance variables will you need to support your work? Hint, use a list for your stack.

2) How will you process the string expression? Here, youll likely want to make use of if”, “in”, and isnumeric. Remember, isnumeric() is a method of a string that allows you to check if the current string is a number or not.


40%  Successfully completing Basic Operations

40%  Successfully completing Variables

20%  Code style and quality

What to turn in:
