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CULT1015 Seminar Follow-up Exercises


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Assessment: Seminar Follow-up Exercises

For CULT1015 students you must submit 2 of these exercises for 50% of your overall mark on the module. For CULT1021 students you have the option of submitting 2 of these exercises (or of completing the essay) for 100% of your overall mark.

The aim of the follow-up exercise is to propose a brief critical analysis of the set reading for each of the weeks that you choose

What you should do for each of your two analyses:

· Summarise – in your own words - briefly the claims being made in the reading concerning the topic in question (providing points of reference from the text to support this).

· Consider (identify and evaluate) carefully any evidence provided in the reading.

· Using at least two other, appropriate, academic sources, propose some criticisms of the position that is adopted by the reading

· Where relevant draw on your own experience of engagement with communication technology to help support your analysis *

In all cases these pieces of work should be 750 words long (including footnotes/endnotes, excluding title, bibliography and other surrounding text). You should use academic references as if each of these exercises were an essay and you should bear in mind that given the word limit you will need to pay careful attention to economy of expression. You can use screenshots in your work to illustrate your analysis but not as a substitute for written expression. We are testing your comprehension of key academic research on issues addressed on the module and your ability to write clearly and cogently, to present complex arguments in your own words, and to evaluate them.

Please bear in mind that these assessment tasks are not mini-essays. They are exercises designed to test your ability to understand given pieces of academic work on communications and technology and to express that understanding in your own words. They are a test of your capacities for analysis rather than synthesis (which is what essays are more often a test of)

* It’s absolutely fine to draw on personal experience but do remember that your experience may not be representative and so should be treated with great care (and quite a lot of scepticism) as a source of evidence.


Submission is via Turnitin

· The first completed seminar follow-up exercise should be submitted by 3pm Monday 20th March.

· The second completed seminar follow-up exercise should be submitted by 3pm Tuesday 2nd May.