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FIT1050 Web Fundamentals 2023 Semester 1 Assignment 1


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FIT1050 Web Fundamentals

2023 Semester 1

Assignment 1 Marking Guidelines

Presentation Video

Tutors will be assessing all of the following criteria when marking submissions for this assignment task. All criteria are equally weighted.

Overview of           website and target audience goals

A brief overview of the chosen website has been provided.

Demographic         attributes are used to define audience.

Specic and realistic user goals are          described.

Application of

network analysis


Correct network       analysis settings and methods have been used.


understanding of

network analysis


Objective and           subjective opinion of whether loading       time is acceptable.

Identication of      issues and possible improvements

Factors that impact loading are based on evidence from  network analysis.

Improvements show understanding of     both bandwidth and latency.

Summary of issues  and improvements   considers context of user goals.


Preparation and use of visual aids

Slide content is       understandable and concise with tidy     design and layout.

Images are used to support important  parts of the spoken delivery.

Research beyond    the chosen website, references clearly   listed on nal slide.

Quality of



Spoken delivery has good pacing and     timing (5mins).

Spoken delivery is   clear and engaging, not just read directly from slides.

Recorded video is appropriately       optimised for web streaming.

Assessment Policy and Penalties

1.   Each day, or part thereof, an assessment task is overdue, a late penalty of 10% of the available total marks applies up to a maximum of seven days.

2.  Assessment tasks submitted more than seven days after the due date will receive a mark of zero for that task and may not receive feedback.

Extensions and other individual alterations to the assessment will only be considered in accordance with Monash Special Consideration Policy. Students should carefully read the Special Consideration website, including information about acceptable circumstances for    special consideration and acceptable types of supporting documentation.

Understanding Your Results and Feedback

Each criteria in this assessment task will be assessed on a scale of Poor to Excellent with consideration of the following attributes.

   Quantity of work

Where the brief specifies a word-count or specic number of deliverables.

   Quality of work

We expect work to be clearly presented, sensibly structured, and well-formatted.

   Application of theory

You must demonstrate an understanding of theory covered in lectures and labs.

Excellent (80% - 100%)

●   All deliverables are present, and complete to a high standard.

●   A nuanced understanding of theory is applied supported with independent research.

●   All work is structured and formatted professionally, consistent across all deliverables.

Very Good (70% - 79%)

   All deliverables are present, and complete to a fair standard.

●   A deeper understanding of the theory is shown and applied to unique ideas.

●   The work is presented well, but not entirely consistent.

Good (60% - 69%)

●   All deliverables are present, but implementation of some parts is incorrect.

●   A basic understanding of theory is present, recalling facts from unit content.

●   Individual deliverables are free of major issues, but structure could be improved or formatting could have better consistency.

Satisfactory (50% - 59%)

●   A minor deliverable is missing, or some deliverables are incomplete.

  Formal theory from the unit has been mentioned but is vague or used incorrectly.

●   An attempt has been made to structure and format the work, but it is not easy to interpret or is unprofessional.

Poor (0% - 49%)

  Significant number of deliverables missing.

●   Work is messy and unstructured, lacking in formatting.

●   Formal theory has not been applied, or is barely mentioned.