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ECO105Y L0101/L0102 Fall/Winter 2022/23 Spring 2023 MAcroeconomic Op-Ed Writing Assignment


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ECO105Y L0101/L0102

Fall/Winter 2022/23

Spring 2023

MAcroeconomic Op-Ed Writing Assignment

(12% of course grade – 96 marks)


One goal of this course is to help you understand and apply basic economic concepts to daily life. Part of your role as an informed citizen involves making sound arguments about economic issues that matter to you and communicating these arguments effectively to others. This assignment will give you practice      developing a convincing written argument about an economic issue for a general audience.


1.    On the Quercus module How to (Re-)Write an Op-Ed, watch the video How to (Re-)Write an Op-Ed,

which builds on the videos you must have watched already How To Read Critically and How to (Re-)Write an Abstract.

2.   Your assignment is to write an Op-Ed, which refers to the section of a print newspaper that is    opposite the editorial page and devoted to opinion and commentary rather than straight news.

3.    Choose an article, editorial or opinion piece in a recent (published since 1 September 2022) online   publication that involves a controversial mAcroeconomic issue that interests you. [You may NOT use any article discussed in lectures, abstracts, tutorials, or Economics Out There.] The economic issue     can be Canadian or international.

4.    In response, write your own commentary in which you take a position on the issue, supporting your position by making an argument based on sound economic reasoning.

•    Complete the Draft/Revise/Edit stages for your Op-Ed (see How To (Re-)Write an Op-Ed) and submit your Draft 4 to peerScholar on Quercus by the 1st  Deadline.

•    Provide feedback to classmates about their Op-Eds by the 2nd  Deadline.

•    Incorporate your classmates’ feedback and submit a final draft on Quercus to both Ouriginal and peerScholar. On peerScholar, also include your reflection on what you learned from the writing  and assessment process. Submit all by the 3rd  Deadline.


•    Your commentary must be 300-500 words or you will lose marks.

•    Include right after your Op-Ed a word count (not including title) in parentheses, e.g. “(490 words).”

•    Submit your Op-Ed to peerScholar on Quercus by copying and pasting into a text box.


1)           1st    Deadline — 24 March 2023 (Friday) — The first submission of your Op-Ed to peerScholar on  Quercus for ECO105Y. Your draft must be complete and written in full     sentences. You will lose marks for submitting an outline or point form draft. No pictures or graphs can be included.       All words.

Copy and paste your draft into the text box in the CREATE step, including: 1) Your Title; 2) Your    Op-Ed (with word count- excluding title - in parentheses at end); 3) Leave some space; 4) Put in   some cut-and-paste form of the original article. This could be just a URL, or text from the article. If the original article is a print-only source, provide a complete reference. When in doubt, include more original article material rather than less. Save a copy of your draft.

If you submit  by this deadline, you are eligible to earn up to 15 marks for assessing your peers’ Op-Ed assignments. If you miss this deadline, you will miss the assessments in 2) and so lose   the 15 marks for assessments. You also lose the benefit of getting feedback from classmates that might improve your final draft. Without feedback from classmates you also lose on the Reflection — the highest grade you can get on the Reflection is 6 marks instead of 9.

2)           2nd Deadline 31 March 2023 (Friday ) — Submit three assessments of your fellow students’ abstracts in peerScholar. For each, give: a Rating (out of 5 stars);  List 1 thing done well; List 1 thing needing improvement; an Overall Rating paragraph. You can also comment on specific sections of your peer’s assignment using the Highlight and Comment feature.      Address your suggestions to the writer, not to the Professor/TA.

If you submit by this deadline, you receive a maximum of 15 marks, according to this grading Rubric for Assessment

15          Strengths and weaknesses for each assigned paper, with specifics

10           Fair attempt but weak, lacking specifics

5              No real effort

0             Missed 20 January 2023 deadline, or did not attempt assessments

3)           3rd    Deadline 7 April 2023 (Friday ) — Your final submission and your reflection on what you learned from the writing and assessment process. Final draft must be submitted          on Quercus to both peerScholar and Ouriginal. If you submit by this deadline, you receive  a maximum of 72 marks for the final draft (marked according to the rubric below) and a    maximum of  9 marks for the reflection (6 marks if missed assessments). If you miss this   deadline, you lose all 72 marks as well as the 9 marks for reflection. Avoid this fate by     at least submitting your first draft the day this submission opens, the resubmitting a       final draft.

Rubric for Reflection

9            Thoughtful and detailed, refers to peer comments, incorporated revisions

6             Fair attempt but lacking specifics maximum if missed assessments

3             No real effort

0             No reflection


Your audience is the general reading public. Assume your audience has some education and                     background in current affairs and understands basic economic concepts, but is not knowledgeable            about the details of economic theory or policy. In other words, you’ll need to explain any economic          concepts and specialized vocabulary in a way that keeps their interest and respects their intelligence.      Your audience is not the professor or the TAs. You need to write more like a journalist than an academic.


1.    You are writing for a public forum where other writers and readers can debate and comment on issues so you must present a clear, concise, and interesting argument that uses evidence to         support your position

2.    Choose a catchy title to capture your audience’s attention and tell your reader what your main point is. Do this AFTER you’ve written a draft so you actually know what your point it. Read a    few articles in The Economist to see examples of catchy titles.

3.    Make your main point early on:  introduce your issue and point of view in your first paragraph. Unlike an essay you don’t need a long introduction.

4.    Organize your sentences into short paragraphs (about 3-5 sentences each): As this assignment is only 1-2 pages, you should have 3-6 paragraphs. Do not use one-sentence paragraphs.

5.    Make clear any economic reasoning on which your argument is based.

6.    Support each point with evidence whether in the form of a statistic, an example, or economic reasoning.


If you want additional advice on writing, see the Style Guide of The Economist Magazine posted on Quercus. The Economist is widely recognized as the world standard for economic journalism.


To find news articles to comment on, try the following sources. Other sources are also acceptable.

Globe and Mail Report on Business


Financial Post


Toronto Star Business


CBC News


Economist Magazine


You can access The Economist through Robarts Library https://tinyurl.com/4jn8s9cp


For other examples of commentaries you might use as models for you own commentary, or use as articles to comment on, try the following sources.

Globe and Mail

Report on Business Commentary


The Star Opinion Pages


Financial Post Opinion  FPComment


Wall Street Journal

The best source for conservative (hands-off) opinions on economic issues, but you must pay for access.


New York Times Economix Blog


Look for the economics articles in all sections.


The final draft of your op-ed will be evaluated on how well you make reasoned economic arguments and write clearly, convincingly, correctly, and concisely. In addition, your participation in the peer assessment and reflection processes is worth 24 of the 96 marks, based on the rubrics above for assessment and reflection.

Here is a sample rubric that will be used in marking your final draft, worth 72 marks.  A 0 – 100% scale is rarely used for writing assignments, as it is impossible to discriminate that finely between papers.    Letter grades are more commonly used.

Since we have to integrate the score on this assignment with your other numerical scores, your grade   will be based on the marks you earn in each category of the rubric below. You will receive a numerical  mark (for Excellent, Good, Competent, Problematic) in each of the four categories, which will be added to get a score out of 72 marks. For example, if you get the top (Excellent) score in each category, you    score will be (14+29+15+8 =) 66/72 = (92)%. If you get the second (Good) score in each category, your  score will be (12+24+12+7 =) 55/72 = (77)%.  With the lowest score in each category, your score will be (8+14+7+5 =) 34/72 = (47)%.