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LAN010 – Introduction to Intercultural Communication Semester 2, 2022-23


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LAN010 – Introduction to Intercultural Communication

Semester 2, 2022-23

Portfolio Task 2: Describing your identity through a cultural object


Deliver a live presentation, describing your cultural identity through an object.

Learning Outcomes: ABC

Weighting: 5%

Dates: Presentation delivery: 20th - 24th March 2023 (exact date and time will be confirmed via by your lecturer)


- Speak for at least 3-4 minutes.

- Must use bring an object or a picture of the object.

Other Assessment Details:

- You will be penalized if it is under 3 minutes. You will be stopped at 4 minutes with a 15 second warning.

- Only 3 one-sided note cards are allowed. No complete sentences can be used. Your lecturer will review the notes before your presentation. 

Try to include the following information:

1. Describing your background and cultural identity

-What is your nationality?

-What languages do you speak?

-Where is your hometown?

-What are some of the roles you have?

-What are the top 3 important things in your life (values)?

2. Reflection on different influences or experiences in life -What experiences have shaped your values?

     -What experiences have shaped your values?

     -Who in your life has been a big influence?

     -Are there any influences from media, popular culture, or society?

     -What social customs or behaviors do you feel are important and worth continuing?

3. Describe your cultural object

-What is it?

-What does it symbolize?

-What aspects of your identity, values, and beliefs are shown by this object?

-Why did you choose this object?

-How it represents your individual culture?

Marking descriptors:


An excellent understanding of the cultural identity has been demonstrated in the discussion. The speaker was able to speak for at least 3 minutes with minor errors in language and grammar.


A strong understanding of the cultural identity has been demonstrated in the discussion. The speaker was able to speak for at least 3 minutes with some errors in language and grammar.


A good attempt to use cultural identity has been made in the discussion. The speaker was able to speak for at least 3 minutes with some errors in language and grammar.


A basic attempt has been made to use cultural identity in the discussion. The speaker was able to speak for at least 3 minutes with some errors in language and grammar.


No attempt at using cultural identity in the discussion. The speaker spoke under 3 minutes with some errors in language and grammar.