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EEE 404/591 Real-Time DSP Systems Spring 2023


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EEE 404/591 Real-Time DSP Systems

Spring 2023

Course Prerequisite: Signals and Systems or equivalent, and Computer Organization & Assembly Language or equivalent, and a programming course (C preferred).

Course Objective: With the widespread usage of DSPs as part of real-time embedded systems, the breadth of applications in which DSPs can be used is large. These applications include, but are not limited to, modems, faxes, data transmission, data encryption, speech and image processing and compression, computer vision, vehicle navigation, automotive control, seismic and spectral analysis, radar and sonar, ECG monitoring, digital audio and music, hearing aids, digital cellular phones, and video telephones.

The objectives of the course are to provide the students with knowledge and hands-on experience in translating DSP and communications concepts into real- time software for embedded systems using a microcontroller board with DSP capabilities. The course emphasizes designing and implementing real-time software for embedded systems through the programming of an ARM-based microcontroller. Laboratory exercises will be based on writing C and assembly  language programs for a microcontroller board based on ARM Cortex-M4  architecture, which is used in many current consumer products, and interfacing  the microcontroller board to external devices for test and measurement. The focus of the course is on Real-Time DSP programming. It provides an overview but does not provide in-depth coverage of signals/systems theory, nor does it teach computer programming, since it assumes some knowledge of both. The main objective is to let students explore signal processing and communications concepts by implementing them on actual hardware in real-time.


•    Real-Time Systems: Introduction and Basics (1 week)

•    Basic Concepts in Signals and Systems: signals, Analog-to-Digital/Digital- to-Analog conversion, sampling and aliasing, quantization, discrete-time    representation, filtering (1 week).

•    Embedded System: Harvard architecture, instruction set, memory addressing, function calls, peripherals. (3 weeks)

•    Computer Arithmetics: fixed-point and floating-point numbers and arithmetic (1.5 week)

•    Finite word length effects: quantization, overflow, saturation, scaling, rounding and truncation (1 week)

•    Fast Fourier Transforms and Applications: DTFT, DFT, FFT, implementation complexity, linear convolution, circular convolution, fast convolution, Short-Time Fourier Transform and Spectrogram (3.5 weeks)

•    Real-Time Multimedia and Communication Applications: speech processing, and/or audio processing, and/or image processing, and/or adaptive filtering,   and/or modulation/demodulation, and/or matched filtering, and/or equalization. (3 weeks)


Homework (every other week)                  150

Labs                                                                      300

Projects (including lab exam)                      200 ( 160 + 40 lab exam)

Exam 1 (Mar. 16)                                             150

ABET Quiz (Apr. 25)                                     50

Exam 2 (Apr. 27) 150

TOTAL==> 1000

Grading Scale: A+ >=970, A 969-900, B 899-800, C 799-700, D 699-600, E <600

Homework: Homework will be assigned every other week on Canvas. Working homework problems is an important component of the course. Any graded material including homework, is to evaluate each student’s own understanding and performance skills. So, students are not allowed to refer to past homework solutions and/or solution manuals when solving the assigned homework problems. Students are encouraged to seek the help of the instructor when they encounter difficulties in solving assigned homework problems. All homework are expected to be turned in on time, which is defined as before the start of lecture on the date due. Late assignment submitted before midnight on the due date will still be accepted but with 10% late penalty. No further late assignment will be accepted without prior arrangement.

Labs: Labs are one main component of this course. The lab assignments provide hands- on experience in translating DSP concepts into real-time software for embedded  systems through the programming of a microcontroller board using C and Assembly programming languages. In addition, the labs provide hands-on experience in acquiring, analyzing, and processing real-time I/O.

Lab assignments will be posted on Canvas. You will have one or two weeks to complete each lab assignment. You will be able to conduct all lab exercises at home by purchasing the required lab supplies. You are encouraged to come to TA’s office hours if you encounter any difficulties.

Projects: The projects consist of the development of real-time applications in which students will address implementation of real-time DSP systems from DSP algorithms to real-time I/O. Two projects will be assigned. Since the projects  account for a significant portion of your grade, you are expected to spend a proportional amount of effort on the projects. A lab exam will be conducted at the end of the semester in place of the final exam.

Exams/ABET Quiz: There will be two exams and one ABET quiz. All exams and quiz are to be taken on the dates and at the times specified by the instructor. Exam/Quiz dates and times are listed in this handout, but these can change if circumstances warrant it. No make-up exams/quiz will be given. Missing an exam/quiz will result in a zero grade for that exam/quiz unless due to a proven medical emergency. Cheating on an exam/quiz will not be tolerated; students caught cheating will receive a zero grade   for the exam/quiz or a failing grade (E) for the course. Also, students need to abide  by the exam/quiz rules as discussed in class, and as written on the front page of the exam/quiz.

Grade Appeals:              If you wish to dispute a grade that you received, you should write a brief

explanation of the grading mistake and submit it along with the original work for reevaluation. Verbal appeals will not be accepted. You must submit your grade   appeals to your instructor within one week of the receipt of the grade.

Attendance Policy:        Students are expected to attend class regularly, and are responsible for everything

covered, announced, or distributed in lectures and/or on Canvas course website.       Some absences are, however, unavoidable. Excused absences for classes will be  given without penalty to the grade in the case of (1) a university-sanctioned event [ACD 304-02]; (2) religious holidays [ACD 304-04; a list can be found here https://eoss.asu.edu/cora/holidays ]; (3) work performed in the line-of-duty according [SSM 201- 18]; and (4) illness, quarantine or self-isolation related to illness as documented by a health professional.

Anticipated absences for university-sanctioned events, religious holidays, or line-of- duty activity should be communicated to the instructor by email at least one week    before the expected absence.

Absences for illness, quarantine or self-isolation related to illness should be documented by a health professional and communicated to the instructor as soon as possible by email.

Excused absences do not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the      course work required during the period of absence. Contact the instructor regarding make-up work.

Classroom Behavior: Cell phones and pagers must be set to silence mode during class to avoid causing

distractions.  The use of recording devices is not permitted during class.  Any      violent or threatening conduct by an ASU student in this class will be reported to the ASU Police Department and the Office of the Dean of Students.

Academic Integrity:      All students in this class are subject to ASUs Academic Integrity Policy (available

athttp://provost.asu.edu/academicintegrity) and should acquaint themselves with its content and requirements, including a strict prohibition against plagiarism. All        violations will be reported to the Dean’s office, who maintain records of all              offenses.  Students are expected to abide by the FSE Honor Code                              (http://engineering.asu.edu/integrity/). ASU expects and requires all students to act with honesty and integrity, and respect the rights of others in carrying out all            academic assignments. Each student in this class is expected to abide by theASU Academic Integrity Policy and Student Code of Conduct.

Any graded material, including homework, labs, projects, exams, and demo, is to evaluate each student’s own understanding and performance skills. So, students  are not allowed to refer to past solutions, past work, and to other students’           projects and labs. Students are encouraged to seek the help of the instructor and  TA when they encounter difficulties with the labs and projects but need to show  diligence in attempting to perform the work before approaching for help.

Accessibility Resources: To request an accommodation based on a medical condition, individuals should contact Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services (SAILS): https://eoss.asu.edu/accessibility. The process of determining eligibility for        accommodations and what accommodations may be available requires medical  documentation and can take several days, so please do not delay in contacting    SAILS with questions.

Policy against Threatening Behavior: All incidents and allegations of violent or threatening conduct by an   ASU student (whether on-or off campus) must be reported to the ASU Police             Department (ASU PD) and the Office of the Dean of Students.  If either office           determines that the behavior poses or has posed a serious threat to personal safety or to the welfare of the campus, the student will not be permitted to return to campus     or reside in any ASU residence hall until an appropriate threat assessment has been  completed and, if necessary, conditions for return are imposed. ASU PD, the Office  of the Dean of Students, and other appropriate offices will coordinate the                    assessment in light of the relevant circumstances. For more information please visit



Reporting Title IX Violations: Arizona State University is committed to providing an environment free of   discrimination, harassment, or retaliation for the entire university community,          including all students, faculty members, staff employees, and guests. ASU expressly prohibits discrimination, harassment, and retaliation by employees, students,            contractors, or agents of the university based on any protected status: race, color,      religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation,          gender identity, and genetic information.

Policy on Sexual Discrimination: Arizona State University is committed to providing an environment free   of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation for the entire university community,      including all students, faculty members, staff employees, and guests. ASU expressly prohibitsdiscrimination,harassment, andretaliationby employees, students,            contractors, or agents of the university based on any protected status: race, color,      religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation,          gender identity, and genetic information.

As a mandated reporter, I am obligated to report any information I become aware of regarding alleged acts of sexual discrimination, including sexual violence and dating violence. ASU Counseling Services, https://eoss.asu.edu/counseling, is available if you wish discuss any concerns confidentially and privately.

Course content, including lectures, are copyrighted materials and students may not  share outside the class, upload to online websites not approved by the instructor,      sell, or distribute course content or notes taken during the conduct of the course (see ACD 304–06, “Commercial Note Taking Services” and ABOR Policy5-308 F.14 for more information).

Students must refrain from uploading to any course shell, discussion board, or         website used by the course instructor or other course forum, material that is not the  student's original work, unless the students first comply with all applicable               copyright laws; faculty members reserve the right to delete materials on the grounds of suspected copyright infringement.

Syllabus Disclaimer:      The syllabus is a statement of intent and serves as an implicit agreement between

the instructor and the student. Every effort will be made to avoid changing the         course schedule, but the possibility exists that unforeseen events will make syllabus changes necessary. Remember to check your ASU email and the course site often.