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COMP0015 Term 2 Coursework


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Contact tracing

COMP0015 Term 2 Coursework – 60% of the module

This document explains the arrangements for the coursework. You will create an application that analyses a small dataset to determine how a virus is spreading based on contact tracing data. This document is fairly lengthy; do not be deterred by this. The coursework has been carefully designed so that you can complete it part by part and know that you have the correct functionality at each point. Each part is described in its own section. Start tackling your coursework as early as possible; give yourself time to resolve the issues that you encounter.


27 March 2023 at 16:00 (UK time).

How to submit your work

Submit your .py file only at the assignment link on Moodle. Do not submit the data files, we have those. Do not upload a folder containing your files because this can cause compatibility issues for the marking team. You must ensure that your program works properly on your own computer before you submit the code. Make sure your student number (not your name) is included in comments at the top of your program.


You are responsible for testing your program carefully. Make sure that you have thought about all the things that can go wrong and test your program to ensure that you know it works correctly in all circumstances.

However, as an aid, we have developed a web-based testing service. More details can be found in Appendix 1.


You are expected to show that you can code competently using the programming concepts covered so far in the course including (but not limited to): use of files, strings, lists, dictionaries, sets, conditions, loops and functions.

Marking criteria will include:

.    Correctness – your code must perform as specified

.    You must apply Python concepts appropriately.

.    Programming style – see section‘Appendix 2 Style Guide’for more detail.

.    Your assignment will be marked using the rubric in Appendix 3. This is the standard rubric used in the Department of Computer Science. Marks for your project work will be awarded for the capabilities (i.e. functional requirements) your system achieves, and the quality of the code. Categories 5 and 6 of the rubric will be used for coding assignments.


Your work will be checked for plagiarism using a world-class plagiarism detection tool, MOSS. MOSS is used in the Department of Computer Science and across UCL more widely. According to UCL policy, plagiarism is defined as the presentation of another person’s thoughts or words or artefacts or software as though they were your own. Plagiarism includes copying work from other students, submitting work completed by students in previous years of the course, and copying from journal articles, books and internet sources without correct referencing. Plagiarism seriously undermines the integrity of the College and its graduates and if a deliberate case of plagiarism is suspected in this course it will be treated as cheating under the University of London Proceedings in Respect of Examination Irregularities.  Further  details  of  the  policy  and  proceedings  can  be  found  on  the  College  website  at:

https://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/chapters/chapter-6-student-casework-framework/section-9-student- academic-misconduct-procedure. It is most important that if you feel that you are not able to deal with the study requirements in this course or if you are unsure about referencing conventions, then please ask your lecturer for help. Do not feel tempted to risk your personal reputation and progress through your degree program by plagiarising or cheating.

It is also most important to remember that each assessment task is an opportunity for you to learn and to develop skills that will be of great value in professional and other areas of your life. While you may feel under pressure to complete each assessment task you should not waste important learning opportunities by dishonestly fulfilling the assessment requirements, including copying material directly from the internet. If you are having difficulty meeting assessment deadlines and requirements please contact your Tutor to work out how best to maximise your learning, rather than resorting to plagiarism or cheating.

If you are in any way unsure about the rules and interpretations relating to plagiarism, please contact your personal tutor or the module leader for clarification. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this module.

Avoiding Plagiarism

Here are some tips to avoid plagiarism.

1.   Cite all sources of code that are not your original work. You can put the citation into the comments in your program. For example, if you find and use code from a website:

#  The  following  code  is  from                                                                            # https://www.quackit.com/python/tutorial/python_hello_world.cfm

2.   Citing sources avoids accusations of plagiarism and penalties for academic misconduct. Please note that you may still receive a low grade if you submit code that is not primarily your own. Cited material should never be used to complete assignments.

3.   Collaborative coding is strictly prohibited. Your assignment submission must be strictly your own code. Discussing anything beyond assignment requirements and ideas is a strictly forbidden form of collaboration. This includes sharing code, discussing code itself, or modelling code after another student’s algorithm. You must not use (even with citation) another student’s code.

4.   Making your code available, even passively, for others to copy, is also plagiarism.

Before starting your assignment

You are provided with some starter code in file template .py. Your first action should be to make a copy of this code into a new file, contact .py, where you will work afterwards. You have also been given some text files containing data which you must download and save before starting the assignment. You are also provided with some additional files showing the output that your program should produce for each of the datasets given.

Running the contact tracing program

There are two ways to run the program from the terminal depending on whether you want to provide the data file name on the command line or whether you want the user to be prompted for the file name. The code in main() contains code to handle this. Important: you should not edit the code in main().

Entering a file name on the command line

On Windows, run the program in the terminal, specifying the data file name:

python contact .py DataSet0 .txt

or on macos type:

python3 contact .py DataSet0 .txt

The meaning of the terms on this line is:

python or python3

The python interpreter.  On   macos  this  will   be python3 and on Windows, this will be py or python.

contact .py

The name of the python program.

DataSet0 .txt

Name of the data file.

Prompting the user for a file name

To prompt the user for a file name, simply run the program in your editor (IDE) as you would normally.

Section 1: Get started

In this coursework, you must not import any additional libraries apart from those already imported in the starter code.

You have been given several files containing fictitious contact tracing data.   This contact tracing data is one- directional, meaning sick people who have tested positive for a fictitious zombie disease have reported the people with whom they have had contact. We don’t have data for the reverse direction where a well person had contact with a sick individual. In order to work with the contact tracing data, you will need to load a data file storing contact tracing data and create appropriate data structures such as a dictionary or a list. These data structures can be used to identify the relationship between the individuals in the data.

Many of the sections require you to print out data after you have calculated it. Your printing commands should go into the functions called pretty_print_section_X() (where X is a section number).

Important: ensure that your program’s output matches exactly the output given to you unless otherwise specified.

Important: do not import any additional packages; lines 7-9 of the  template .py file already imports sys, os .path, and format_list; that’s all you need (and all you are allowed).

Important: do not modify the main() function; all of your work should be in the other functions that are labelled for the various sections.

Data files

You may assume that the data in the files you have been given is correct. The data is stored in CSV (comma separated value) files. The files (as well as your assignment’s expected output for each file) are posted on Moodle with the assignment information. Each file ends with the .txt extension. You can open the files in Visual Studio Code or in a text editor to see the contents.

Each line in the file will be of the form ,,,...,

<SickPerson1>, are placeholders for specific people.

Each line will always begin with exactly one person, followed by one or more other people. For example, lines in the file could be Jonathan, Alice, Bob or Carol, Alice

The names may include a mixture of upper and lowercase letters and may also include spaces. The end of a name is indicated by comma separator. In order to make the files easier to work with you can assume that there will not be any spaces immediately before or after any of the commas (only within the start and end of a name).

Section 2: Check the file exists (1 mark)

Take a look at the following code in main():

# 1. Check that the file exists

if not file_exists(filename):

print("File does not exist, ending program . " )

sys .exit()

The function file_exists() takes the file name given as a parameter, and checks that the file exists. Your first task is to complete function file_exists(). The function file_exists()must return True  if the file exists and False if it does not. Hint: use the function isfile() from the python library os.path.

Section 3: Create a dictionary (3 marks for creating the dictionary + 1 mark for

correctly printing the error message when needed)

Complete the function  parse_file(). This function takes a file name as a parameter, reads the file line by line  and creates a dictionary with the name of the sick person as the key and a list of contacts as the value. The function will return the dictionary. If a ValueError exception is generated when processing a line of the file, the program should print the message:

Error  found  in  file,  continuing .

Important: for this section, and all sections that follow, you should print to the screen (rather than, e.g., writing your results to a file). Also, it is critical that you produce the exact error message we specify to get the mark.

Your program should continue if there is an error of this type and attempt to read the next line of the file. If there are no valid lines in the file then the function should return an empty dictionary. Ensure that the file is closed.

Section 4: Print contact records (3 marks)

Please fill in the function body of the function pretty_print_section_4(contacts_dic). Print the        names of the sick people with the list of people that they had contact with. For example, if the data file contains the line:

Jonathan, Alice, Bob, Charles

Your output should be:

Jonathan  had  contact  with  Alice,  Bob  and  Charles

Important: check the format of the output expected for the files given to you; unless we specify otherwise we expect you to follow this format exactly. The output expected for each data file can be found in the corresponding file name with the word“out”in the name. For example: the output for DataSet1.txt is given in DataSet1-out.txt.

Note that commas appear after all the contacts except the last two items where the word“and”must be used. You have been provided with module format_list .py which contains the function format_list(). Use the

function format_list() to print the list as shown in the output.

For example, the output expected for DataSet2.txt is:

Contact  Records:

Alice   had   contact  with   Bob,   Carol,   Darryl,   Ettienne   Fourth,   Forbert   Findlesworth   II   and  Gordie

Bob  had  contact  with  Lammle

Carol  had  contact  with  Lammle

Darryl  had  contact  with  Lammle

Ettienne   Fourth   had   contact  with   Lammle

Forbert  Findlesworth  II  had  contact  with  Job  and  Molly

Gordie  had  contact  with  Kirk

Hanes   had   contact  with   Bob,   Carol,   Ettienne   Fourth   and   Forbert   Findlesworth   II

Illersley   had   contact   with   Darryl,   Ettienne   Fourth,   Forbert   Findlesworth   II,   Gordie,   Job   and


Job  had  contact  with  Lammle

Kirk  had  contact  with  Job

Molly  had  contact  with  Job  and  Kirk

Important: Notice that within each contract record, the names are sorted (within Alice, Bob … Gordie); and moreover, the contract records are also sorted (Alice Molly).   Reminder: if you have a list  mylst, then mylst .sort() will sort it. (There are other ways to sort it too.)

Section 5: Identify possible patients zero (4 marks for correctness + 1 mark for


The input files consist of contact tracing records where we know everyone tested positive before constructing their contact record list, then we can track back the path of the likely infection to what we will call patient zero(s). One way to think about patient zero(s) is that they are people that are sick who do not appear in anyone else’s contact list.

Your program should list the patient zero(s) for the input data.

For example, the output for DataSet1.txt should be:

Patient  Zero(s):  Bob,  Farley  and  Larry

Important: Notice that the list is sorted.

Complete function find_patients_zero(). Do not change the function signature, this means that the           parameters and the return type of function find_patients_zero() must remain the same. Complete the       function pretty_print_section_5() to print the results. Use the function format_list() to print the list as shown in the sample output.

Section 6: Identify potential zombies (4 marks for correctness + 1 mark for


A potential zombie is any person that might be infected (because they have been in contact with a sick individual) but who has not yet been conclusively determined to be sick. Remember that a sick person occurs as a first entry in each contact record in the data file so a potential zombie will occur in the list of a sick person, but not occur as a sick person themselves. The output from your program should display all of the potential zombies with an appropriate heading. There should be no duplicates in this list.

The output for DataSet1.txt should be:

Potential  Zombies:  Philip  and  Sarai

Important: Notice that the list is sorted.

Complete function find_potential_zombies(). Do not change the function signature, this means that the  parameters and the return type of function find_potential_zombies()must remain the same. Add code to pretty_print_section_6() to print the results. Use the function format_list() to print the list as      shown in the output.

Section 7: Identify people who are neither patients zero(s) nor potential

zombies (4 marks for correctness + 1 mark for pretty-printing)

The people that are neither patient zero(s) nor potential zombies are all of the individuals that occur in the data file  but were not printed in Section 5: Identify possible patients zero (4 marks for correctness + 1 mark for pretty- printing) or Section 6: Identify potential zombies (4 marks for correctness + 1 mark for pretty-printing). You must   complete function find_not_zombie_nor_zero(). You can use the lists returned by the functions created for the previous two sections as arguments to function find_not_zombie_nor_zero(). The function should       construct a list of names that only includes individuals who were not potential zombies and were not patient zero(s) and return this list. Do not change the function signature of , find_not_zombie_nor_zero(). This means that the parameters and the return type of function find_not_zombie_nor_zero()must remain the same.

Add code to pretty_print_section_7() to print the results. Use the function format_list() to print the list. The output for DataSet1.txt should be:

Neither   Patient  Zero  or   Potential   Zombie:  Carol,   Leanne,  Mark,   Paul,  Will  and


Important: Notice that the list is sorted.

Section 8: Identify the most viral people (4 marks for correctness + 1 mark for


The most viral people are the people who likely infected the greatest number of other people in the data set           because they had the longest list of contacts. You must identify the most viral people by completing function          find_most_viral(). Do not change the function signature, this means that the parameters and the return type of function find_most_viral()must remain the same. Add code to pretty_print_section_8() to print the results. Use the function format_list() to print the list as shown in the output.

The output for DataSet1.txt should be:

Most  Viral  People:  Bob

Important: Notice that the list is sorted.

DataSet1.txt has only one most viral person but other data sets may have several most viral individuals, all of whom infected the same amount of people. When that situation occurs, your program should display all of the most viral people.

Section 9: Identify the most contacted person (4 marks for correctness + 1 mark

for pretty-printing)

The most contacted person is the member of the data set who has possibly been infected by (been in contact with) the most sick members of the data set. You must identify the most viral people by completing function                 find_most_contacted(). Do not change the function signature, this means that the parameters and the      return type of function find_most_contacted()must remain the same. Remember, there should be no       duplicates in this list returned from the function. Add code to pretty_print_section_9() to print the       results. Use the function format_list() to print the list as shown in the output.

The output for Part 9 for DataSet1.txt should be:

Most  contacted:  Leanne  and  Mark

Important: Notice that the list is sorted.

Section 10: Find the maximum distance from a potential zombie (4 marks for

correctness + 1 mark for pretty-printing)

The maximum distance from a potential zombie is the longest contact tracing path downwards in the data set from a sick person to a potential zombie. Using this definition, all potential zombies (people that are not yet confirmed to be sick) have maximum distance 0. Any person that only has contact with potential zombies has maximum distance 1. All other people in the data set have a maximum distance which is one more than the maximum distance of the person they’ve had contact with who has the largest maximum distance value.

You can determine the maximum distances of all the people in the contact tracing data using the following algorithm:

set  the  max  distances  of  all  people,  including  potential  zombies,  to  0

set changed to true

while  something  has  changed

set changed to  false

for  each  person, p1 ,  in  the  dataset

for  each  person, p2 ,  that p1 had  contact  with

if  the  max  dist  of p1 <= max dist of p2

set  the  max  dist  of p1 to  the  max  dist  of p2 + 1

set changed to true

Implement the algorithm by completing function  find_maximum_distance_from_zombie( ). Do not change the function signature, this means that the parameters and the return type of function                      find_maximum_distance_from_zombie( )  must remain the same. Add code to                             pretty_print_section_ 10()  to print the results.

The output for DataSet1.txt should be:


Bob:  4

Larry:  4

Carol:  3

Farley:  3

Will:  3

Mark:  2

Paul:  2

Leanne:  1

Zach:  1

Philip:  0

Sarai:  0

Important: Your output may not appear in the same order, this is acceptable; the list need not be sorted.

Sections 11, 12, 13, & 14: Additional credit (2 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 10 marks in total)

So far you have had the opportunity to earn 1 + 4 + 3 + 5 * 6 = 38 marks. Up to an additional 12 marks can be awarded for good style (including good comments), as discussed further below. This leaves 10 remaining marks for those who like a challenge, of which several are given below.

You should only attempt an additional challenge if you have satisfied all requirements for the coursework, since these marks are more work for less credit. Note: You are strongly encouraged to follow the specification carefully and to use programming techniques as described in the course materials and textbooks. Poor quality code with additional functionality will not improve your marks.

Identify more features in the data (2 marks each, 6 total)

Identify    the    spreader    zombies,    regular    zombies,    and    zombie    predators.    Use    the    functions find_spreader_zombies(), find_ regular_zombies(), and find_predator_zombies() to do so, as well as the associated pretty_print_section_X() functions.

Important: you will also need to add docstrings for the find_X() functions, as discussed below in the style guide.

A spreader zombie is sick person that only has had contact with potential zombies. Display the spreader zombies under an appropriate heading. If there aren’t any spreader zombies then you should display the heading, followed by “(None)”. In DataSet1.txt, you will see that Leanne has had contact with Sarai and Zach has had contact with Philip. Both Sarai and Philip are both potential zombies and this means that Leanne and Zach are spreader zombies.

A regular zombie is a sick person that has had contact with both potential zombies and people who are already sick. Display the regular zombies under an appropriate heading. If there aren’t any regular zombies then you should display the heading, followed by“(None)”. In DataSet1.txt, we can see that a regular zombie cannot be a spreader zombie so that excludes Leanne and Zach. Mark has had contact with both Philip and Zach; Philip is a potential zombie and Zach is a sick person so Mark is a regular zombie.

A zombie predator is a person that only has contact with people who are sick. Display the zombie predators under an appropriate heading. If there aren’t any zombie predators then you should display the heading, followed by “(None)”. In DataSet1.txt, zombie predators are Bob, Carol, Farley, Larry, Paul and Will have only had contact with sick people. They have not had contact with potential zombies.

The output for spreader, regular, and predator zombies for DataSet1.txt are shown below:

For  additional  credit:

Spreader  Zombies:  Leanne  and  Zach

Regular  Zombies:  Mark

Zombie  Predators:  Bob,  Carol,  Farley,  Larry,  Paul  and  Will

Cycle detection (special challenge question, 4 marks)

There       is       a      function      called       find_cycles_in_data()       that       is      called       before find_maximum_distance_from_zombie(). This is because if you pass a data set with cycles into the latter function, you may end up in an infinite loop!

In the context of our problem a cycle might look something like this:

Tina,                                                                                                                                        Carol

Carol, Tina

This forms a cycle as Tina infects Carol, and Carol also infects Tina. In this case, the maximum distances will be infinite, which is why section 10 will loop forever.

Accordingly, it is a good idea to check first if your data set contains any cycles. That is why you have been tasked with a final challenge task, to write a function which can detect if there are any cycles in the data set or not.

The find_cycles_in_data() function will require you to take as input a contacts list as usual and return either true or false as to whether that data set has a cycle or not. You may use the web to learn a bit about cycles in (directed) graphs (e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycle_%28graph_theory%29).

Two  data  sets  contain  cycles  to  test  your  solution  to  this  problem  against:  DataSetCycle1 .txt  and

DataSetCycle2 .txt. Do not use these files until you are ready to try solving this problem. Good luck and enjoy!

Appendix 1: Testing

We have provided you with a webform on which you can test your coursework submissions to get some feedback on them before you submit your final version for grading. The webform will test how correct your submissions are and will test how it outputs the data to the console (via the pretty printing functions). It will not check for style (12 marks in total), which is graded manually. Thus, if you do perfectly on all 14 sections above, it will be able to award a maximum of 48 marks.

You will receive a final percentage which gives you how correct your code is (as a percentage) and for each section you will receive two percentages, one for functional correctness and the other for the correctness of your output data. The grading of the output is not dependent on the data produced by the corresponding function, i.e. if your main function for a section is incomplete, but you want to test the function which will print the output message for that section, you can do so.

To access this webform you must be connected to the UCL network. If you are not connected to the eduroam network at UCL you may access the webform using the UCL ISD Desktop@UCL Anywhere service (a guide on how to use  it  can  be  found  here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/services/computers/remote-access/desktopucl-anywhere). Once you are logged on to the UCL network, you can access the webform by using your favourite web browser and searching for the url: http://comp0015cwtst.cs.ucl.ac.uk.

Once the webform has loaded you must type in your student number. Student numbers not associated with this course will not be allowed to use this webform so please ensure you type in your 8-digit student number correctly. (If you believe you should be allowed access to this resource but your student number is not working, please contact ylbuzoku@cs.ucl.ac.uk.)

You must then select your Python file by clicking the browse button. This must be a Python file ending with the usual .py Python file extension. Once you have selected your file, you can click the submit query button. Please then wait until the page refreshes. Each submission is given a unique identification number so If something goes wrong whilst grading, or if you believe that the result returned to you by the tool is not accurate, you can email the above quoted email with your submission number. However, it is much more likely that your code has a bug rather than ours, so please first read the error that is returned by the webform before emailing as it might provide you with some hints as to what might be going wrong with your code.

Note that if a function takes longer than 30 seconds to complete, the webform will declare that function as being “stuck”and will mark that function with a 0. Furthermore, you may only make one submission every 90 seconds.

Appendix 2: Style Guide (12 marks in total)

You must adhere to the style guidelines in this section.

1.  Write useful comments, as and when appropriate, so that your code is clear to a human.

2.   Use Python style conventions for your variable names (snake case: lowercase letters with words separated by underscores (_) to improve readability).

3.   Choose good names for your variables. For example, num_bright_spots is more helpful and readable than nbs.

4.   Name constants properly using capital letters and put them at the top of your program.

5.   The only lines of code in your program that are outside of a function definition are constants, if any, import statements, if any and the call to the main function which is normally in the last lines of the file.

6.   Indentation: use a tab width of 4 or 8. Your IDE should do this automatically for you. The best way to make sure your program will be formatted correctly is never to mix spaces and tabs -- use only tabs, or only spaces.

7.   Put a blank space before and after every operator. For example, the first line below is good but the second line is not:

b = 3 > x and 4 - 5 < 32 YES!

b= 3>x and 4-5<32 NO!

8.   Each line must be less than 80 characters long including tabs, spaces and comments. You should break up long lines using \. You don’t need a continuation character for comments or if you are breaking up the parameters of a function.

9.   Function names should also be in snake_case: encrypt_message(), print_introduction() .

10. Functions should be no longer than about 15 lines in length. Longer functions should be decomposed into 2 or more smaller functions.