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DATA 110 Project 1


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DATA 110

Project 1

For your first project, you will use some of the techniques you learned during the first 6 weeks to create a data visualization appropriate for that dataset, then write about the data and what the visualization shows. Here are your steps in detail:

1.   Find a dataset (be sure to note the source of the data). You can refer to the list of possible sources in Blackboard

>Course Resources. You may also select from other sources. You MUST get my approvalfor your choice of dataset BEFORE you begin working on the project.

Dataset submission is due by 11:59 pm on Friday, March 10th

What type of dataset is appropriate for this project?

Your dataset should include both quantitative and categorical variables. It should have AT LEAST 4 variables. Sets that include dates can be helpful for plotting time series information, but this is not a requirement.

2.   Introduce your dataset topic, describe the variables (you may need to define them for your audience), and establish what you plan to explore.

3.   Load the data

4.   Perform any necessary cleaning

5.   Include subtitles and provide detailed comments on ALL chunks about that chunk’s action or use to help your audience understand your intentions.

6.   Explore the data with at least one data visualization, though you will likely have a few trivial plots as you explore the dataset at the outset. The visualization must include the following components:

•    Meaningful labels for axes

•    A title

•    At least 2 colors for distinguishing groups

•    Change the default ggplot theme

•    Some sort of legend to make sense of colors, shapes, and sizes that describe any variables.

Some suggestions for visualizations include side-by-side box plots, histograms, bargraphs, scatterplots, treemaps, heatmaps, alluvials or streamgraphs. The type of data you use will help determine which       visualization you should use.

7.   Write a short essay of one to two pages in length (incorporated directly into your Markdown file). The essay should describe:

a.   The source and topic of the data, any variables included, what kind of variables they are, how you cleaned the dataset up (be detailed and specific, using proper terminology where appropriate). This part of the essay should be embedded AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MARKDOWN FILE, BEFORE YOU LOAD THE DATA.

b.   (Parts b and c of the essay should be placed at the end of the document) What the visualization represents, any interesting patterns or surprises that arise within the visualization.

c.   Anything that you might have shown that you could not get to work or that you wished you could have included.

8.   Submit your data set so I can download it along with your completed project in Markdown. Knit your Markdown and either publish it in Rpubs or Github. The completed project should include your name, the topic as your title, the process you went through cleaning and exploring the data via comments and subtitles, the final visualization  with labels, titles, and a legend, and the essay. Submit this Project in the Project Dropbox by 11:59 pm by Tuesday, March 21st .

* Special note: Start on this early. I am willing to help youfind a dataset if you come to me earlyfor help. If you get stuck with coding or other software, you can also contact mefor help, as long as it isfar ahead of the due date.







Project was submitted on time. The dataset is appropriate for the project. The work is focused and       clearly organized. Data is sourced. Comments and subtitles are included. Graphs show something        important about the data, axes and titles are labeled, and legends are included. The language is precise and ideas are clearly and correctly communicated to the audience. All requirements are answered        thoroughly and correctly.

1. Create one properly labeled and titled data visualization.

2. Fully answer the three questions in the essay.

3. Submit final version as HTML, Word or pdf from knitted Markdown either in Rpubs or Github

4. Submit project on time.

5. Submission has been edited for grammar/punctuation/sentence structure.



The                                                    project. Data                   . Graphs                       part           something



One of the above steps above are omitted. Or two or three steps are underdeveloped.


Developing Competence

The dataset is generally appropriate for the project. The visualization may be somewhat unfocused or underdeveloped but it does have some coherence. Problems with the use of language occasionally      interfere with the audiences ability to understand what is being communicated.  Not all requirements are answered, and/or not all answers are correct, or not all requirements are met



Project was not submitted on time. The project has at least one serious weakness. The dataset may not  be appropriate for the assignment. The visualization may be underdeveloped. Problems with the use of language seriously interfere with the audiences ability to understand what is being communicated. Not all requirements are answered, and/or not all answers are correct.
