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CSE20 Beginning Programming in Python


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CSE20 Beginning Programming in Python


Welcome to Beginning Programming in Python!

In this class you will learn how to write your first programs in Python, one of the most popular programming languages, use standard Python libraries (including math, regular expressions, turtle graphics, etc.), remotely connect to a server using SSH and SFTP, and eventually become a junior programmer, who will be ready to continue his or her journey in the wonderful land of Coding and Scripting.

Please, check the class Syllabus page on Canvas for more information on the class policies, grading, DRC services, and the instructor's, teaching assistants' and tutors' contacts.

Thank you for joining the class! I hope you will have a wonderful coding adventure with us! Good luck!

Important Information

This is synchronous online class. Lectures, office hours, and discussion sections will be on Zoom. Quizzes, labs, and programming assignments will be submitted on Canvas. You will be provided with detailed instructions on how to do it.

If you encounter problems, let us know: post your question on Canvas, attend discussion sections, or contact the teaching assistants or instructor.

The class schedule can be found here: Class Schedule.pdf

All zoom lectures can be found in the Assignments folder under the name Video Lectures. You can watch them as many times as you like, and you can take them for credit.



Larissa (Lara) Munishkina (mlarissa@ucsc.edu)

Office Hours:

WF: 4-5 pm


passcode: python


MWF: 10:40 – 11:45 am


passcode: python

Course Name





Zoom / Canvas


In this class, you will learn how to install Python 3 and write and run Python scripts using  Python IDLE (pronounced AIDL) and other IDEs on your own computer. You will also     learn how to transfer your Python source files to a UCSC server using SFTP and run a bash shell and Python scripts on the server using SSH. You can check the Files folder on Canvas and read instructions on how to install Python 3, to use IDLE, and to connect to the UCSC UNIX timeshare using SSH and SFTP.

CSE20 class will prepare you for CSE30 class, Programming Abstractions in Python. In CSE20, you will learn basic data types, data collections, classes, exceptions, files, and   control flow structures.


There are no prerequisites for CSE20 class. However, the common knowledge of computer and software is necessary – you should be able to use a computer; log into a computer        account; connect to the Internet; use a browser to navigate on the Internet; create, copy,      delete, and rename files; use email, Canvas, Zoom; watch videos; navigate your computer  using file managers; edit text files, and create and open image files (screenshots).


Main textbook:

Introduction to Python Programming 1st Edition by Gowrishankar S and Veena A             downloadable through UCSC Library as a full text book https://library.ucsc.edu/. You can

download it from Files/MainTextbook.pdf

Optional Books:

1.   Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming

2.   Learning Python, 5th Edition

3.   Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd Edition: Practical Programming for Total Beginners

4.   Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3

5.   Wiki Python Programming

Main Online Resources:

1.   Canvas webpage:       https://canvas.ucsc.edu/courses

2.   SOE webpage:https://courses.soe.ucsc.edu/courses/cse20Links to an external site.

3.   UCSC Unix timeshare:

4.   [email protected]

5.   https://its.ucsc.edu/unix-timeshare/index.htmlLinks to an external site.

Additional Online


1.   Welcome To Colaboratory - Colaboratory (google.com)

2.   https://www.w3schools.com/python

3.   https://www.learnpython.org

4.   https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial

5.   https://docs.python.org

6.   http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix

7.   https://its.ucsc.edu/unix- timeshare/tutorials/index.html


Instructor Contact: mlarissa@ucsc.edu

Teaching Assistants:                            TBA



MSI Tutors:


You can contact the instructor and teaching assistants anytime by UCSC email. If you have general questions, please post them on Canvas or Ed.


Course Work. This course is a programming course. You will have five programming     assignments, ten lab assignments, five quizzes, and the final exam. The final grade will be calculated according to the following schema:

Programming Assignments


Lab Assignments


Quizzes 20 Final Exam 15 Participation 5

Class Participation. Participation includes participation in lectures and Canvas posting      (discussions). Please notice that you will receive points for lecture and discussion                assignments. If you cannot attend a lecture, you can watch a corresponding lecture video in the Assignment folder under the name Video Lectures. You have to submit the assignment to get credit for the lecture attendance (if you attend the lecture, you still need to submit the assignment, but you do not have to watch the video).

Late Policy. Please note that all assignments have a due date. Assignments can be          submitted late (up to one week) with penalty. The late penalty is 5 percent per day for all late assignments. Missing assignments will receive zero points.

Quizzes. There will be five quizzes; however, one quiz with the lowest score will be dropped from the final grade calculation. Quizzes will be administered almost every Wednesday and should take around 30-40 minutes to complete. If you need special  accommodations, please contact me and I can schedule a quiz at a different time.

Final Exam. There will be a final exam (TBA). If you are ill or have an unexpected family emergency, you must notify the instructor as soon as possible and before the examination   day. Otherwise, you may have a zero grade on your exam.

Programming Assignments. All five programming assignments must be

done individually and submitted on time on Canvas. All assignments will be graded according to the grading rubrics published under each assignment folder.

You can consult the instructor, teaching assistants, tutors, or students about general            approaches of the program, its syntax, and debugging the code. However, do not copy        other’s code or share your own code with other students or post the code on the Internet. If the same or very similar programming codes are found between students, the students will receive a lower or a zero score for the assignment. Administrative actions may also be       taken with the university. Please read about the Academic Integrity Policy written below.

Labs. You will have ten lab assignments. Lab assignments are different from programming assignments! They can be redone multiple times and submitted late without any penalty.     The main purposes of lab assignments are to learn Python libraries and packages and to      prepare you for quizzes and programming assignments. They will include the following      topics: setting up your work environment, installing IDLE, using sftp and ssh, practicing     with Python built-in standard packages including random, math, datetime, re (regular          expressions), and internal and external libraries such as Turtle, Tkinter, Matplotlib, NumPy and others. Lab assignments should be completed and submitted on Canvas. Lab                 assignments can be done with help of tutors, teaching assistants, or in collaboration with     other students.


All assignments will be graded according to the grading rubrics published under each        assignment folder. Please notice that late assignments have a penalty: If you submit a        programming assignment one day later, you will get a 5% deduction, within three days – a 10% deduction, within one week - a 20% deduction, if you submit it later than one week,  you will get a 40% deduction.


CSE20 is a 5-unit course that may require 15 hours per week of work: 3 hours of lecture, 2 hours of reading, 1 hour of section, and 9 hours of homework per week.


I will provide direct comments and feedback on your assignments.Please cick here to learn how to access my comments in Canvas.For major assignments, I will include a grading rubric that will be available to you prior to submitting your work.Please click here to learn how to access grading

rubrics for assignments.


At the end of the quarter, you will be asked to complete a Student Experience of Teaching survey for this course. SETs provide an opportunity for you to give valuable feedback on  your learning that is honest and constructive. This anonymous feedback will help me        consider modifications to the course that will help future students learn more effectively.