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ELEC271 Experiment 5 - Design of an Operational Amplifier Using Multisim


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Experiment 5 - Design of an Operational

Amplifier Using Multisim

Department of Electrical Engineering & Electronics

January 2021, Ver. 5.1


• The Pre-Lab Questions must be answered before the lab day (deadline is 9 am). They are available on Canvas ELEC273/224/222 Modules and worth 20%.

• This is a design experiment. You are expected to do work and self-study before the lab day. Read this script before attempting the experiment. Prepare the design before attending the lab to save time.

• Review Multisim software before attempting the experiment. Check Canvas for Multisim resources. See online material and resources as well.

• Keep a record of all schematics and results.

• Refer to the hints and guidance given in the lectures of Module ELEC271 whenever needed during the lab.

• Use the report template (available on Canvas) to write your formal report after the lab.

• If you have any feedback on your laboratory experience for today, please write it down in the last page of this script.

1. Learning outcomes

At the end of this lab, you will:

•   be able to produce a functioning operational amplifier circuit by combining different stages.

•   be  aware  of problems  and  challenges  to  meet  a  specification  for  designing  and characterising an operational amplifier.

2. Objectives

It is required to design an operational amplifier with the aid of Multisim software to satisfy the following design specifications:

a)  Differential input impedance greater than 100 kΩ .

b)  Voltage gain (that is, ‘open loop gain’) greater than 500,000.

c)   Output impedance less than 1 kΩ .

d)  Output voltage to be approximately zero volts for zero input.

e)  Frequency response down to dc (0 Hz).

f)   Supply voltage 9 V.

g)  Total current consumption not greater than 5 mA.

3. Introduction

This experiment requires you to design and simulate an operational amplifier circuit. A practical integrated circuit version (e.g. a 741 type) would in addition contain a ‘push pull’ output  stage  and  extra  components  to  provide  further  temperature  and  supply  variation immunity.

The experiment is intended to reinforce lecture material in module ELEC271, and reference to the relevant lecture notes is essential. Refer also to the preparatory slides/stream in the introductory lectures to Experiment 5.

3.1. Operational amplifier

An operational amplifier (op-amp) is a high-gain voltage amplifier with a differential input and a single-ended output [Figure 1 (a)]. It is among the most widely used electronic devices today, being used in a vast array of consumer, industrial, and scientific devices, with very low cost. The op-amps had their origins in analogue computers where they were used in many linear, non-linear and frequency-dependent circuits. Their popularity in circuit design largely stems from the fact that characteristics of the op-amp circuits with negative feedback (such as their gain) are set by external components with little dependence on temperature changes and manufacturing variations in the op-amp itself. Examples of op-amp circuits are shown in Figure 1 (b) and (c).

Figure 1. Operational amplifier and circuit applications

The op-amp is one type of a differential amplifier. Other types of differential amplifiers include the   fully  differential   amplifier   (similar  to  the  op-amp,  but  with  two   outputs),  the instrumentation amplifier (usually built from three op-amps), the isolation amplifier (similar to the instrumentation amplifier, but with added tolerance to common-mode voltages that would destroy an ordinary op-amp), and negative feedback amplifier (usually built from one or more op-amps and a resistive feedback network).

3.2. The design

The op-amp you are required to design can be constructed from four basic ‘building block’ circuits:

a)  An emitter follower

b)  A common emitter amplifier

c)  A current mirror circuit

d)  A differential input stage (long-tailed pair)

The designed  operational  amplifier  schematic will be  simulated using Multisim  software library models located in the Components library. To place a component, open the ‘Select a Component’  window  from  the  Place/Component  menu  (Ctrl+W)  or  by  clicking  on  a component icon. In this experiment, two transistor types, npn and pnp, are used. You can find these transistors in the ‘Select a Component’ window:

•   Q2N2222 npn transistor, from Transistors/BJT_NPN/PN2222.

•   Q2N2907 pnp transistor, from Transistors/BJT_PNP/PN2907.

In the above notation, ‘Transistors’ is the Group, BJT_NPN (BJT_PNP) is the Family, and PN2222 (PN2907) is the Component name. This notation is used throughout this document. For example, to place a 2N2222 transistor, select ‘Transistors’ from Group, BJT_NPN from Family, and select PN2222 from the Component list. Alternatively, you can search for PN2222 in the search box below ‘Component’ .

The output from your differential amplifier should be fed into the input of the common emitter stage. It is also necessary to include an emitter follower circuit as a buffer between the two amplifier stages. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the op-amp.

Figure 2. Block diagram of the op-amp

The properties of these blocks should have been investigated and design procedures established in the exercise  ‘Pre-lab Test for Experiment 5’ . It is essential that this is done before commencing.

4. Experimental work

4.1. Part I: Transistor output characteristics

Objective: To obtain a set of output characteristics for the two transistor types to be used in this experiment.

Obtain a plot of the output characteristics of the 2N2222 transistor, i.e. IC vs. VCE (0 to 20 V in steps of 0.1 V) for a range of IB (0 to 40 μA in steps of 4 μA).


Task-1: Input the circuit schematic of Figure 3 in Multisim schematic worksheet. You can find the other components in ‘Select a Component’ window:

o Voltage source: Sources/POWER_SOURCES/DC_POWER.



Double click on voltage source and current source and change their labels to VCE and IB, respectively.

Task-2: To setup the simulation, click on the simulation setup icon (or from Simulation menu select Analysis and simulation). In the Analysis and Simulation window, select DC Sweep from the left panel. On the Analysis Parameters tab select VCE as the Source for Source 1 and IB as the Source for Source 2. Set the sweep parameters into the desired range, as indicated above. On the Output tab, select I(Q1[IC]) and add it to the Selected Variables for Analysis panel on the right.

Task-3: Click on the run icon (green triangle) to start simulation. A response graph will appear. Take a screenshot of the graph. Alternatively, you can copy the graph and paste in a Word document.

Task-4: From the graph, estimate the dc current gain, F (also known as hFE) at IC around

2 mA. Estimate also the ac (small signal) current gain, F0  (also known as hfe). Hint: see your notes on how to do this. Record your results.

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of Part I.

4.2. Part II: Achieving the specification of the operational amplifier [35 Marks]

Objective: To  build  the  complete  operational  amplifier  circuit  and  obtain  the  required specification.

Start now building the complete circuit of the operational amplifier (see the given ‘tutorial’ lecture for ELEC271 on Canvas).


Task-1 [5 Marks]: Combine the required  stages to build  a  complete  operational amplifier in Multisim.

Hint: Match the differential amplifier and common emitter stages with an emitter follower stage, make the Rin(EF)  ~ 10Ro(D)ut(A) .

Task-2 [5 Marks]: Connect a signal source to one input and connect the other input to ground. Obtain the transfer characteristics of your amplifier by performing a DC Sweep from –9 V to +9 V. Identify the useful input voltage range from your plot. You will need to narrow the sweep range to achieve an accurate useful range.

Task-3 [5 Marks]: Find the open loop gain (Aol) of the amplifier from the useful range in the above step.

Task-4 [5 Marks]: Determine  the  required  dc  voltage  offset  from  the  transfer characteristic. Use this value to help balance the amplifier - you can apply a small dc offset to  one  of the  inputs to try to  centre the  output  close to  zero  volts. Hint: Alternatively, you could use the technique mentioned in the lecture notes to obtain Aol which would also give you the dc offset.

Task-5 [5 Marks]: Obtain a set of input/output waveforms (in useful range) from a Transient simulation, and from which, calculate the gain of the amplifier. Verify that the specification has been met. Record your results.

Task-6 [5 Marks]: Perform a Transfer Function simulation. Check the value of the gain and compare it to the value from your calculations and the value you found in Task-5. Check the values of the input and output impedance and compare them to your calculated values.

Task-7 [5 Marks]: Place a few voltage, current, and power probes on different points of your schematic diagram (power probes should be placed on a component). Run an Interactive  simulation  and  observe the voltage,  current,  or power  showing by the probes.

Hint: You  can  double  click on  each probe  and  on the Parameters tab  select the parameters that you want to be shown by the probe.

4.3. Part III: Obtaining the frequency response of the designed amplifier [10 Marks] Objective: To obtain the gain and phase Bode plots of the designed amplifier.

Now, obtain the frequency response of the designed amplifier by determining the gain and phase Bode plots.


Task-1 [5 Marks]: You can find the frequency response of the amplifier by performing an AC Sweep simulation. In AC Sweep page in Analysis and Simulation window, on the Output tab, add the output voltage from the left panel to the Selected variables for analysis on the right panel (placing a voltage probe at the output makes it easier to find the output node in the list of variables). To draw the frequency response as Bode plots, on the Frequency parameters tab,  select  Sweep type: Decade  and  Vertical  Scale: Decibel.

You can also obtain the frequency response of the other parameters, like the input impedance. In the AC Sweep page, on the Output tab, click on Add expression button. In the Expression field, write an expression for the input impedance in form of V/I. For example, if you have named your input signal source as V1, the expression for input impedance would be V(1)/I(V(1)).

Task-2 [5 Marks]: Add a phase compensating capacitor (say 30 pF or any suitable value) between the collector of the common emitter stage and the base of the first emitter follower. Investigate the effect on the Bode plots. Copy the graphs and record your findings.

4.4. Bonus Part: Response to common-mode signal

Investigate the response of your amplifier to common-mode signals.

5. General questions

a)  What can you deduce about the stability of your amplifier from the Bode plots in Part III?

b)  What is the purpose of the ‘Phase compensating capacitor’?

6. Report writing guidelines for Experiment 5

•   This experiment is assessed by means of a formal report. Use the formal report template (available on Canvas) to write your report. The idea behind this report is to document your experience and technical findings in this experiment.

•   In your ‘Results’ section, include the following:

-     All your findings and measurements along with a copy of all schematic diagrams and all simulation results. Make sure to comment on each result and simulation.

-     The table shown overleaf (Table I) with your own results. Make sure to write relevant comments in the fourth column.

•   In your ‘Discussions and Conclusions’ section include the following:

-     Describe any problems you have experienced while carrying out both experiments and explain your problem-solving methods that you have followed.

-     Include the answers to the general questions (Section 5 above).

-     Does your designed op-amp achieve the specification? If not, explain the reasons.

Important: Make sure that all of your figures (schematic diagrams and simulation results) are clear and all the numbers on the figures are readable.

Table I. Design specifications table



Your value

Comment on the

value obtained

Differential input impedance

> 100 k

Open loop voltage gain

> 500,000

Output impedance

< 1 k

DC output voltage

~0 V

DC offset voltage

None given

Frequency response

Down to DC (0 Hz)

Total current consumption

< 5 mA

Bandwidth with compensation


None given

7. Report marking scheme

The report has 20 marks of the module. It will be marked out of 100% and then the mark will be scaled to 20%. The pre-lab test has 5 marks of the module.

The report marking scheme is as follows:

•   Results of Part II (calculations, schematics, screenshots, etc.) with explanation and comments: 35 Marks

•   Results of Part III (calculations, schematics, screenshots, etc.) with explanation and comments: 10 Marks

•   The design specifications table with comments: 24 Marks

•   Discussions and Conclusions section (including answers to the general questions of Section 5): 26 Marks

•   Overall report presentation: 5 Marks

Note: High marks require very good comments and explanations.

8. Plagiarism and Collusion

Plagiarism  and  collusion  or  fabrication  of data  is  always  treated  seriously,  and  action appropriate to the circumstances is always taken. The procedure followed by the University in all cases where plagiarism, collusion or fabrication is suspected is detailed in the University’s Policy for Dealing with Plagiarism, Collusion and Fabrication of Data, Code of Practice on Assessment, Category C, available on:



Follow the following guidelines to avoid any problems:

a)  Do your work yourself.

b)  Acknowledge all your sources.

c)  Present your results as they are.

d)  Restrict access to your work.


[1] S Hall, Lecture notes-Module ELEC271, 2015.

Version history:




N Sedghi

January 20201

Ver. 5.1

N Sedghi

July 2020

Ver. 5.0

M López-Benítez

September 2019

Ver. 4.1

A Al-Ataby

February 2015

Ver. 4.0

A Al-Ataby

February 2014

Ver. 3.2

A Al-Ataby

February 2013

Ver. 3.1

A Al-Ataby

March 2012

Ver. 3.0

S Hall

September 2011

Ver. 2.2

S Hall

March 2011

Ver. 2.1

T Dowrick/S Hall

December 2009

Ver. 2.0

T Dowrick/S Hall

August 2008

Ver. 1.0