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Econ3181/6181: Competition Policy and Regulation Assessment 1


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Econ3181/6181:  Competition Policy and Regulation

Assessment 1

[30 points] Assume that on the route between the cities Wonderland and Emerald City, two airlines, Fantastic (F) and Giant (G), compete by setting quantities. Demand in this market is given by

D (p) = 440 2p.

Fantastic has a marginal cost of cF  = 20 and Giant of cG  = 30. Assume for simplicity that there are no other costs.

1. The airlines set their quantities simultaneously.  Derive the best response for each Örm. Calculate the Nash equilibrium quantities and each Örmís equilibrium proÖt. [6 marks]

2.  Suppose that the two Örms want to jointly choose an output pair (qF(*),qG(*)) to max- imise their joint proÖt. To facilitate coordination, they wish to choose qF(*)  = qG(*)  = q* . Solve for this q* .  Calculate the two ÖrmsíproÖts with this collusive agreement.  [5 marks]

3. Does the above agreement maximise the industry proÖt? If so, brieáy explain why. If not, propose a solution/arrangement which would give both Örms higher proÖts compared to part (2).  [5 marks]

4. In reality, explain why in air travel a market is typically deÖned by city pairs. Keep your answer concise.  [4 marks]

5.  Consider the relevant market for air travel between Canberra and Sydney. To deÖne the relevant market, what factors would you take into account? Explain brieáy.  [10 marks]