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F20/21DV - Data Visualisation and Analytics


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Coursework 1: Data Visualisation & Analytics

F20/21DV - Data Visualisation and Analytics

The coursework will enable you to demonstrate a variety of skills, such as, problem solving, communication skills and time-management.   The coursework  is structured to  encourage a  mix of guided  and  active  learning,  innovative development,  critical  thinking  and  knowledge-based  expertise  of  the  subject.  The  coursework  requires  you  to discuss/explain   and  justify   your   implementation   details   (also   extra   check   to   verify   that   you   understand concepts/reasons/limitations).

This coursework is designed to focus on developing dynamic and interactive visualizations based on a given dataset. You should work on this coursework in your own time, not just the scheduled weekly lab sessions.


•    F20/21DV course materials (https://canvas.hw.ac.uk/courses/20766/modules)

•    D3 Homepage/Documentation (https://d3js.org/)

•    D3 in Depth (https://www.d3indepth.com/)

•    D3 Gallery (https://d3-graph-gallery.com/)

Assessment Overview

The assessed coursework consists of understanding, designing, developing, implementing and testing visualisation scenarios. The requirements for the coursework is to:

1.    Conceptualise, develop, and test a prototype of your visualisations

2.    Plan, implement and debug prototype of your visualisations

3.    Incorporate these tested visualisations into designs and demonstrate/discuss/present them

4.   Write a report to explain your visualisations and to include your critical reflection of your visualisation and analysis techniques

5.    Submit a video to present your visualisations and your code

More details regarding the requirements are covered in the following sections:

1.   Task

2.    Dataset

3.    Requirements

This coursework will be marked using the Marking Rubric.

Submission Details

The deadline for submitting the report is on Thursday 16th March 2023 at 1530 (Edinburgh) and 2359 (Dubai). You should submit an electronic version of your report and your code via Canvas. Your video should be saved in your OneDrive or your private repository (e.g. Youtube). Share the link to the video with your respective course tutors B.Kenwright (Edinburgh) or R.Soobhany (Dubai), and put the link to your video in your report on the first page. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that access to the video is granted to the course tutors.

After the deadline has passed, your preliminary mark and feedback will be released on Canvas after 15 working days. This coursework accounts for 30% of your overall grade for the course.

Late submissions will be subject to the normal penalties as defined below.

Important notes:

•    If you fail to submit either your report, code or video then you get 0 marks

•    Any video submission longer than 2 minutes will be awarded 0 marks

•    You have to use d3.js version 7+ for the implementation of your visualization (if you use an different version or an alternative visualization library you will be awarded 0 marks)

•    You have to ensure that your code will run on the latest version of either Chrome or Firefox browser

•    Any test data or resources used for the project, should be included when you submit the final report/code

If you have any questions or queries about the assessment, please do not hesitate to contactb.kenwright@hw.ac.uk

(Edinburgh) orr.soobhany@hw.ac.uk(Dubai).

Late Submissions

Late submissions will be subject to the normal penalties as defined in the late coursework policy.

The University recognises that, on occasion, students may be unable to submit coursework on the submission date or be unable to present their work on the submission date. In these cases, the University’s Submission of Coursework Policy outlines are:

•     No individual extensions are permitted under any circumstances.

•     Standard 30% deduction from the mark awarded (maximum of five working days).

•     In the case where a student submits coursework up to five working days late, and the student has valid mitigating circumstances, the mitigating circumstances policy will apply, and appropriate mitigation will be applied.

•     Any coursework submitted after five working days of the set submission date shall be automatically awarded a no grade with no formative feedback provided.

Please contact your Personal Tutor or Counsellor if you are unable to meet the deadlines or need information for Mitigating Circumstances or Temporal Suspensions of Studies.

1. Task

You must narrate the timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, and the effect the vaccines had on the scale of the outbreak.

Importantly, you should try to illustrate these aspects:

1.    How did the COVID-19 pandemic grow over countries and continents throughout the world from its start?

2.    Choosing some specific countries, how successfully did they manage the outbreak?

3.    Choosing some specific countries, is there a relationship between the relative “wealth” (e.g. GDP) of a population and the spread of the pandemic?

4.   What effect did vaccinations have on the spread of cases/deaths? Did booster jabs also have an impact on the spread/transmissibility of the virus?

5.    How might the geographical position of a country change how the pandemic impacted them?

2. Dataset

The dataset that you will be using is the public COVID-19 dataset by Our World in Data’ . The csv file can be downloaded from the GitHub repository:


The COVID-19 Vaccinations dataset link:


The datasets will also  be  made available on the  F21DV Canvas  page. All exercises  in this coursework should  be attempted using the datasets provided.

3. Requirements

For this coursework, you are provided with the datasets (above) and you have to implement an interactive web-based application in D3. Your application should aim to meet all the requirements listed.

We have tried to make each requirement as concise and clear as possible. If you are unsure about any requirement, please ask as soon as possible.

Core Requirements

Required to follow ALL core requirements, deviating will result in your coursework being disqualified and you will receive 0 marks.

C1.     Create a web-based application written in d3.js using version 7+. No PHP or server-side code should be used.

JavaScript compiled from other languages (e.g. TypeScript) is not allowed

C2.     Transitions and/or animations must be used to indicate what data are new, changing, or exiting C3.     Your user interface must be intuitive to use

C4.     You must demonstrate consideration of accessibility when designing your user interface C5.     Source code must be comprehensively documented

C6.     You must explain your design and implementation choices in your report

C7.     You must demonstrate your application with a submitted video

Application Requirements

Your application must use the provided datasets and meet the following requirements .

A1.     Your application should only require a single HTML page called index.html, that is within the root of the project.

You are free to create as many additional CSS and JS files as you feel are necessary to support your application.

A2.     All visualisations should be loaded on the single HTML page.

A3.     Use at least three different visualisation types.

A4.     When the data of a single visualisation is updated, all axes of that visualisation should also update/rescale


A5.     For  any  two  visualisations,  mousing  over  a  datapoint  in  one  visualisation  highlights  multiple  associated

datapoints in another visualisation.

A6.     There must be a bidirectional interaction between at least 3 of your visualisations — where interaction with one

demonstrates a change in both of the others. This must be consistent such that interacting with any of the three visualisations in the similar manner will cause the others to react in the same way.

A7.     Inclusion of a faceted selection interaction between two visualisations where a mouseover or a click in one

visualisation results in the data of a different visualisation being filtered.

A8.     Use of a map visualisation which must interact with at least one visualisation.

A9.     Use of scalar data over a map to indicate the distribution of scale over a geographical area for example, use

of circles of different sizes to indicate scales.

A10.   Use  of  cross-visualisation  brushing  where  dragging  a  rectangle  of  several  datapoints  in  one  visualisation

highlights multiple associated datapoints in another visualisation

A11.   Use of an appropriate clustering analysis technique.  Note that a scatter plot alone is  not a viable form of

clustering analysis.

Submission Requirements

R1.     Your video should be no longer than 2 minutes.

R2.     Your video must be available to the instructors you can upload to YouTube as an unlisted video or upload to


R3.     Your video  should  demonstrate  that  you  have  implemented the  various  application  requirements  of the


R4.     The front  page of your  report should state your  name,  Heriot-Watt  ID  (e.g.  HXXXXXXXX), the title of this

coursework and a link to your video.

R5.     Your report should include a section on how your application has illustrated the questions from the task (Section

1). Feel free to include as many subsections and images as necessary to concisely demonstrate how you have addressed the various questions above.

R6.     Your  report  should  include  a  section which explicitly shows how your application has met each of the

application requirements. Feel free to include as many subsections and screenshots as you wish to ensure you concisely explain how your application has met the requirements.

R7.     When demonstrating how you met the application requirements, you should also include screenshots from your

code to demonstrate quality and modularity.

R8.     Your final report and your code should be put into a ZIP file and submitted on Canvas. Your ZIP file should contain

a single PDF in the root of it called report.pdf” . There should be no other PDF files. All code should be structured within the ZIP file, within a subdirectory called code” .