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COMS 3001 - Assignment 2


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COMS 3001 - Assignment 2 (40%)

This lab is to be done individually. This assignment must rely on one of the datasets on BRIGHTSPACE

DUE: March 20th, 2023 – 11:59 pm via email to your TA

First Section (20 points) – The Basics

1. Write a paragraph introducing your topic. The paragraph should state what you want to examine, the concepts you are looking into and a research question.  The paragraph should be written clearly and be grammatically correct. (3)  

2. Operationalize an appropriate independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV) for your research question and, of course, create a testable hypothesis out of your IV and DV.  Write a short paragraph explaining your choice and write a clear research hypothesis (3) – Again, it should be written clearly.

3. Conduct and Report the results of your univariate analysis of your dependent variable. Present the results in the format reviewed points will be deducted if you fail to do so. (6)

4. Conduct and Report the results of your bivariate analysis. Present the results in the format reviewed points will be deducted if you fail to do so. How can you describe your relationship? (8)

Second Section (20 points) - Expand the operationalization of one of your variables

1. List the variables you believe can potentially be measuring a concept you want to measure. Discuss the data cleaning you need to do in details (recoding, missing values). Why do you think those variables can be used to operationalize your concept? (5)

2. Conduct either Factor Analysis or Index Building – include relevant tables (10)

3. Show the frequency distribution for you newly created variable(s) and discuss your findings and how your concept can be best measured? (5)