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ESS3604H/481H Meteorites and Space Assignment 4


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Assignment 4: Reflection of Western vs. Indigenous space learning

ESS3604H/481H Meteorites and Space

Due: March 17, 2023

Submit to the Earth Sciences office, 22 Ursula Franklin St. in the assignment drop off box or via Quercus

Format: Use the following formatting details: 12-point type, flush left alignment, 2 cm margins, 1.5 or double-spaced, include a title page (include your title, name, student number, course description, my name and date) on letter size (8.5 x 11” paper), one-sided.

What to include: This is meant to be a reflection, there is no right or wrong answer for this assignment. This is a type of paper that requires a student to share their opinion concerning this topic. In a reflection piece, you share your thoughts, supporting them with examples and personal observations, without       relying on someone else’s opinions.

Just like every other academic paper, a reflection paper consists of three basic parts - an introduction, body, and conclusion.

•     Introduction.

•     Body Paragraphs.



An introduction is one of the most important parts. It has to introduce the reader to your paper and state your position or opinion concerning the topic. To create a strong introduction, you need to:

•    Specify what exactly you are reflecting on (in this case the differences in learning approaches and worldviews between Western and Indigenous learning);

•    Provide a summary of what was discussed;

•    Make a thesis statement that explains your main idea (opinion), typically it will focus on the main lesson that you learned from this experience.

Body paragraphs:

Each paragraph should focus on a single idea. There should be smooth transitions between them and all body paragraphs should examine your experiences, opinions, and ideas you’ve had relating to your         topic. In the body of your paper, be sure to explain how the experience or piece affected you and            describe how you feel.


The final element of your paper, a conclusion, must sum up everything you’ve discussed in your paper. There are two effective ways to finish your paper:

Summarize all the points from your paper and restate your thesis.

Tie all your points together and highlight the key lessons or insights youve gained.

Having an outline can help you during the writing stage in many ways. Thus, this step should not be missed.


2 Marks for following the structure of this assignment: Introduction, paragraphs, conclusion and title page (A = 2, B = 1.5, C = 1, D = 1)

2 Marks for a persuasive introduction (A = 2, B = 1.5, C = 1, D = 1)

3 Marks for the Body Paragraphs (A = 3, B = 2, C = 1, D = 0)

2 Marks for the conclusion (A = 2, B = 1.5, C = 1, D = 1)

1 Mark for the quiz response (A, B, C = 1, D = 0)

Mastered this!


Did a great job (B)

Tried but missed the target (C)

Did not follow the assignment instructions (D)

Structure (2)

Paper is clean, correctly formatted (12- point font, Times

New Roman,

normal margins), written in full       sentences. Virtually no          spelling or grammatical

errors. Included a

Paper is clean, correctly formatted (12- point font, Times

New Roman,

normal margins), written in full       sentences. A few minor spelling or grammatical

errors. Included a

title page.

Paper is clean, correctly formatted (12- point font, Times

New Roman,

normal margins), written in full       sentences. A        number of            spelling or grammatical

errors. Included a

title page.

Paper is sloppy or incorrectly formatted, not     written in full        sentences. Many spelling or grammatical errors. Did not      include a title


Intr (2)

Makes a

thesis statement, a solid summary  statement of the topic and what is being reflected


Makes a

somewhat clear   thesis statement, a somewhat clear


statement of the topic and what is being reflected


Makes a fairly        clear thesis             statement, a fairly clear summary      statement of the   topic and what is  being reflected


Does a

clear thesis          statement, or a clear summary    statement of the topic and what is being reflected


Body paragraphs



instructions of the assignment, including a strong introduction, well formed paragraphs, a well thought out            conclusion and      included a title



the instructions in the assignment, including a fairly strong introduction, fairly well-formed paragraphs, a         fairly well thought out conclusion

Followed some

the instructions in the assignment, including a              somewhat strong  introduction, somewhat formed paragraphs, a         fairly well thought out conclusion

Followed some

the instructions in the assignment, including a              somewhat strong  introduction, somewhat formed paragraphs, a         fairly well thought out conclusion