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ES99H Sustainable Cities and Infrastructures for Emergencies Individual Portfolio 2022-23


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ES99H Sustainable Cities and Infrastructures for Emergencies

Individual Portfolio 2022-23


You are required to prepare a portfolio of pertinent supporting information and evidence to illustrate the main design considerations of the assignment project. The portfolio is worth 100% of the module mark.

Organising the Portfolio

The whole portfolio must consist of three parts:

1. Part A: Design Narrative Maximum four (A4 size) pages (25% of portfolio marks). This provides an overall story on the project of the briefing, which describes the work done and the decisions made. The maximum  percentage  coverage  of  figures  and/or  tables  in  the  design  narrative  is  25%  of  your submission.

2. Part B: Portfolio of Evidence Maximum ten (A4 size or combination of A4 and A3 size) pages (50% of portfolio marks). This is where you present the key evidence of your work such as literature review; calculations;  design  specifications;  general  assembly/drawings;  figures/sources;  any  other  highly pertinent data. You should avoid repeating information contained in the design narrative. The maximum percentage coverage of figures and/or tables in the portfolio of evidence is 50% of your submission. You are expected to use A4 size pages; A3 size is only allowed for drawings/sketches and these (A3 size pages) should not be more than 3 pages in total.

3. Part C: Creative and Engagement Display One (A3 size) page (25% of portfolio marks). This element of your portfolio shall be used to raise awareness to the public on aspect(s) of your design . You are expected to prepare an A3 size display to engage the public and explain your conceptual design so that non-expert audiences can understand.

All parts of the portfolio shall be combined to one file and be submitted to Tabula .

The marks will be distributed between the three components as shown above, however, note that the components are interlinked and one overall mark will be return for your individual portfolio.

Write the submission using the standards for any academic paper (i.e., excellent spelling and grammar, special attention to quotations and citations etc.).

References and cover page are not included in the page numbers. Secondary information not to be marked can be provided in Appendices.

Part A: Design Narrative

The exercise is about effective technical communication of ideas you must focus on the most salient points you want to get across, and work out how best to do this. The Design Narrative (maximum 4 pages) should set out the context of the Portfolio. It should provide a commentary on the design aspects of the project to evidence the learning outcomes. It should reflect on decisions and include a full justification of the choices made. In order to do this the Design Narrative must contain links to the relevant parts of the Portfolio of Evidence.

The Design Narrative will be marked according to the marking guidelines in Appendix A.

Part B: Portfolio of Evidence

The portfolio of evidence is a collection of supporting material used to justify the engineering decisions that you have made in the project. The portfolio need not include long written reports, but briefly annotated evidence of the work produced. There is no need to repeat material also presented in the technical pape r.  Your task here is to collect a group of assets that will readily help support your design.

The target audience for the portfolio is an academically biased professional engineer. As such your portfolio will need to ‘sell’ your design schemes and choices as a concept to an informed and experienced practitioner. You should carefully select a mix of overview documents, assessment / calculation documents, research review documents, and detailed design output to support your design. The portfolio is about project choices and  how  you  have  arrived  at  your conceptual  design’ .  A conceptual  design’  operates  by  fully  and unambiguously specifying the required fit, form, and function of the solution without stating exactly how to achieve this.

The portfolio will be marked according to the marking guidelines in Appendix A. Page limit for the portfolio of  evidence  is  ten  pages.  Be  advised  that  simply  accumulating  any  information  on  the  project  in  a disorganised and unfocussed form will not well support your claim and will lead to poor marks. Instead you should aim to provide an experienced engineer with sufficient material to proceed with the embodiment of the task, and adequate confidence that key technical decisions have been well judged.

Part C: Creative and Engagement Display

This element of your portfolio should be creative and innovative, and will be assessed on: creativity; content and  ideas;  style  and  authenticity  (see  marking  scheme  in Appendix A).  It  is  directed  to  non-technical audiences.

Format REQUIREMENTS Table 1 indicates the MANDATORY portfolio formatting requirements.

Table 1 Mandatory Formatting Requirements

Mandatory Formatting Requirement


Clear statement of Student ID number (name to be omitted)


ALL items must be legible

Part A: Design narrative


Maximum 4 pages


Line spacing 1.15, Margins: Normal


Font: Calibri, size 12

Part B: Portfolio of evidence


Maximum 10 pages


Line spacing 1.15, Margins: Normal


Font: Calibri, size 12

Part C: Creative and engagement display


One page (A3 size)


A clear title


A clear statement of the student name and ID

Title page, header/footer

Provide a title page for your  portfolio. This does not count towards the total number of pages for the assignment.

Your title page must comply with the following information using the given style of format:

ES99H Sustainable Cities and Infrastructures for Emergencies (Module Title, Bold; Calibri size 13;

1.15 line spacing)

Individual portfolio (Report Title, Bold; Calibri size 12; 1.15 line spacing)

University ID (Calibri size 12, 1.15 line spacing)

Date DD/MM/YYYY (Calibri size 12, 1.15 line spacing)

A footer entry to the document can be used to give the page numbering and to add the date of submission. A header entry to the document can be used giving MSc Humanitarian  Engineering’ and University of Warwick’ .


You must submit an electronic copy of the assignment on Tabula by Thursday 9 March 2023, midday. Any late  submissions  (without  mitigating  circumstances)  will  be  subject  to  the  normal  late  coursework submission penalties.

Marking Scheme

The weight for this assignment is 100%.

Marks will be awarded according to the marking schemes given in Appendix A.


Individual Portfolio Marking Criteria

The work is to be  marked  by one academic (Professor Georgia  Kremmyda) and  moderated  by another academic  (Professor Toby  Mottram) . All  the  portfolios  will  be  moderated  once  the  marks  have  been returned.

Design Narrative:

A four-page statement on the portfolio. Covers key aspects of the project justifies decisions and reflects on the choices made. This element of the portfolio gives justification and narrative of the project. It is the narrative, decisions and context that are being assessed. Whilst the 4 pages should be well written, this alone will not be awarded high marks. Links to the portfolio of evidence to back up a statement in the narrative are expected.

70% and


Excellent narrative that is well written fully setting out the context of the whole Portfolio. Justifications and reflections on decisions made are full and compelling. The links to the supporting evidence are excellent with no irrelevant information.


Good narrative. Well written that  sets  out  the  context  of the  Portfolio  well.  Presents justification of and reflection of the design decisions made along with well indexed links to the portfolio of evidence. Lacking in some justification and/or reflection of the design decisions.

50-59% (MSc Pass)

Reasonable attempt at a decent narrative covering the project and describing some details. Contains some links to the Portfolio of Evidence. However, the links are poorly chosen either too few/many or the links are not specific to the statement


(MSc Fail)

Inadequate work: Very limited narrative or exceeds page limit. None or very few useful links to the portfolio of evidence. Conceptual confusion throughout .


(MSc Fail)

Inadequate work: Poorly argued, written and presented narrative. None or very few useful links to the portfolio of evidence. Demonstrates little knowledge of the field. Failure to address the issues raised by the question.

Less than

30% (MSc


Inadequate work: Very poorly argued, written and presented narrative; conceptual confusion throughout; demonstrates little or no knowledge of the field. Failure to address the issues raised by the question. Project work contains little or no data. Sparse or no evidence for technical