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CSSE1001/CSSE7030 Semester 1, 2023 Assignment 1


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Recipes and Ingredients: Shopamania


Assignment 1

Semester 1, 2023


Updated: 03/03/23 15:44

Due date: 24 March 2023, 16:00 GMT+10

1 Introduction

You are a single parent with four hungry children and the weekly grocery shop is becoming difficult. Luckily, you know a bit of Python and can write a program that generates a shopping list based on what recipes are going to be prepared that week.

2 Getting Started

Download a1 .zip from Blackboard this archive contains the necessary files to start this as- signment. Once extracted, the a1 .zip archive will provide the following files:

a1 .py  This is  the  only file you will submit  and is where you write your code.   Do  not make changes to any other files.

constants .py  Do not modify or submit this file, this file also contains some constants that will be useful in your implementation. In addition to these, you are encouraged to create your own constants in a1 .py where possible.  This is where you will find some recipes that can be added to the recipe book as well.

Note: You are not permitted to add any import statements to a1 .py. Doing so will result in a deduction of up to 100% of your mark.

3 Terminology

In the context of this assignment:

recipe name:  str represents the name of a recipe. Note: Recipe names should only contain lowercase letters from the English alphabet without any numbers or special characters.

recipe:  tuple[str,  str]  is a tuple containing two str’s.  The first str in the tuple rep- resents the name of the recipe.  The second str contains all the ingredients in the form of  'amount measure  ingredient_name', e.g.    '115  g  Nuttelex' which represents  115 grams of Nuttelex.  When multiple ingredients are present, they are separated by a sin- gle comma. Note that there is no space. e.g.  '115  g  Nuttelex,50  g  sugar' have a look at constants .py for examples.

recipes:  list[tuple[str,  str]]  is a list of recipes. Each recipe follows the format described above. Duplicates can exist.

ingredient detail:  tuple[float,  str,  str]  , is a tuple containing information of a single ingredient.  (amount, measure,  ingredient name), e.g.  (115 .0,  'g',  'Nuttelex').

cookbook is a collection of all available recipes and you may use whatever type you feel is appro- priate for it. Duplicates do not exist in the cookbook.

4 Interaction

This section provides an overview of the interaction. Where prompts and outputs are not explicitly mentioned in this section, please see Section 5.

4.1 Interaction loop

At the beginning of the interaction, the user is prompted with the message

Please  enter  a  command:

(note the trailing space) to choose a command.  Once a command is entered the user should be prompted again. The valid commands are outlined in Table 1.

Throughout the interaction, the user may add to or remove from the cookbook.  They can also add to or remove from the list of recipes as well. You may assume that your program will not be tested for invalid inputs that do not match the expected commands in Table 1. The prompt should repeat until the user quit by entering the "Q" or "q" action.



"H" or "h"

Display a help message.

"Q" or "q"


"add {recipe}"

adds a recipe to the list of recipes.

"rm {recipe}"

removes a recipe from the collection.


{ingredient name} {amount}"

removes an ingredient from the shopping list.

"g" or "G"

generates a shopping recipes.

list based on the list of


list all recipes in shopping cart.

"ls -a"

list all available recipes.

"ls -s"

display shopping list.


creates a recipe.

Table 1:  Potential command that user can choose.  {recipe} denotes that the name of recipe should be provided. Values not surrounded by braces should be taken as string literals.

5 Implementation

This section outlines functions you are required to implement in your solution (in a1 .py only). You are awarded marks for the number of tests passed by your functions when they are tested independently. Thus an incomplete assignment with some working functions may well be awarded more marks than a complete assignment with faulty functions. Your program must operate exactly as specified. In particular, your program’s output must match exactly with the expected output. Your program will be marked automatically so minor differences in output (such as whitespace or casing) will cause tests to fail resulting in a zero mark for that test.

Each function is accompanied with some examples for usage to help you start your own testing. You should also test your functions with other values to ensure they operate according to the descriptions.

5.1 Required Functions

The following functions must be implemented in a1 .py. They have been listed in order of increas- ing difficulty. It is highly recommended that you do not begin work on a later function until each of the preceding functions can at least behave as per the shown examples. You may implement addi- tional functions if you think they will help with your logic or make your code easier to understand.

Your first task should be writing function headers for each of these required functions into a1 .py. For example, you could write

def  get_recipe_name(recipe:  tuple[str,  str])  ->  str

"""  Return  . . .

>>>  get_recipe_name( . . .)



in your file and then add usage examples and docstrings based on what you read below.  Then completing the assignment means filling in each function properly as is done with ShiFoo.

5.1.1 num hours()  ->  float

This function should return the number of hours you estimate you spent (or have spent so far) on the assignment, as a float. You will not be marked differently for spending more or less time on the assignment. The purpose of this function is to enable you to verify that you understand how to submit to Gradescope as soon as possible, and to allow us to gauge difficulty level of this assignment in order to provide the best possible assistance.

Ensure this function passes the relevant test on Gradescope as soon as possible. If the Gradescope tests have been released, you must ensure this function passes the relevant test before seeking help regarding Gradescope issues for any of the later functions. See Section 7.3 for instructions on how to submit your assignment to Gradescope.

5.1.2 get recipe name(recipe:  tuple[str,  str])  ->  str

Returns the name of the recipe.


>>>  get_recipe_name(('chocolate peanut butter banana  shake',

'1  large banana,240 ml  almond milk'))

'chocolate peanut butter banana  shake'

>>>  get_recipe_name(('cinnamon  rolls',

'480 ml  almond milk,170  g  Nuttelex'))

'cinnamon  rolls'

5.1.3 parse ingredient(raw ingredient detail:  str)  ->  tuple[float,  str,  str] Return the ingredient breakdown from the details amount, measure, and ingredient.


>>> parse_ingredient('0 .5  tsp  coffee  granules')

(0 .5,  'tsp',  'coffee  granules')

>>> parse_ingredient('1  large banana')

(1 .0,  'large',  'banana')

5.1.4 create recipe()  ->  tuple[str,  str]

Return a recipe in the tuple[str,  str] format after a series of prompting.  The recipe name is prompted first followed by continuous ingredient prompting until an empty string is entered (enter or return key press with no text).


>>>  create_recipe()

Please  enter  the  recipe name: peanut butter

Please  enter  an  ingredient:  300  g peanuts

Please  enter  an  ingredient:  0 .5  tsp  salt

Please  enter  an  ingredient:  2  tsp  oil

Please  enter  an  ingredient:

('peanut butter',  '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil')

5.1.5 recipe ingredients(recipe:  tuple[str,  str])  ->  tuple[tuple[float,  str,  str]]

Return the ingredients of a recipe amount, measure, and ingredient.  This transforms a given recipe from the string form into the tuples form.


>>>  recipe_ingredients(('peanut butter',

'300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil'))

((300 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (0 .5,  'tsp',  'salt'),  (2 .0,  'tsp',  'oil'))

5.1.6 add recipe(new recipe:  tuple[str,  str],

recipes:  list[tuple[str,  str]])  ->  None

Add a given recipe, new_recipe, into the list of recipes.   Hint:  This function doesn’t return anything. Recall list mutability.


>>>  recipes  =  []

>>>  recipe  =  ('peanut butter',  '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil') >>>  add_recipe(recipe,  recipes)

>>>  recipes

[('peanut butter',  '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil')]

>>>  add_recipe(recipe,  recipes)

>>>  recipes

[('peanut butter',  '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil'),  ('peanut butter', '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil')]

5.1.7 find recipe(recipe name:  str,

recipes:  list[tuple[str,  str]])  ->  tuple[str,  str]  |  None

Return a recipe or None. This function should attempt to find the recipe by the given recipe name within the list of recipes. If the recipe can not be found then this function should return None.


>>>  recipes  =  [('peanut butter',  '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil')] >>>  find_recipe('peanut butter',  recipes)

('peanut butter',  '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil')

>>>  find_recipe('cinnamon  rolls',  recipes)

>>> print(find_recipe('cinnamon  rolls',  recipes))


5.1.8 remove recipe(name:  str,  recipes:  list[tuple[str,  str]])  ->  None

Remove a recipe from the list of recipes given the name of a recipe. If the recipe name does not match any of the recipes within the list of recipes then nothing happens.


>>>  recipes  =  [('peanut butter',  '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil'), ('cinnamon  rolls',  '480 ml  almond milk,115  g  Nuttelex,50  g  sugar,7  g         active  dry  yeast,5 .5  cup  flour,1  tsp  salt,170  g  Nuttelex,165  g brown         sugar,2  tbsp  cinnamon,160  g powdered  sugar,30 ml  almond milk,0 .5  tsp         vanilla  extract')]

>>>  remove_recipe('brownie',  recipes)

>>>  recipes

[('peanut butter',  '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil'),  ('cinnamon rolls',  '480 ml  almond milk,115  g  Nuttelex,50  g  sugar,7  g  active  dry    yeast,5 .5  cup  flour,1  tsp  salt,170  g  Nuttelex,165  g brown  sugar,2  tbsp cinnamon,160  g powdered  sugar,30 ml  almond milk,0 .5  tsp  vanilla             extract')]

>>>  remove_recipe('cinnamon  rolls',  recipes)

>>>  recipes

[('peanut butter',  '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil')]

5.1.9 get ingredient amount(ingredient:  str,  recipe:  tuple[str,  str])  ->  tuple[float,

str]  |  None

Return the amount and measure of a certain ingredient as a tuple[float,  str] given the ingre- dient name as a str and a recipe. If the ingredient doesn’t exist then nothing happens.


>>>  recipe  =  ('peanut butter',  '300  g peanuts,0 .5  tsp  salt,2  tsp  oil') >>>  get_ingredient_amount('peanuts',  recipe)

(300 .0,  'g')

>>>  get_ingredient_amount('soy beans',  recipe)

5.1.10 add to shopping list(ingredient details:  tuple[float,  str,  str],

shopping list:  list[tuple[float,  str,  str]  |  None])  ->  None

Add an ingredient to the shopping list which could be empty or could contain tuples of ingredient details.  If the ingredient being added already exist within the shopping list then the amount should be combined.  If the ingredient does not exist then it can be added without any calcula- tions.

Note: It can be assumed that the measure is consistent for all ingredients of the same name. In addition, ingredient_details contains all the information about the ingredient being added to the shopping list. Also, the order does not matter.


>>>  shopping_list  =  [(300 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (0 .5,  'tsp',  'salt'),

(2 .0,  'tsp',  'oil')]

>>>  add_to_shopping_list((1000 .0,  'g',  'tofu'),  shopping_list)

>>>  shopping_list

[(300 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (0 .5,  'tsp',  'salt'),  (2 .0,  'tsp',  'oil'), (1000 .0,  'g',  'tofu')]

>>>  add_to_shopping_list((1200 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  shopping_list)

>>>  shopping_list

[(1500 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (0 .5,  'tsp',  'salt'),  (2 .0,  'tsp',  'oil'), (1000 .0,  'g',  'tofu')]

>>>  add_to_shopping_list((8000 .0,  'g',  'tofu'),  shopping_list)

>>>  shopping_list

[(1500 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (0 .5,  'tsp',  'salt'),  (2 .0,  'tsp',  'oil'), (9000 .0,  'g',  'tofu')]

5.1.11 remove from shopping list(ingredient name:  str,  amount:  float,  shopping list:

list)  ->  None

Remove a certain amount of an ingredient, with the given ingredient_name, from the shopping_list. If the ingredient exists in the shopping_list then the amount given as the parameter of this func-tion should be subtracted from the amount that exists in the shopping_list.  The ingredient should be removed from the shopping list altogether if the amount goes below 0.


>>>  shopping_list  =  [(1500 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (0 .5,  'tsp',  'salt'),    (2 .0,  'tsp',  'oil'),  (9000 .0,  'g',  'tofu'),  (100 .0,  'g',  'sugar'), (50 .0,  'g',  'tomato  sauce'),  (120 .0,  'g',  'rice'),

(920 .0,  'g',  'ice  cream')]

>>>  remove_from_shopping_list('ice  cream',  500 .0,  shopping_list)

>>>  shopping_list

[(1500 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (0 .5,  'tsp',  'salt'),  (2 .0,  'tsp',  'oil'), (9000 .0,  'g',  'tofu'),  (100 .0,  'g',  'sugar'),  (50 .0,  'g',  'tomato

sauce'),  (120 .0,  'g',  'rice'),  (420 .0,  'g',  'ice  cream')]

>>>  remove_from_shopping_list('sugar',  500 .0,  shopping_list)

>>>  shopping_list

[(1500 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (0 .5,  'tsp',  'salt'),  (2 .0,  'tsp',  'oil'), (9000 .0,  'g',  'tofu'),  (50 .0,  'g',  'tomato  sauce'),  (120 .0,  'g',

'rice'),  (420 .0,  'g',  'ice  cream')]                                                          >>>  remove_from_shopping_list('ice  cream',  9000 .0,  shopping_list)

>>>  shopping_list

[(1500 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (0 .5,  'tsp',  'salt'),  (2 .0,  'tsp',  'oil'), (9000 .0,  'g',  'tofu'),  (50 .0,  'g',  'tomato  sauce'),  (120 .0,  'g',         'rice')]

5.1.12 generate shopping list(recipes:  list[tuple[str,  str]])

->  list[tuple[float,  str,  str]]

Return a list of ingredients, (amount, measure,  ingredient_name), given a list of recipes.


>>>  shopping_list  =  generate_shopping_list([PEANUT_BUTTER,


>>>  shopping_list

[(300 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (1 .0,  'tsp',  'salt'),  (3 .0,  'tsp',  'oil'), (1 .0,  'cup',  'mung bean'),  (0 .75,  'tsp',  'pink  salt'),  (0 .25,  'tsp', 'garlic powder'),  (0 .25,  'tsp',  'onion powder'),  (0 .125,  'tsp',         'pepper'),  (0 .25,  'tsp',  'turmeric'),  (1 .0,  'cup',  'soy milk')]

>>>  shopping_list  =  generate_shopping_list([PEANUT_BUTTER,  PEANUT_BUTTER, MUNG_BEAN_OMELETTE])

>>>  shopping_list

[(600 .0,  'g',  'peanuts'),  (1 .5,  'tsp',  'salt'),  (5 .0,  'tsp',  'oil'),

(1 .0, 'cup', 'mung bean'), (0 .75, 'tsp', 'pink salt'), (0 .25, 'tsp', 'garlic powder'), (0 .25, 'tsp', 'onion powder'), (0 .125, 'tsp',     'pepper'), (0 .25, 'tsp', 'turmeric'), (1 .0, 'cup', 'soy milk')]

5.1.13 display ingredients(shopping list: list[tuple[float, str, str]]) -> None

Print the given shopping list in any order you wish. CSSE7030 students must display the shopping list alphabetically based on the name of the ingredients. See example in Appendix.

Note:  The amount of spaces changes depending on how long the longest text is.   The order does not matter.


>>> display_ingredients([(1 .0, 'large', 'banana'), (0 .5, 'cup', 'ice'),]) | 1 .0 | large  | banana  |

| 0 .5 |  cup   | ice     |

>>> display_ingredients([(1 .0, 'large', 'banana'),

(2 .0, 'tbsp', 'peanut butter'),

(2 .0, 'pitted', 'dates'),

(1 .0, 'tbsp', 'cacao powder'),

(240 .0, 'ml', 'almond milk'),

(0 .5, 'cup', 'ice'),

(1 .0, 'tbsp', 'cocao nibs'),

(1 .0, 'tbsp', 'flax seed')])

| | | | | | | |

1 .0  2 .0  2 .0  1 .0 240 .0  0 .5  1 .0 1 .0















banana       peanut butter dates

cacao powder almond milk ice

cocao nibs

flax seed

| | | | | |

Here is the output again with visile spaces.

|␣␣␣1 .0␣|␣␣large␣␣|␣banana␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣|

|␣␣␣2 .0␣|␣␣tbsp␣␣␣|␣peanut␣butter␣␣|

|␣␣␣2 .0␣|␣pitted␣␣|␣dates␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣|

|␣␣␣1 .0␣|␣␣tbsp␣␣␣|␣cacao␣powder␣␣␣|

|␣240 .0␣|␣␣␣ml␣␣␣␣|␣almond␣milk␣␣␣␣|

|␣␣␣0 .5␣|␣␣␣cup␣␣␣|␣ice␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣|

|␣␣␣1 .0␣|␣␣tbsp␣␣␣|␣cocao␣nibs␣␣␣␣␣|

|␣␣␣1 .0␣|␣␣tbsp␣␣␣|␣flax␣seed␣␣␣␣␣␣|

5.1.14 sanitise command(command: str) -> str

Return a standardised command to all lower-case and no leading or trailing white spaces removing any numbers from the string.


>>>  sanitise_command('add 'add  chocolate brownies'  >>>  sanitise_command('add 'add  chocolate brownies'  >>>  sanitise_command('add 'add  chocolate brownies'

chocolate brownies')

c4hocolate  Brownies')

chocolate  Brownies     5')

>>>  sanitise_command('add  chocolate  Brownies                ')

'add  chocolate brownies'

5.1.15 main()  ->  None

The main function should be called when the file is run, and coordinates the overall interaction. The main function should utilize other functions you have written. You should consider writing extra helper functions. In the provided a1 .py, the function definition for main has already been provided, and the if name == main : block will ensure that the code in the main function is run when your a1 .py file is run. Do not call your main function outside of this block, and do not call any other function outside this block unless you are calling them from within the body of another function. The output from your main function (including prompts) must exactly match the expected output. Running the sample tests will give you a good idea of whether your prompts and other outputs are correct. See Section 6 for example usage.

Section 4 describes how the program runs.  The basic steps that must be implemented by this function are as follows:

1. Prompt user for command.

2. Displays certain information depending on what command is entered.

3. Until the quit command is entered.

6 Example Interaction

The following section provides extended instances of user interaction to demonstrate completed program behaviour.

Example 1

Please  enter  a  command: h

H  or h:  Help

mkrec:  creates  a  recipe,  add  to  cook book .

add  {recipe}:  adds  a  recipe  to  the  collection .

rm  {recipe}:  removes  a  recipe  from  the  collection .

rm  -i  {ingredient_name}  {amount}:  removes  ingredient  from  shopping  list . ls:  list  all  recipes  in  shopping  cart .

ls  -a:  list  all  available  recipes  in  cook book .

ls  -s:  display  shopping  list .

g  or  G:  generates  a  shopping  list .

Q  or  q:  Quit .