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Economics 437: Game Theory Syllabus Spring 2023


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Economics 437: Game Theory Syllabus

Spring 2023

Course Objective

This is an introductory course to Game Theory, which is the study of strategic decision making in environments where one person’s action affects the actions of the others. Students will be introduced to the tools for modeling and solving problems with strategic interaction.


The scale used to assign letter grades in the course will be the standard 90/80/70/60 scale with +/- grades given at +/- 3% around these cutoffs. Curves are at the discretion of the Professor. Once grades are assigned by the instructor at the end of the course, no exceptions will be made. We do not round grades. The following table summarizes the standard grading scale:


Grade Distribution Undergraduates

Midterm 1   20%

Midterm 2   20%

Final Exam   40%

Homework   20%

Grade Distribution Graduate Students (MSPE)

Midterm I    20%

Midterm II   20%

Final Exam   40%

Homework   10%

Project   10%

Instructional Activities

•    Homework

o  There are 6 homework assignments.

o  Each assignment is to be turned in electronically on Canvas.

o  Homework is due no later than 11:30 PM time of Urbana on the day it is due.

o  Each homework assignment opens 1 week before it is due.

o  Late homework assignments will not be accepted.

o  The lowest grade among all your homework assignments will be substituted by the second lowest grade.

•    Exams

o  There will be three exams (two midterms and a final).

o  Each mid-term will only cover the material since the last exam.

o  The final exam will be comprehensive.

o  Basic calculators will be permitted during exams.

o  Exams are open notes and open book.

o  The are no make-ups for midterm exams. If your absence to a midterm exam is properly documented, the weight of the midterm is transferred to the final exam. This policy applies at most once.

Academic Integrity

Violations of academic integrity as given in theCode on Campus Affairswill be taken extremely seriously. Students found cheating in the course (or helping others to cheat) will be penalized according to the Code's guidelines.

DRES Accommodations

If you have a letter of accommodation from DRES, please, send an email toramses@illinois.eduwith your letter. In the topic of the email, write: “ECON 437: Letter of Accommodation.” The letters must be sent between 02/05 and 02/19.

Homework Assignment Schedule


Course Schedule