关键词 > MATH2214

MATH 2214, Summer 1 2021, Differential Equations


MATH 2214, Summer 1 2021, Differential Equations

CRN 62769 Modality: synchronous


Dr. Sanja Pantic

• email: [email protected]

• Lectures: via Zoom Monday and Friday 10:30 - 11:45 AM.

Join in on Canvas/Zoom: https://canvas.vt.edu/courses/132077

• Office hours via Zoom: Monday, Friday 9 - 10 AM

If my office hours do not fit your schedule, I will be happy to set up an appointment to help you with this course. I can best be contacted by email, which I check frequently during the workday, less frequently on nights and weekends.


Ms Sarah Kerrigan

• email: [email protected]

• Lectures: via Zoom Wednesday 10:30 - 11:45 AM.

Join in on Canvas/Zoom: https://canvas.vt.edu/courses/132077

• Office hours via Zoom: Thursday 3 - 4 PM

If my office hours do not fit your schedule, I will be happy to set up an appointment to help you with this course. I can best be contacted by email, which I check frequently during the workday, less frequently on nights and weekends.


Calculus: Elementary Differential Equations with boundary value problems (2nd edition) by Kohler and Johnson, ISBN: 9780321288356


1) Math1226 and Math2114(H)(or Math1114); or (2) Math2405H.

Course website:


The policy statement, lecture videos, assignments, notices, and updates about the class will be posted on the Canvas course site There will also be additional lecture videos and notes, from live Zoom classes, posted It is your responsibility as a student to keep track of the of the posted mate-rials as they become published and the changes made, as well as the due dates.

Course description:

This course includes the study of first order differential equations, higher order linear differential equations, systems of linear first order differential equations, numerical methods, and their appli-cations.

Course format:

This course is structured using a flipped classroom model. Four pre-recorded lectures and three 1 hour 15-minute live Zoom lecture per week. Attending live zoom lectures is optional but highly recommended for your success. Each student will be assigned to two 60-minute in-person recitation per week. Attending problem sessions is not optional. You will be polled for your aviliability and you are expected to attend and participate in your session.

This course policy sheet is subject to change pending changes in University policy. If the university policy changes a new policy sheet will be posted to Canvas, and it is your responsibility as a student to inform yourself of the changes made.

Course modality:

The modality of this course is online asynchronous. All course related meetings including recita-tions and office hours will be held online using Zoom. Although we do not have a classroom, we do have scheduled class times in form of lectures and recitations for online learning. You are expected to watch videos and attend and participate in at least two recitations or office hours per week and to take all exams online during scheduled times.


Announcements, modules, pages, files, and assignments will be posted in Canvas. Link.http://canvas.vt.edu.

It is your responsibility to check them daily.

Please also visit http://intranet.math.vt.edu/courses/math2114/index.html


Graded work will include online quizzes, homework and exams. The grade will be calculated as: Percentages of at least 90, 80, 70, 60 guarantee grades of at least A-, B-, C-, D- respectively. Grading appeals (partial credit appeals, points summed incorrectly, etc) must be addressed to me within one week of posting of grade.

• Quizzes: Short online quizzes will be given on Canvas to check your progress. The majority of the problems will be based on the live sessions. Quizzes are worth 10% of the grade.

• Written Homework: There will be weekly written homework assignments, except on the days of exams and spring break days. We have planned a total of 13 written homework. One lowest scores will be dropped but you will see this only at the end of the semester. Because of this, no late homework will be accepted. You have to show your work including all steps that you had to take, in order to provide the result in order to get full credit. You will submit all this as a single pdf file on Canvas using an ’upload’ button in the assignment environment. Check that your uploaded file has the right orientation and is readable and a good representation of your work. You have two submissions for homework assignments in order to check your submission.

• Exams: Each exam will be given in two parts, first part is written in quiz format. Although there are multiple choice questions, you will need to carefully work on the problems and when done you will need to scan and upload all your work. Second part of each exam will be in the format of homework where you write on the paper take a picture and upload or on the tablet.computer.

• Three exams each count for 25% of the grade.

   Dates for the exams are:

   Exam 1: Monday June 7th ,

   Exam 2: Monday June 21st, and

   Exam 3: Friday July 2nd .

Scanning your work for submission:

As submitting a good pdf file is an important part of your assignments please see the file that gives our suggestions: https://canvas.vt.edu/courses/127466/files?sort=created_at&order=desc

Getting help:

Your success in this class is my priority. If there are topics that are particularly difficult for you to engage with in a public forum, please let me know in advance so that I can assist in navigating these topics. There are also various tutoring options available. Please visit https://www.math.vt.edu/undergrad-math/tutoring.html for more information.


. Experience shows that poor attendance at live sessions most often results in a poor grade. Atten-dance to the problem sessions and office hours will count as 3% of the grade Turning the camera on is highly recommended during the Zoom recitations in order to make us all experience, as much as we can in these hard times, a friendly warm atmosphere of collaborative learning.


1. Quizzes: (10%) Short quizzes relevant to the video lectures and recitations will be assigned weekly on Canvas. Students are allowed only one attempt at these quizzes. Two lowest Canvas quiz scored will be dropped but you will see this at the end of semester.

2. Written Homeworks: (HW) (12%) There will be written homework assignments due twice a week which will be posted on Canvas. Written assignments must be submitted online via Canvas as a SINGLE PDF file. Homework send via email will not be accepted due to the size of the class and short time period that the summer semester runs on. No late homework will be accepted except for a valid reason that is serious, unavoidable, and beyond your control. Technical issues like weak internet connection, broken electronic device, etc, will not be accepted as a valid reason for late HW submissions and extension. Written assignments will generally be due at 11:59 pm EST of the given due date, most weeks on Wednesday and Saturday. Do not wait for last day or even try to submit your work last minute. HW will be posted on Canvas. Grades are assigned based on your work on most problems and the completeness of the rest (i.e. if you put sufficient effort in every problem).

3. Exams: (20% each) There will be three 1 hour 15 minute exams. We are plane that will exams be given online during our normal class period .

Usually, makeup exams will not be given. If a student misses an exam for reasons that are serious, unavoidable, and beyond the student’s control, the situation will be handled on an individual basis. When possible, the student should notify me before missing the exam.

4. Final Exam: In summer final exam is given on the last day of classes.

Important The exams may be mixed type, and may include free response, multiple choice, True/False, fill in the blank or Multiple answer questions depending on the subject. The an-swers to the free response questions should be scanned and submitted as a SINGLE PDF file on Canvas. Exams sent by email or late submissions will not be accepted. In case of a technical problems, extra time can be given if it is reported DURING the exam.

Accomodation: If you need adaptations or accommodations because of a documented disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements please contact SSD, and let me know as soon as possible. You cannot receive special testing acco-modations unless you provide the appropriate documentation at least one week before the test date.

Honor System

Honor code: The Undergraduate Honor Code pledge that each member of the university com-munity agrees to abide by states:

“As a Hokie, I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do.”

The pledge is to be written out on all graded assignments at the university and signed by the student. The honor pledge represents both an expression of the student’s support of the honor code and an unambiguous acknowledgment that the student has, on the assignment in question, abided by the obligation that the Honor Code entails. In the absence of a written honor pledge, the Honor Code still applies to an assignment.

Students enrolled in this course are responsible for abiding by the Honor Code. A student who has doubts about how the Honor Code applies to any assignment is responsible for obtaining specific guidance from the course instructor before submitting the assignment for evaluation. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the University community from the requirements and expectations of the Honor Code. Academic integrity expectations are the same for online classes as they are for in person classes. All university policies and procedures apply in any Virginia Tech acade mic environment. For additional information about the Honor Code, please visit: https://www.honorsystem.vt.edu/

All submitted assignments and tests will be considered graded work and must be completed on an individual basis. No consultation is permitted on tests. Homework may be discussed with other students as well as with the instructor. However, in writing up an assignment to be handed in, each student works alone (without other students or other students’ papers) and certifies that what is written accurately represents the student’s own understanding of the material expressed in the student’s own words. In working, or in preparing to work, homework problems, students may not consult partial or complete solutions of the problems that have been prepared by anyone else. The prohibited solutions include, but are not limited to, solutions by current or former teachers or students at VT or elsewhere, whether these solutions are posted on the web or available from other sources.

Additional Honor Code Guidelines:

1. All assignments submitted shall be considered “graded work” and all aspects of your course-work are covered by the Honor Code. All projects and homework assignments are to be completed individually unless otherwise specified.

2. The Academic Integrity expectations for Hokies are the same in an online class as they are in an in-person class. Hokies are expected to meet the academic integrity standards at Virginia Tech at all times.

3. Commission of any of the following acts shall constitute academic misconduct. This listing is not, however, exclusive of other acts that may reasonably be said to constitute academic misconduct. Clarification is provided for each definition with some examples of prohibited behaviors in the Undergraduate Honor Code Manual located at https://www.honorsystem.vt.edu/

• Cheating: Cheating includes the intentional use of unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices or materials in any academic exercise, or attempts thereof.

• Plagarism: Plagiarism includes the copying of the language, structure, programming, com-puter code, ideas, and/or thoughts of another and passing off the same as one’s own original work, or attempts thereof.

• Falsification: Falsification includes the statement of any untruth, either verbally or in writ-ing, with respect to any element of one’s academic work, or attempts thereof.

• Fabrication: Fabrication includes making up data and results, and recording or reporting them, or submitting fabricated documents, or attempts thereof.

• Multiple submission: Multiple submission involves the submission for credit – without authorization from the instructor receiving the work – of substantial portions of any work (including oral reports) previously submitted for credit at any academic institution of at-tempts thereof.

• Complicity: Complicity includes intentionally helping another to engage in an act of aca-demic misconduct, or attempts thereof.

• Violation of University, College, Departmental, Program, Course, or Faculty Rules: The violation of any University, College, Departmental, Program, Course, or Faculty Rules relating to academic matters that may lead to an unfair academic advantage by the student violating the rule(s).

“If you have questions or are unclear about what constitutes academic misconduct on an assign-ment, please speak with me. I take the honor code very seriously in the course. The normal sanction I will recommend for a violation of the Honor Code is an F* sanction as your final course grade. The F represents failure in the course. The “*” is intended to identify a student who has failed to uphold the values of academic integrity at Virginia Tech. A student who receives a sanction of F* as their final course grade shall have it documented on their transcript with the notation “FAIL-URE DUE TO ACADEMIC HONOR CODE VIOLATION.” You would be required to complete an education program administered by the Honor System in order to have the “*” and notation “FAILURE DUE TO ACADEMIC HONOR CODE VIOLATION” removed from your transcript. The “F” however would be permanently on your transcript.”

Sharing of Work: Notes, assignments, quizzes, tests, exams, solutions, and other materials dis-tributed to or generated in this class are intended for use only by students enrolled in this CRN this semester. Without the teacher’s written permission, no one may show, give, or otherwise make such class materials available to anyone not enrolled in this CRN this semester. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, uploading a test, uploading solutions to problems, and submitting such class materials for online posting. The prohibition on sharing solutions applies to all solutions, regardless of who wrote the solutions.

You may work/discuss together on homework assignments, however your final write-up must be done independently (see honor code Link: https://honorsystem.vt.edu and the honor code file for more details.

Health and safety: Virginia Tech is committed to protecting the health and safety of all members of its community. By participating in this class, all students agree to abide by the Virginia Tech Wellness principles. To uphold these principles, wear a face covering and practice social distancing. Keep each other safe.

Note: This course policy sheet is subject to change pending changes in University policy. If the university policy changes (e.g., we go all online), a new policy sheet will be posted to Canvas, and it is your responsibility as a student to inform yourself of the changes made.