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MAT 223 Winter 2023


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MAT 223

Winter 2023

1. Let S = { v⃗1 , v⃗2 , v⃗3 } be a subset of R3 . Explain how to show whether the set S is linearly independent or linearly dependent. Use your own specific example(s) in your explanation.

2.  Give an example of a set X and a vector in R2 such that projX does not exist (i.e. does not make sense mathematically). Explain your thinking and use a diagram or graph.

3. Find an example of a basis for R3 , B = {b1 , b2 , b3 }, that does not contain any standard basis vectors. Explain your thinking.

4. Let S be a subset of Rn . Explain in your own words how you show S is a subspace using the definition of subspace.

5. Let P be the plane given by:

Prove P is a subspace using the definition of subspace.

6. Let S be a subset of Rn . For which choices of S is span(S) a set with infinitely many vectors? Justify your conclusion.