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ART 1TI3 CO1 Making Art and Understanding Technology & Images


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Making Art and Understanding Technology & Images

Course Objectives

In Making Art and Understanding Technology & Images, students will experience a hands-on introduction to the creative process as it relates to new media art-making. Utilizing a range of artistic approaches,       digital tools, and creative research, students will gain foundational skills in designing, producing, and       analyzing digital imagery. All projects will be informed by readings, assignments, class discussions, and  topical lectures that contextualize and critically examine the relationships between technology, visual       culture, and art. From these projects, students will experiment with their own formal and conceptual         approaches for efectively and creatively expressing visual ideas digitally. Through critical engagement    and the process of making, students will understand how an image’s form, subject matter, and content    come together to communicate meaning.

No previous artistic experience is required.

Students in ART 1TI3 Making Art and Understanding Technology & Images will:

-  Expand the range of their creative self-expression through an in-depth exploration of the fundamentals of art and design.

-   Practice communicating their ideas visually through the production of unied digital art.

-   Receive hands-on experience with an array of digital creative approaches, formats, and materials.

-  Nurture their ability to innovate and solve creative dilemmas through sketching, analysis, research, critical thinking, collaboration, and making.

-   Gain theoretical and historical exposure to a diverse range of new media artists and practices.

-  Know the basic vocabulary and concepts associated with digital imaging, critical discourse, and visual analysis.

-   Enhance their ability to write and speak critically about imagery, artwork, and visual culture.

-  Learn introductory digital media presentation skills for documenting and exhibiting artwork.

The School of the Arts is committed to anti-oppression, anti-racism, open-minded curiosity and collective learning. This means that, together, faculty and students will support each other

in social justice practices, sharing and using chosen pronouns, respecting the expertise that comes from lived experiences of oppression, understanding one’s own privilege, embracing diversity, and deepening our cultural literacy. Members of oppressed groups will not be expected to represent those groups or      take on the labour of educating others. All of us are learning--students and faculty alike.

Textbooks, Materials & Fees

For our rst class meeting please bring your laptop computer, a phone with a camera, a notebook and a pen that you are comfortable writing and drawing with.

All required course reading materials and media will be made available to you via Avenue to Learn

and Miro. Expect to spend up to $75 to $185 on materials for this course.

Required equipment and materials:

.  A sketchbook any convenient size (you can use an existing sketchbook) .

.  A drawing pencil and pen.

.  A laptop computer (Mac or PC).

.  Up to 40 GB of free storage capacity on your device or a storage drive.

. Photoshop Creative Cloud - Photoshop (take advantage of the student pricing through the

McMaster Campus Store) or GIMP (Free to download at http://www.gimp.org).

. iMovie (Mac), Movie Maker (Windows), or DaVinci Resolve (Free version downloadable at https://


.  An image & video capture device: can be either a phone or a digital camera that has the ability to

captures stills and video.

.  A method for transferring images from your camera/phone to your laptop during class - this will be

relative to your platforms and devices.

. Additional items and software may be required depending on course adjustments or individual project needs.

Plan on bringing your laptop, camera/phone, necessary connector cables, sketchbook, and

drawing implements to each class unless otherwise notied . It is important to make sure that your

laptop and camera/phone are fully charged before each class; outlets are not installed in your desks.

Policy on Missed Work, Extensions, and Late Penalties

All work must be completed and submitted by the set deadline date and time. It is the responsibility of the student to attend all classes and meet the submission requirements of the coursework. All missed assignments will automatically be assigned a grade of zero points. Students have up to two weeks to  submit late work for reduced credit. It is the student's responsibility to take the actions necessary to    complete any overdue work; connect with a member of the instructional team if clarification is needed.

Any work submitted within the seven days following the deadline will be marked -10% lower before      grading. Any work submitted within the second week following the deadline will be marked -20% lower before grading. Work submitted over two weeks late will not be assessed for marks and will remain a


You can request an extension and alternate arrangements for exceptional circumstances at the   instructor's discretion. If you cannot keep pace with the coursework, please get in touch with the instructional team to discuss the matter.

Method of Assessment


% of Final


Project/Assignment Deadline

Digital Studio Project 1 (DSP1):

The S1de x 2ide Project


February 10th

Digital Studio Project 2 (DSP2):

Compositing the Virtual w/Realities


March 10th

Digital Studio Project 3 (DSP3):

Group Exquisite Corpse Loop


April 7th

Group Text-to-Image Exploration (GTIE)


March 24th

Digital Remix Sketchbook (DRS)


March 24th

The digital remix sketchbook (DRS) is a self-guided project due on March 24th. The DSR guide and schedule will be posted on the course Miro Board. These weekly digital remix themes will take between 5 to 20 minutes per week - you can spend more    time on them if you want. Every week students are expected to submit a jpeg of the state of the sketchbook image after the     remixing activities to the DRS A2L dropbox. By March 24th, you should have submitted ten image remix states to the DRS A2L dropbox  - these images will be considered the completed Digital Remix Sketchbook.

Personal Development & Participation


In-Class Participation Activities (weekly),

At Home Studio Activities (weekly),

Weekly Responses (weekly),

Quiz 1 - Issued on February 8th,

Quiz 2 - Issued on March 24th

Breakdown of the Personal Development & Participation grade:

In-Class Activities (ICA)……………………………..……6% (10 Assignments, 0.6% per Assignment)

Home Studio Activities (HSA)……………………………6% (6 Assignments, 1% per Assignment)

Weekly Responses (WR)…………..……………………10% (10 Responses, 1% per Response)

Quizzes (QZ)……………………………………………….3% (2 Quizzes, 1.5% per Quiz)

The In-Class Activity (ICA) grade includes weekly attendance, in-class activities, participation in lectures & discussions, and active participation in collaborative activities. The Home Studio Activity (HSA) grade relates to the any assigned studio activities completed outside of class.

Bonus Marks Opportunities


Opportunities will be announced on

Avenue and Miro as they become


You can earn up to +5% in bonus marks counted toward your overall grade for attending two specific artist lectures and events. More info on the bonus marks will be presented in-class and can be found on the class Miro board.

Students will receive a mid-term mark reecting 20% of their overall grade by March 17th, 2022.

Assessment in Making Art & Understanding Technology & Images will reflect the student's demonstrated efort, expectations met, personal growth, the intensity of explorations, and level of participation. Each    new project will include detailed guidelines the instructor will review in class and a grading rubric             describing how submitted work will be marked. All project guidelines and grading rubrics will be posted on Avenue to Learn and Miro. Students may not submit previously graded work or work produced for other courses for evaluation.

Submitting Projects and Documentation for Assessment

All projects and assignment instructions will include submission guidelines . Students will be expected to

format correctly and upload ALL artwork made for 1TI3 this term to the appropriate Avenue to Learn

dropbox. Work submitted as an uncompressed le or in a format diferent than requested will be

considered late and marked as a zero until the properly formatted le is uploaded. Use the following le

naming convention for your les:

Your Last Name_Your First Name_Project Code_Date of Completion.file type (I.e., jpeg)

Assessing Studio Projects

Scoring for Studio Projects is based on the following criteria:

Degree of thoughtfulness displayed in completing the project objectives,

Level of advancement and innovation with newly acquired technical skills,

The measure of unity balancing the project's ideas, form, and subject matter,

The degree of risk-taking, willingness to experiment and work through any resulting issues,

Quality and thoughtfulness of the project's presentation.

Assessing Personal Development & Participation

This class relies on studio activities, workshops, creative solution-finding actives, visual analysis, home

studio activities, and quizzes to build necessary skills and knowledge. The intensity of participation and

investment in this work will reect your art practice's growth. The following will factor into this grade:

Arriving at class on time,

Listening to lectures and demonstrations and participating in workshops,

Active engagement in discussions and discussions,

Being prepared to work during the work period,

Active engagement with in-class projects,

Analyzing and ofering opinions about peer work in progress,

Conceptual and formal development.

In-Class Activities (ICA)

The In-Class Activity (ICA) score accounts for your participation in class lectures, discussions, and         activities. The deadlines for the ICAs will be on the following Fridays before 8 AM. Before uploading your files, ensure they are formatted correctly and named using the outlined le naming convention. Upload   your home studio activities in the Avenue to Learn dropbox for marking.

These assignments will be assessed using the following scale:

. Full Participation (8-10 Points): Met expectations by fully investigating the material.                          . Participation (6-7.9 Points): Met some expectations with some investigation of the material.             . Marginal Participation (5-5.9 Points): Met few expectations with an investigation of low intensity.    . No Participation (0 Point): No submission or expectations met with no evidence of an investigation.

Depending on the nature of the assignment, some ICA assignments may be completed for up to full credit if absent that day. In the case of exceptional circumstances, in-class assignments that are not easily recreated outside of class will be marked as no credit.


You will have one week to complete these quizzes on Avenue to Learn. Each quiz will be no longer than ten questions, and these questions will range in form from multiple choice to challenges requiring          creative solutions. The content of the quizzes will cover material from the lectures, discussions, creative projects, and reading assignments. All quizzes are considered "open book." While taking it, you may reference your notes along with any materials provided in class.

Home Studio Activities (HSA)

The deadlines for the HSAs will be on Fridays before 8 AM. Before uploading your les, ensure they are formatted correctly and named using the outlined le naming convention. Upload your home studio       activities in the Avenue to Learn dropbox for marking. These assignments will be assessed using a 10-  point scale:

. Exceptional (10 Points): Exceeded all expectations with a full investigation of the material,

. Excellent (8 Points): Met all expectations with a full investigation of the material,

. Good (7 Points): Satisfactory, met most exceptions with one factor,

. Satisfactory (6 Points): Met some expectations, with two or more factors,

. Marginal (5 Points): Did not meet the basic project requirements and displays a low level of investigation, . Unacceptable (0 Point): No submission or expectations met with little to no exploration of the material.

Reading Assignments & Weekly Responses (WR)

The deadlines for the WRs will be on Fridays before 8 AM. Students must complete and submit a weekly response (WR) for each weekly reading assignment. These responses are guided by formatting                guidelines and a list of questions posted in that week's reading assignment A2L dropbox. Format your    word document accordingly and answer the questions to the best of your ability. These les can be         submitted either as a word or PDF document. The scoring for theWRs will be on a Pass or Fail basis.

Review Notes (RN)

Documentation of your review "sticky notes" are due no later than 24 hrs following the in-class

review. Take a screenshot of each of your notes as you leave them - follow the formatting guidelines that

will be made available prior to the review. Make sure your note includes the Printed Name, MacId, the

name of the peer receiving the feedback, and the feedback text. Submit your review notes as jpeg

images to your A2L Review Notes dropbox.