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ECON7000 Computer Managed Learning (CML) Quiz Information


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ECON7000 Computer Managed Learning (CML) Quiz Information


The CML component of ECON7000 consists of six quizzes delivered via Blackboard over the course of the semester. The quizzes are worth 10% each with the best five (out of 6) quizzes contributing towards your final mark (total 50%).


There are 10 questions in each CML quiz.   Each quiz will become available BEFORE all of the theory is covered to solve some quiz questions.   Students should work progressively through the quizzes as the relevant material is covered in lectures, tutorials and PASS.  Each CML contains different question sets for each student.  All question sets are of equal difficulty.  The question sets may include:

•    Calculate an answer.

•    Fill-in-the-blank.

•    Multiple choice with one correct answer (round selection buttons) – See RULES below.

•    Multiple choice with one or more correct answers (square selection buttons) – See RULES below.


The CML Second Attempt is: a) to better the First Attempt score and/or b) for extra practice.

The Second Attempts are available the day after the First Attempts close.  Second Attempts use different questions. Only a student's best score from their two attempts for each CML (or the score from just one attempt, being either the first or second attempt) will go towards the student's aggregate CML result.


1.    On the release date, access your quiz by clicking on Assessment (main menu tab) > CML Quizzes.

It is strongly advised that you print the questions by right clicking and selecting the print option. Alternatively, you may copy and paste the quiz into a Word document and print from there.

2.    Once you have a copy of the questions, we suggest you exit from the browser.  DO NOT PRESS Submit” .

If you press “Submit” at this stage before answering the questions, your mark will be zero.

3.   Attempt the quiz and then come back and enter your answers into Blackboard - See RULES below.

By clicking the Save button, this will save any answers you have entered.  You can come back later to continue working on your quiz if needed.

4.    When you are happy with the answers you have entered into Blackboard, click Submit” . Immediately: you’ll receive your Attempt Score.

On the Closing Date: view correct/incorrect responses in “ My Grades” (see image on page 3 below).


Blackboard requires particular formats be followed when entering your answers.  Many students lose marks by not following these required rules:

•    Symbols or units should NOT be included when entering your answer for a numerical value.  That is, do not enter things such as $, %, cm, kg, etc. with your answer.

•    Decimals must be exactly as specified in the question - IMPORTANT.

▪    Example: answer to three decimal places” requires 5.200 and NOT 5.2 to be entered.

•    Negative numbers MUST include minus (-) signs WITHOUT a space.

o Example: enter -2.3 and NOT - 2.3

•    Decimal numbers use decimal points (.) and not a comma (,)

•    Large numbers do not have commas or spaces.

o Example: enter 3251600 and NOT 3 251 600 and NOT 3,251,600

•    Round the final answer only (not progressively as you do calculations).

•    Round to the number of decimal places specified in the question.  Conventional rounding rules apply (i .e. if the next number to the right is a 5 or higher, round up; otherwise truncate).

o Example: “answer to two decimal places”:

▪    0.5948 is 0.59

▪    0.5966 is 0.60

▪    5 is 5.00

•    Round negative numbers following this rule: When deciding whether to round up or down a ‘5’, round it such that you go closer to zero.

o Example: “answer to whole number only, no decimal places”

▪    -41.50 is -41

▪    -41.48 is -41

▪    -41.62 is -42

▪    -41.58 is -41 because we only look to one digit more than the required number of decimal places when rounding.

•    Units (millions/thousands) must be correct .

o Example: answer in millions to two decimal places”.

▪    Enter 1.79 and NOT 1790000

•   Take note of any additional instructions at the top of each quiz that refer specifically to that quiz.

•    Percentage answers are NOT answered with a %.

o Example: answer as a percentage to one decimal place requires

▪    Enter 10.0 and NOT 10.0% and NOT 0.100

•    Numeric values must be from an English keyboard.  Chinese keyboards can confuse the Blackboard system.

•    Negative Marking applies to MCQ with one or more correct answer(s) (square selection button):

•    Partial credits are awarded (or deducted) for each correct (or incorrect) answer.

•    The number of marks for a question might NOT correspond to the number of correct answers (e.g.: if a question is worth 3 marks, there could be 1, 2, or 3 correct answers).

•    The minimum mark that can be awarded overall for the question is zero.

•    Partial credits will be awarded for each correct answer where:

o only one (1) of the four (4) options is correct, the partial credit is 100%.

o two (2) of the four (4) options are correct, each partial credit is 50%.

o three (3) of the four (4) options are correct, each partial credit is 33.33%.

o all four (4) options are correct, each partial credit is 25%.

o Example: If three of the four possible answers are correct, and the question is worth 1 mark.

▪    3/3 correct answers and no incorrect answer = 1/1

•    0.333 + 0.333 + 0.333 for correct choices.

▪    2/3 correct answers and no incorrect answer = 0.666/1

•    0.333 + 0.333 for correct choices.

▪    2/3 correct answers and 1 incorrect answer = 0.333/1

•    0.333 + 0.333 for correct choices, -0.333 for incorrect choice.

▪    1/3 correct answers and 1 incorrect answers = 0/1

•    0.333 for correct choice, -0.333 for incorrect choices.    (continues next page ….)

▪    0/3 correct answers and 1 incorrect answers = 0/1

•    Minimum score is zero.

•    Zeros after a decimal: Some web browsers may remove excesszeros when a quiz is exited.  Example: You enter 21.30 (to two decimal places), save, exit and return later to the quiz.  You may find your answer has changed to 21.3.  That is, the zero is deleted.  Double check your answers prior to submission.


Technical difficulties, wording of the quiz questions, quiz marking queries:  please email the CML Coordinator Eashwar Alagappan econ.cml@uq.edu.au   Please include your name, student number and a copy of the relevant question.  Please also include ECON7000 in the subject line of your email.  The CML Coordinator is unable to assist with queries relating to calculation of answers for CML quiz questions.

To view quiz answers after the closing date