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Economic Fundamentals and Financial Markets, ECON5005


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Economic Fundamentals and Financial Markets, ECON5005

Question 1 - 100%

1.1 Solve the following integral:                                              (10 points)

.0 10 3 e t dt

1.2  One-good model. Consider the utility function

1 e-yc  


A consumer solves

max u(c)


subject to the constraint

y = cp

Use the following values:

y = 35, 000       γ = 2.7       p = 12

i. As a preliminary step, write down the formula for u\ (c).       (20 points)

ii. Write down the Lagrangian.                                      (20 points)

iii. Solve for optimal consumption c as a function of the Lagrange multiplier. [HINT: Start by writing down the rst order condition for c. Then take the logarithm.]                                (25 points)

iv. Solve for the Lagrange multiplier. [HINT: Substitute the answer from the previous question into the budget constraint.] (25 points)

Question 2 - 100%

Deterministic optimal growth model. Let

u(c) =

1 e-yc


f (k) =

1 e-ak


A representative individual solves

m xc(a) .0 o e-ptu(ct )dt

subject to

k˙t  = f (kt ) − ct           k0  = k*

(a) Write the appropriate Hamiltonian                                   (10 points)

(b) State the solution for consumption as a function of the costate vari-

able. [HINT: You might need to take a logarithm.]  (20 points)

(c) State the equation for the costate variable.  (10 points)

(d) State the steady-state capital.   (20 points)

(e) State the steady-state interest rate.           (20 points)

(f) State the ow of profit in the steady state.  (10 points)

(g) State the price of an equity share in the representative firm in the steady state. (10 points)