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ENGRMAE 10 W23 Individual Infographic Project


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Individual Infographic Project



Create a one-page infographic about a MATLAB user-defined function that you create. Your user-defined function needs to perform calculations otherwise not available through built-in MATLAB functions. The function needs to answer a question a user may pose and answer it through various outputs and plots. Some examples of possible functions:

1. Ask the user to input a matrix of study times for each class. Have the function output figures of time breakdowns, studying trends, etc. Allow the user to only analyze trends for one class, or two classes instead of all classes.

2. Ask the user to input a child’s weight/height/gender/age. Compare the child’s statistics to the national averaged based on gender and age. Output a figure of the national averages along with a dot specific to that child.

3. Record your health data using Matlab Mobile. Analyze your steps, distance walked, heart rate, etc. Output a figure that analyzes activity over a span of the week, compares different days, and offers suggestions.

Once you have created your function, create a one-page .pdf infographic that describes your function and potential uses. Provide an example of using your function.

Specific requirements:

Your user defined function must include the following features:

1. Well written and commented code

2. Produces at least one figure summarizing results

3. Asks for at least one data input from the user

4. Asks user if they want to save the data and has an option to save the figure that it produces Your infographic must include the following features:

1. Name of the function

2. Brief explanation of the purpose/functionality of your function

3. List of 3-5 examples of possible uses

4. List of 3-5 related built-in functions


Please submit a one-page .pdf and m-file of your function, on Canvas.


1. Consider what kind of analyses may be useful to you: What is a tool that you would find useful in your daily life? For another class? Can you make that tool?

2. Plot something you are tracking (your daily step total, your books read this year)

3. Look into MATLAB Mobile! Maybe collect some data for analysis.

4. Consider research data available publicly. Can you use that data to analyze specific questions?