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CS 372 - Assignment#2


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CS 372 - Assignment#2

Total = 100 points

1. List four benefits of the 3-layer architectural style? Select two benefits and explain them in detail (14 pts).

2. Using the 3-layer architecture style, explain concretely the two design principles: “Strong Cohesion” and “Loose Coupling” (12 pts).

3. Based on the same problem requirements elicited in Question#11 of Assignment#1, design (draw) the 3-layer architecture of your application. Provide details (the sub- components) for each layer (15 pts).

4. Explain the acceptance testing (5 pts).

5. Contrast between top-down strategy in software design and bottom-up strategy in software implementation (10 pts).

6. Explain in detail the evolutive and perfective maintenance using concrete examples for each (12 pts).

7. Provide two well-known risks in software management. Explain why both are con- sidered as risks (10 pts).

8. What is the difference between software validation and verification (10 pts)?

9. Contrast evolutionary prototyping and throwaway prototyping (12 pts).