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PSYCH 105: Psychology as a Science and Profession Spring 2023


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PSYCH 105: Psychology as a Science and Profession

Spring 2023

Study Guide for Exam #2

Exams will be open in Canvas for a 4-hour window on the designated days. You must submit your exam prior to the exam closing time. Exam 2 is open on Wednesday March 1, from 3pm-7pm. We will not have class on the exam day.

The exam will feature a total of 40 multiple choice and true/false questions, each worth 2 points. You will have 50 minutes to complete the exam once you open it. Late exams are subject to late penalties.

The exam is open note and book. You may NOT work together, collaborate during the exam or share exam items with other students. Posting exam items online/groupme or collaborating on an exam with another student is a violation of academic integrity, and suspected cases will be reported to the university.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: “What do we need to know about…” any given topic

A: EVERYTHING – if we covered it in lecture, it could show up on the exam.

Use this study guide to quiz yourself after you have reviewed and studied your notes.

Q: “How much are the readings emphasized?”

A: Questions may be taken from the readings. The readings that you are responsible for are highlighted below. The majority of questions will be from the lecture.

Q: “Do I need to memorize dates?”

A: You should know a general time period/decade that important events happened, but will not be required to memorize specific dates that things happened. Questions will emphasize your understandings of important events rather than exactly when they happened.

Here are the general topics that you should know:

Clinical/Counseling Psychology as a Career (Helms and Rogers Ch 10)

Scholar-Practitioner (Vail) vs. Scientist-Practitioner (Boulder) Model vs. Clinical Scientist

What are the pros and cons of Ph.D. vs. Psy.D.? (trade-offs)

Related Careers

Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist, Counselor/Therapist, Social Worker

What education do you need to be a drug and alcohol counselor?

Bachelor’s level careers

Are these careers expected to grow/decline?

What is the path to becoming an LPC? Doctoral license?

Pay particular attention to these sections in H&R Chapter 10:

The Work- Core activities of practice and research

Employment Issues

Related careers (Psychiatrist, Clinical Social Worker, Counselor/Therapist)

Training and Preparation- Doctoral and Master’s degree options

Variations in graduate programs (freestanding vs professional schools)


Bachelors level Career Options (Mental Health Technician/Aide, and Human/Social Service Specialist)

Counseling Psychology (Baker and Benjamin Ch 5)

What is Counseling Psychology?

How is it similar to/different from Clinical Psychology?

What makes Counseling Psychology unique?

What was the role of the Child Saving Movement/settlement homes/social progressives in the development of Counseling Psychology?

Who is the father of Counseling Psychology?

What is the triadic formulation for career guidance?

What impact did WWII/GI Bill have on Counseling Psychology?

What impact did the National Mental Health Act of 1964 have on the field of psychology?

What impact did Carl Rogers have on Counseling Psychology? (See B&B 206-208)

Career Testing

-       E.K. Strong and the Strong Interest Inventory

-       What is John Holland’s RIASEC theory?

-       Be familiar with each domain and jobs that represent each type

School Psychology (B&B Ch.3 and H&R Ch. 11)

What is school psychology? What is NASP?

How children have significant mental health concerns?

What do School Psychologists do and in what settings?

According to H&R, what are the employment issues facing school psychologists?

How do you become a school psychologist?

What is the child study movement and who was the leader of this movt?

What was G. Stanley Hall’s approach to studying children/what were his core ideas?

Who is Lewis Terman and what did he study?

Who was the first school psychologist? Why did they get this title?

Who is the “father” of school psychology? Why did they get this title?

How did Lightner Witmer’s approach to testing children differ from G. Stanley Hall’s approach?

What did Gertrude Hildreth contribute to school psychology?

What is the era of scientific racism in Psychology and when was it?

What are the contributions of Mamie and Kenneth Clark?

The Doll Study and findings

How did the 1975: Education for All Handicapped Children Act impact school psychology?

Similarities and differences between a School Psychologist and School Counselor

What are the careers and growth rates of School Psych related careers, including BA level careers?

-Review H&R Chapter 11- you might get questions from this chapter

I/O Psychology (B&B Ch. 4 and H&R Ch. 9)

What do I/O Psychologists do? Human Factors psychologists?

Industrial vs. Organizational Psychology. What is the difference? What topics do each type focus on?

What is a job analysis?

What is the most common activity of an I/O psychologist?

In which setting do most I/O psychologists work?

What did Walter Dill Scott contribute to I/O psychology? How did he view consumers?

What did Harry Hollingworth contribute to I/O psychology? What are the goals of advertisement, and how did Hollingworth approach advertisements?

Coca Cola vs. US Government- What was the beef and how did psychology help?

What was John Watson’s approach to advertising?

What is Scientific Management (specific components)? Who started it? Why did it fail?

Who advocated that Scientific Management needed to consider the psychology and needs of the worker?

What did Hugo Munsterberg contribute?

Who is credited with founding Industrial psychology?

What is meant by “efficiency” and how did psychologists (like Munsterberg) approach the task of increasing efficiency in businesses?

What are the Hawthorne studies, and what conclusions were drawn from these studies?

What is the Hawthorne effect?

What did Kurt Lewin contribute to I/O psychology? What conclusions did he make related to leadership styles? See B&B Pg. 165

What historical events prompted the field of Human Factors Psychology? B&B 169

What did William Jenkins contribute to human factors psychology?

In which departments can you find training programs in Human Factors Psychology?

What skills are valued in I/O psychology today?

What careers are available in I/O psychology with a Bachelor’s degree? What are the titles that human resources jobs are typically called?

What are the growth rates of I/O related jobs?

Be sure to review H&R Ch. 9. There can be questions from this chapter on the exam that we did not cover in class.

Forensic Psychology (H & R Ch 15)
What is forensic psychology?
What are the 4 main activities that Forensic Psychologists do?
What do Forensic Psychologists do in clinical practice?
What is NGRI? What happens if someone is found NGRI?
What is the difference between Criminal and Civil Forensic Psychology?
Criminal versus Civil Assessment Areas
Criminal versus Civil Treatment Areas
Fact or Crap- is a lie detector test accurate?
What is the “criminal profiling myth” and why is it just a myth?
How do you become a Forensic Psychologist (Applied and Research Paths)?
Do you need a law degree?
What are master’s level opportunities?
What are bachelor’s level opportunities?

Careers in Research (H & R Ch 8)
What percentage of doctoral degrees are awarded in research-intense subfields?
Be familiar with each of the 5 research intense subfields in the H&R chapter, and what are common topics studied for each.
What are the steps in the scientific method?
Fact or Crap? Should you change your answer on a multiple-choice test?
What is basic versus applied research?
What training is needed to be a researcher?
In which setting do most researchers work?
What can impact job opportunities/job security when working in academia?
What are the main activities of a researcher in academia?
What is tenure?
What are bachelor’s level career in research and what is the expected growth?

People that you should know: (So many fewer than exam 1, thank goodness!)

G. Stanley Hall

Lightner Whitmer

Lewis Terman

Arnold Gesell

Gertrude Hildreth

Kenneth and Mamie Clark

Walter Dill Scott

Harry Hollingworth

John Watson

Hugo Munsterberg

Frederick Taylor

Lillian Gilbreth

Elton Mayo

Kurt Lewin

William Jenkins

Frank Parsons

Carl Rogers

E. K. Strong

John Holland