关键词 > EC372



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The test consists of two questions. Candidates must answer all questions.

Time allowed:    2 hours.

Question 1: (50 marks): Answer all parts (a), (b), and (c) of this question.

(a)  [10 marks] When the Central Bank purchases Government bonds held by banks, this:

I.       induces banks to increase their leverage

II.        makes banks less likely to grant loans to firms

III.       increases the mismatch of assets and liabilities of banks

IV.       makes banks more likely to grant loans to firms

V.       makes banks more fragile

Indicate which of the above is correct and briefly motivate your answer.

(b)  [10 marks] The presence of deposit insurance :

I.       Induces banks to hold excessive cash reserves

II.        Increases the possibility of having bank runs

III.        Induces banks to grant riskier loans

IV.       Lowers banksprofits

V.       Implies that banks should not be regulated.

Indicate which of the above is correct and briefly motivate your answer.

(c)  [30 marks]  Suppose there are 50 investors. Each investor has savings equal to £200 at t=0 which he deposits in a bank, to be withdrawn either at t=1 or at t=2. It is known that a  fraction 0.1 of the depositors will have a liquidity shock and will then have to     withdraw at t=1.  Assume the bank promises to pay to the depositors who withdraw at t=1 the amount deposited.

What is the minimal number of depositors who will want to withdraw at t=1? And what is the amount of cash the bank must have available at t=1 to meet  these withdrawal requests?

Suppose the bank can use the cash received from investors at t=0 to make two- period loans to firms, yielding a net return of 10%. What is the maximal amount of money the bank can use at t=0 to make loans to firms, while having enough   cash at t=1 to meet the withdrawal requests you found in (i)?

What is the maximal interest rate the bank is able to offer to depositors who withdraw at t=2?

Suppose you are a depositor in the bank who did not experience a liquidity    shock. Given the interest rate you found in (iii), will you always prefer to wait and withdraw at t=2 or only under some conditions?

Suppose a 100% reserve requirement is imposed on banks. Explain in maximum three lines what are the costs and benefits of this measure.

Question 2: (50 marks): Answer all parts (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this question.

(a) [20 marks] Consider a bank with the following balance sheet at t=0. On the asset side it has a  two-year zero coupon bond, with a face value of £250,000, selling for £230,000; on the    liability side it has a one year zero coupon bond, with a face value of £230,000, selling at


-     What is the annual yield to maturity of the two-year bond?

-     What is the yield to maturity of the one-year bond? What is the level of bank equity at t=0?

-     Suppose in a year from now (at t=1) the central bank were to tighten monetary     policy so that the yield to maturity on one year bonds increases to 10%. What will be the value of the bank’s equity at t=1?

(b) [10 marks] Other thing equal, an increase in the reserve requirement faced by banks will:

I.       increase the amount of deposits available for lending

II.       induce the depositors to withdraw money from the banks

III.        reduce the amount of deposits available for lending

IV.       induce the banks to invest in Treasury securities

V.       not change the amount of funds available for lending                   Indicate which of the above is correct and briefly motivate your answer.

(c) [10 marks]  Consider a firm hiring an information provider who produces valuable              information to the firm only if it exerts a high level of effort. Exerting a high level of effort is more costly for the information provider than exerting low effort. The compensation     offered by the firm to the information provider must satisfy incentive compatibility to


I.      The information provider prefers to work for the firm rather than taking alternative job opportunities

II.       The information provider prefers to exert a low rather than a high level of effort.

III.       The information provider prefers to exert a high rather than a low level of effort.

IV.       The compensation to the information provider is constant, independent of any signal the firm may receive about its performance

V.       The information provider will never quit the firm.

Indicate which of the above is correct and briefly motivate your answer.

(d) [10 marks]  An inverted (decreasing) yield curve indicates that:

I.        Investors expect interest rates to decrease in the future

II.        Investors prefer to invest at short rather than long maturities

III.        Investors expect interest rates to increase in the future

IV.        Investors expect bonds to default in the future

V.       Investors expect a bank run to occur

Indicate which of the above is correct and briefly motivate your answer.